A Touching And Heartwarming Story Of Violence And Revolution

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 10 months ago

I have certain incorrigible views of covenant and sovereignty that have their genesis in my Calvinian theology, and it is always interesting to observe and study how men relate to one another and to God.  But before we get to that, let’s begin with what’s happened in the narco-trafficking world.  This analysis promises to be lengthy and perhaps even tedious, so if you intend to make it through a sweeping panorama of violence, revolution and covenant, get a strong cup of coffee and a hard back chair.

There was a time, the story goes, when if a local collided with a drug trafficker’s car on the streets of Culiacán — a bastion of the infamous Sinaloa cartel — the narco was likely to hop out to check that everything was ok.

“They’d say: ‘If you have any problems call this doctor and I’ll pay,'” says journalist Javier Valdez, who specializes in delving into the entrails of drug trafficking culture in Sinaloa. “Not anymore. Now they’ll get out of the car with a pistol. Not only will they not pay you; they’ll beat you, threaten you, or kill you.”

Such tales of shifting mafia etiquette are part of the legend of the underworld in Sinaloa but, close observers like Valdez say, there is also truth to the idea that the newer generations rising up within the Sinaloa drug trafficking scene are more violent and impulsive. And none more so than the one emerging to take control right now.

Few in Culiacán dispute Chapo’s status as a ruthless and bloodthirsty operator, but many credit his generation of Sinaloa traffickers with ensuring the cartel is still considered less wholeheartedly exploitative and sadistic than some other Mexican groups, such as the Knights Templar or the Zetas. While the point is often overstated, the Sinaloa cartel leadership has traditionally limited the expansion of side-rackets, such as extortion and kidnapping, at least on its home turf.

[ … ]

At other times the cartel has prospered because Chapo and his peers have maintained strong relationships with the impoverished communities where they grew up, Valdez says. The writer also emphasized that such leaders have often shown themselves to be been smart enough to know when to negotiate with enemies, including rival cartels, politicians, state security forces, and even the Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA. This may not be the case, he says, with their more impetuous offspring.

“This generation does not have this sense of belonging, they’re more violent, more dangerous,” Valdez warns. “Their ascendency could put the stability of the cartel at risk.”

Those fears have proven true enough, as the current cadre of Hispanic and Latino crime lords have been known to behead, torture, and engage in inflicting pain and violence merely for the pleasure they see in it with no intended tactical advantage.  I have long said that I don’t believe in the war on drugs, but that without such a misinformed and misdirected campaign the cartels would still exist because they are warlords and shouldn’t be considered “drug” cartels per se.  Just as the Tehrik-e-Taliban engage in extortion, kidnapping, and mining of precious metals and gemstones, the Hispanic and Latino cartels aren’t restricted to drugs.

They have expanded into timber harvesting, and this has caused enough problems in one area of Mexico to catalyze the violent overthrow of the government and cartels altogether.

CHERÁN, MEXICO — Silently in the mountainous deep green of southwestern Mexico’s ancient pine and oak forests, volunteers armed with automatic weapons press forward on patrol.

They aren’t hunting insurgents or drug smugglers, common here in Michoacan state. And they aren’t part of any army. These self-appointed guardabosques — forest guards — are defending the land from illegal clear-cutting by regional organized crime cartels.

In doing so, they illustrate a determination not to succumb to despair in the face of violence — a commitment Pope Francis urged on Mexicans during a visit to Michoacan earlier this month.

Few people interviewed here last year would give their full names out of concern over retaliation. But they were undeterred nonetheless. Jacinto, from a neighboring village, explained what happened: “The trouble began in 2008. That’s when the federal officials came in with the gun registry lists and went house to house. They took our guns away.”

That disarmament effort, to which locals ascribe to nefarious motives, left them with only antiquated single-shot weapons for hunting vermin. These were of little use when the cartel loggers came over the mountain in 2010.

In his cowboy hat and black-and-white plaid shirt, Don Santiago, a 62-year-old wiry, soft-spoken resin farmer of the Purhépecha tribe, said organized criminal syndicates have entered into the large-scale forest destruction business. “We couldn’t go to the police,” he said. “The police were in the pay of the gangsters.”

