Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 11 months ago
Pray for Mike. I am
“College students in Brooklyn are about do to something the National Rifle Association has refused to — build a smart gun,” a purported “news report” by the New York Daily News proclaims in what it’s labeled an “Exclusive.” Right off the bat, and unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with how the rag compulsively lies about guns, they start off with a misdirecting falsehood.
Good. Here’s what I want you to do, students. Spend a lot of time on it. Put your best and brightest on this project. They can use “smart guns” to build their CV for when they apply for jobs. I want you to pour money into this, enough to bankrupt the school if the gun isn’t sold. Then I want you to market it at local guns stores. If you’re in New York, you might have to drive a long way, or market it to your local police. Write me a note and tell me how it goes.
When people have no cause for conflict, they invent it. For this we have football teams in which armored felons having no connection to us attack somebody else’s felons—and we become deeply involved emotionally.
A Ninth Circuit panel on Tuesday refused to set aside a California law banning depictions of handguns on gun store advertisements.
I guess the first amendment doesn’t matter any more.
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