The main criminal cartels in Michoacán are known as The Michoacán Family, known as La Familia for short, and the Knights Templars, or Templares.

Tension rose as the people of Cherán found their treasured forests being leveled closer to home. Huge, noisy lumber trucks tore through town to haul out the logs, seemingly around the clock. With police and elected officials unwilling to help, a small group of local women, led by a diminutive, five-foot firebrand affectionately known as Doña Chepa, rose up to take their forests back.

“The breaking point came on April 15, 2011,” said David, a big, animated Purhépecha tribesman. “It was Holy Week. The women came to stop the clear-cutters.”

About 15 women piled rocks on the roads as barricades. With the trucks immobilized, the women used rocks and fireworks to chase the cartel raiders away. A church bell clanged an alarm for citizen reinforcements. When the police arrived, the women directed their fireworks on them, pushing them back. “We surrounded all the exits to the town,” David said.

Nothing like this had happened before in Cherán. Energized locals directed their rage at the politicians who had done nothing to stop the deforestation. Armed with their obsolete hunting rifles and shotguns, families converged on the town center. Using one of the abandoned logging trucks as a battering ram, citizens stormed the town administration building and police station and overthrew the local government. The police abandoned their posts — and their weapons.

Mexico’s militarized police, even in small towns, often carry AR-15 assault rifles. Now those weapons were in the hands of the townspeople. “Then we started the rondas,” David said, referring to the armed citizen patrols.

The townspeople created a provisional government and banned political parties so that no candidate for public office would be beholden to outside political forces. They invented an electoral system to eliminate vote-buying and ballot-stuffing. All candidates for public office had to stand in the central square, with their supporters lining up behind them to determine who would win. Gangsters sent agents into the villages to burn cars and homes, and hunt down the guardabosques. In the course of the next three years, 18 of Cherán’s defenders, including Don Santiago’s brother, would be killed, and five more disappeared before the organized crime operations were shut down.

Cherán is a tidy little town that’s closed to outsiders. Heavily armed uniformed guards man checkpoints at every entrance and exit, questioning people whose faces or vehicles they don’t know. Hand-painted graffiti, in neat lettering, tells outsiders what the locals really think: “Leave us alone.”

To save face while recognizing reality, the Mexican government officially accepted Cherán’s new autonomous status. It deputized the checkpoint guards and guardabosques as the de facto authority to protect the forest lands. It issued them uniforms as “community police,” without attempting to take away or even register their newfound automatic weapons.

Federal police in shiny black twin-cab pickup trucks, wearing black tactical gear and armed with M4s and an occasional roll-bar-mounted machine gun, patrol the clean superhighways and the potholed back roads of rural Michoacán. The locals generally welcome the federales, sent in last year by President Enrique Peña Nieto to crush the cartels. The federales don’t interfere with Cherán’s guardabosques, and keep in contact with them by radio.

The checkpoint guards, young men in their late teens or early 20s, wear blue uniforms bearing embroidered seven-point stars and custom-made shoulder patches.

This is truly great investigative reporting, the kind we don’t often see any more.  I applaud the folks in this little corner of the world.  But will it last, and can it expand?

The article concludes with this. “Our whole way of life is in these forests,” said Don Santiago, the soft-spoken tribal elder. Tapping the resin from highland pines is a way of life, and an art, he inherited from ancestors who can be traced back to the Aztec empire. An individual pine tree can be tapped for up to 80 years for resin sold as raw material for industrial and food products.  “The pines have faces,” said Don Santiago, reflecting the mysticism of his people.”

Their way of life is tied up in the forest and protecting it’s health and viability.  But what if instead of cartel violence, they employ another strategy?  What if they get to several of the mothers and tell them, “We’re here to help you.  Here is a million dollars for each of you, take your family across the border, enroll you children in American schools and universities, and live a much better life than you could here?”  Will they break, or are they committed to a world view that can sustain them against the advances of their enemies, come what may?

At WRSA there is a salient question being posed concerning the American constitution and body of constitutional law.  It isn’t worth a duck’s fart, concludes the analysis, because it admits to, among other things, abortion on demand.  True enough, abortion is murder against the innocent, and whether you are a conservative Christian like me, or a committed libertarian (in which case abortion is unjustified aggression against an innocent party), a country that sacrifices its young won’t long last as a viable entity.

I’ll give you the premise of the article, as long as you give me the following stipulations.  The American constitution is the best that man has come up with so far, by a long ways, as long as you consider what John Adams said about it.  “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Implemented by gargoyles, demons and bloodthirsty tyrants, the constitution is like the Book of Church Order for Presbyterians.  It becomes merely a system of protection of those in charge, regardless of what those in charge do.  It can be twisted to say anything you want as long as you see the world through the eyes of evil.  And thus we are back to world and life views.

My own views on this are fairly well known, and I have rehearsed them before.  The views of my teacher, John Calvin, are the very basis of the American war of independence.  Douglas Kelly, my former Systematic Theology Professor (along with C. Gregg Singer), observes the following.

Their experience in Presbyterian polity – with its doctrine of the headship of Christ over the church, the two-powers doctrine giving the church and state equal standing (so that the church’s power is not seen as flowing from the state), and the consequent right of the people to civil resistance in accordance with higher divine law – was a major ingredient in the development of the American approach to church-state relations and the underlying questions of law, authority, order and rights.

[ … ]

It was largely from the congregation polity of these New England puritans that there came the American concept and practice of government by covenant – that is to say: constitutional structure, limited by divine law and based on the consent of the people, with a lasting right in the people to resist tyranny.

When the rulers break covenant, as they did in the case above in Mexico, and as the King did against Americans, revolution is not only just, it is covenantally necessary.  Covenant, to be proper, has two parts: promises and curses, the later applied for breaking covenant.  These beliefs for me are, to use the words of philosopher Alvin Pantinga, incorrigible.  There is never a time when I will not believe these propositions.  Similarly, I don’t care one iota about the second amendment.  As I’ve explained before, my rights are issued by divine decree, not a piece of parchment.

I have come by these beliefs the hard way.  And I am concerned that the bases we claim for our liberties is founded in chaos, anarchy and whatever seems to be popular that particular day.  But these things will not sustain you and your family in difficult times.  Anarchy is the mother of tyranny because you aren’t the baddest person around.  There is always somebody badder than you are.  Into the void will always step a ruler more despotic than the last one.  Ideas that float away with the wind will tire and disappoint you.

The most significant revolutions in the history of Western civilization are the reformation and the American revolution, both of which have their basis in the protestant reformation (and Calvinian theology).  The Brothers of the Common Life taught the reformers everything – Luther was their student, and Calvin was deeply influenced by them.  These men taught the reformers logic, letters, languages, mathematics, and everything else they needed to develop a coherent and powerful world view.

The reformation didn’t proceed and finalize without bloodshed, and lots of it.  Swords were necessary, but the most important part was a world view that sustained the generations who fought this conflict on the European continent and on the British Ilse.  Similarly, the men who founded this nation believed things that sustained them and their families in spite of the horrible losses they suffered.

I am an educated man.  I hold an engineering degree – albeit Bachelor’s degree – from Clemson University.  Clemson isn’t among the top tier schools like RPI or Cal Tech (which is unquestionably the toughest engineering and physics school in the nation), but it’s up there with NC State, Georgia Tech, Ohio State, University of Texas, and so on.  I know fluid mechanics, strength of materials, statics and dynamics, differential equations, and so on.  And I’ve had all of their stupid liberal arts courses, from their revisionist history classes to the English course where the professor couldn’t go a single class without sexual innuendo or double entendre.  Oh, and don’t leave out that ridiculous sociology course where we studied everything from prostitution to poverty, all along the way rejecting the student’s demands that we solve these “problems” because we were just studying them, only to get to the issue of race in America with the professor starting the class that day with “How are we going to solve this problem?”  When I brought up the logical inconsistency with the class heretofore, I was savaged by the other students for being a prejudiced bigot.  A bigot I’m not, a lover of consistency I am.

If you think this is a discussion on how smart I am, you have it all backwards.  In my opinion I left college a dullard and ignoramus.  My real education began in graduate level seminary under Dr. C Gregg Singer, who assigned reading in Francis Turretin, “Institutes of Elenctic Theology.”  I was left on my own with Turretin to self-instruct, as with all graduate level courses.  It was my first introduction to the so-called scholastic writers.  I was overwhelmed and dumbfounded.

Reading through these volumes required lots of coffee, a hard back chair, and lots of time.  I got such severe headaches trying to study these volumes that it made my stomach upset.  I usually couldn’t get more than one or two sentences without having to stop and rehearse what I had read, how it related to the sentence before it, and ensure that I understood his points.  When I shared my experience with my colleagues, they had the same experiences I did with Turretin.  Mine wasn’t unique.

Horrace Mann has done his job well, yes?  I only home schooled my children their final years in High School (I wasted money on Christian education for much of their previous years), and I wish I had home schooled all four of them all twelve years.  The dumbing of the American child has been virtually complete, and combined with common core, the product of the public school system will be truly atrocious (and culpable to be manipulated).  At another time I will share a horrible school experience with one of my sons, but that is saved for later.

By all means, have your AR-15s.  Get your comms gear and learn how to use it.  I don’t begrudge learning how to conduct small unit combat maneuver warfare, patrolling techniques, perhaps satellite patrolling, make and break contact drills, carbine and handgun target acquisition drills, and so on.  I’m not sure that it will be used, but I am certain that any future conflict will be fought in the shadows (more on that later).

But more than AR-15s with optics, good handguns and lots of ammunition and comms gear, you need a world view.  You need an ideology that will sustain you through thick and thin, through life and until death.  I cannot tell you how to craft yours.  Most readers get annoyed or offended when I try to do that.  I know mine – it is incorrigible.  There are worse things than death.  I will meet God face to face one day, and death doesn’t mean that my body cools to ambient temperature and that’s the end.  I have been predistined to whatever God commands, and my life and death are in his hands.  Thus shall my world view honor Him and remain unchanged by the winds opinion.

What about your world and life view?

Prior: I Do Not Fear Terror Because I Am Redeemed, And I Have Been Predistined To This War

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  1. On February 29, 2016 at 12:27 am, joe said:

    Excellent post. With regard to public education, two excellent critics of public education who are more than worthy of one’s time to explore are Samuel Blumenfeld (“Is Public Education Really Necessary?”) and John Gatto, former New York City and State teacher of year back around 1990-91. Mr. Blumenfeld was a home-schooling proponent and friend of RJ Rushdoony. Mr. Gatto’s insightful and highly critical commentaries on public education can be found on Youtube and in his magnus opus, “The Underground History of American Education.”

  2. On February 29, 2016 at 8:22 am, MattBracken said:

    Great essay, thanks. The Guardabosques example holds many lessons that might be applied locally in the event of social breakdown or various SHTF scenarios.

  3. On February 29, 2016 at 9:59 am, Ned Weatherby said:

    Wow Herschel – well stated – great post.

  4. On February 29, 2016 at 12:17 pm, Elisheva Hannah Levin said:

    First, I wish to congratulate you on a well written article with well stated, strong argumentation. It was a joy to read, and I appreciate that. Also, although I studied the medieval philosophers and the scholastics deeply–and I understand them to be the foundation of the Western concept of liberty–I have only broad and shallow understanding of the Reformation, and little understanding of the Calvinists.

    As a Jew, I might disagree about what is incorrigible and what is mutable, but we agree on the concept of covenant. Also, as a Jew, I have no specific belief in an afterlife. It is what we do here, on this good earth, that matters. Nevertheless, I agree that in order to choose life over death, and good over evil, one must have a worldview that supports more than mere anarchy. One must have a place to stand, and a clear understanding of the costs of standing, and the kishkes–the intestinal fortitude–to do so, come what may.

    There is an ultimate reality in the world, so that anything does not go, and there are “obligations without measure, the rewards and punishments of which” operate in this world and the world to come. We are taught from the daily Shema that there are irrevocable consequences for straying from the way to go. Unofrtunatley, these almost always result in war and horror and death. They happen because we refuse to stand when it would be relatively easy to do so, and thus we must stand when our lives and those of our families and communities are at stake.

    This sounds like a lecture, and I am sorry. I will leave it here nonetheless, and finish by thanking you again for the well-written illustration of what might be accomplished even when we have elected the hard way.

  5. On February 29, 2016 at 12:34 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Just to clarify, when I say “incorrigible,” I mean that I cannot be dissuaded from those views. The basis for those views is properly basic (see Alvin Plantinga and Nicholas Wolterstorff, “Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God”). A better way of saying it might have been that the my holding those views is incorrigible. Sometimes I don’t leave things as clearly as I should.

  6. On February 29, 2016 at 5:02 pm, Elisheva Hannah Levin said:

    I understood it as you have indicated. Oxford English Dictionary defines it this way: Incorrigible–1. (of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.
    I think that covers what you write in the original post quite well.

  7. On February 29, 2016 at 12:19 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    Excellent piece. Sharing with several friends and relatives.

    Side conversation, re. the WRSA article to which you link: I notice that “the preceding gent” to which the writer refers used the phrase, “our divinely inspired constitution.”

    Any thoughts re. the Constitution’s supposed “divine inspiration,” Herschel? I think I already have a hunch, but I’m interested in hearing them anyways.

    I’ll lay my observations out on the table right up front: Strictly speaking, I think that attributing “divine inspiration” to the Constitution is ultimately of LDS origin, and that it is an error to which many American evangelicals and nominal Christians seem to be prone.

    Scripture alone is divinely inspired — “God breathed” — the very words and revelation of our Maker.

    The Constitution, on the other hand, is divinely ordained. Like everything else that occurs in human history, it happened in the perfect providence of the sovereign God. But that fact doesn’t elevate the Constitution to the status of “divinely inspired” any more than Mein Kampf.

  8. On February 29, 2016 at 12:28 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    2 Tim 3:16. I believe the transliteration is “theopneustos.” Only the Holy writ is inspired. But you knew that.

  9. On February 29, 2016 at 12:39 pm, JohnComeau said:

    libertarians are quite divided on the abortion issue in fact. despite the NAP, many believe the unborn fetus to be parasitic on its host, and don’t fault the mother for aborting. but improving technology to where the father, or another woman or man, can take over hosting the unborn will mostly eliminate that argument in favor of life.

  10. On February 29, 2016 at 2:20 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Yea, I almost erased that sentence as soon as I wrote it, and for whatever reason I left it in. I think maybe libertarian support for abortion is an intrusion of Mill’s utilitarianism, but in any case, I sense that the libertarian support for abortion is waning rather than waxing. I have no proof – it’s just my sense of things.

  11. On February 29, 2016 at 5:16 pm, Elisheva Hannah Levin said:

    The libertarian view that you wrote in the original post is common to certain religious libertarians, who are most often Christian.

    Such a view would agree with the view in Halachah–Jewish Law–that the baby in the womb is not yet an individual with rights, but is certainly innocent and human. Thus, the unborn child must threaten the mother’s life in order to destroy it. Such decisions are traditionally made within the family and community, both of which see the child as valuable, and involve a Rav–a rabbi who is also a decisor of Jewish Law. Although some Jews in the Reform movement claim that abortion on demand is ethical in Jewish law, most traditional Jews do not agree. The point is that the mother has an obligation to protect her life against a “pursuer” not that she has the moral right to destroy her unborn child for whatever reason. The issue is self-defense. There is no absolute right to abortion in Jewish law.

  12. On February 29, 2016 at 1:07 pm, UNCLEELMO said:

    Really great, Herschel. Thank you. I’ll be sending this and the link to the Lubbock article to friends, seeing as how it won’t be showing up in mainstream media sources anytime soon.

  13. On February 29, 2016 at 1:57 pm, lineman said:

    I would just say a Hearty Amen…

  14. On February 29, 2016 at 7:44 pm, Fred said:

    There are basically three parts to this post, I think. There is the very instructive lesson of the villagers that live close to the land amid despotic tyranny within a failed state, very instructive indeed. There is the part about the post over at Western Shooters and thirdly the question of life. It took me a minute of quiet thought to bring that circle back around. You asked a question; “What about your world and life view?” The question at WRSA (partly) asked; “Is the body of US constitutional law worth killing over, or is it the ideals supposedly protected by that institution that are worthy of taking others’ lives?” This is the answer I had left yesterday, to the post over there; “Neither. The body of US constitutional law is lies, and the ideals of men vary. There is but one word that matters. His word. Only a righteous and just law is to be defended by life. Only the Natural Law of God, is righteous and just law.” (Defended by life means giving your own or taking another.) My answer at Shooters stands for your question as well.
    I never much liked this place, indeed, hate, is the correct word and at least I now know why. My answer is not without the consideration of many, many years of learning everything the hard way. I was little better than a predatory animal with thumbs, before He took me, against my will, to be his own. I admit that my answer is not mine, it is what He teaches.
    Pity, the pulpits aren’t relaying the basis for Natural Law and Revealed Law to the congregants. Our “leaders” don’t follow it, the people haven’t read it, and the church doesn’t understand the biblical (theological? maybe.) basis for its framer’s attempt. The constitution is void. There is the matter of the 55 million dead babies. Additionally remaining on accounts are, non-stop unjust war, and the raping of the future of a trusting people’s once great nation, and more. These will be settled. I know which side I’m on.

  15. On March 1, 2016 at 11:18 pm, Heyoka said:

    May I say that there is one comment that I have some concerns about. Constitutional Law, as it is, perverse and a departure of the intent of those who ratified it, is a twisted set of rationalizations. They are constructed to support an agenda and not to arrive at the truth. Logic, reason, is not alive in the present social construct.
    The phrase, Reasonable gun laws, is as perverse as those who utter it. The use of force has no reason. Those who demand force to enforce disarmament prove that their rules are unreasonable and arbitrary. Reason is the use of the laws of logic to arrive at the truth. Rationalizations are the use of any proposition to support an agenda.
    Your resort to the Laws of Nature or as Blackstone said “God’s Law” is a resort to logic. I say this because God, and the principles we all assign to Deity, demands the truth. There is the dividing line and the indication of demarcation. I agree with you on that.
    The Constitution is not the perversion of God’s Law. Those who wrote it attempted to recreate the form of government that the Israelites has by following God’s Law. No elite, no perverse no lies. It was their departure from those laws that earned them the wages that came to them. We, as a nation are doing the same. All we have to do is return to the Law and everything is restored. It is the same with God’s Law as it is the Constitution. Jesus told us of the perversion of the Pharisees. We are seeing that in the perversion of our own governing persons who occupy the seats of government.
    Thanks for your time,

  16. On March 2, 2016 at 10:00 am, Fred said:

    I agree with your assessment that the king-less republican representation in Exodus 18 should not have been broken. Asking God for a (human) king is the second biggest mistake in human history, in my estimation. We both know the first, without which, all other mistakes would not exist. I agree that the constitution is an attempt at pre-kingship governing but in the end it is only government. I stand by my statement, and ask , beg really, for it not to be true, that the constitution is void. The perversion of the Pharisees is not limited to government, oh the things I’ve seen in American churches.

  17. On February 29, 2016 at 7:52 pm, Paul X said:

    The narco mess in Mexico is a result of US government policy, the War on some Drugs. One wonders what Mexico would have looked like, if the Anslingers et. al. had not gone down that path.

    “I have long said that I don’t believe in the war on drugs, but that
    without such a misinformed and misdirected campaign the cartels would
    still exist…”

    Perhaps – but with a lot less money and power.

  18. On February 29, 2016 at 11:12 pm, heathjayman said:

    St Joan of Arc said – at a dark time near the end of her young life – “I am not afraid; I was born for this time.” May we all embrace that spirit and trust in the hand of God alone.

  19. On March 1, 2016 at 3:29 pm, grace country pastor said:

    “I have been predistined to whatever God commands”

    Here is an alternative view (neither Calvinistic nor Arminian) for your consideration. Start at the top and work your way down. I think you will find such teachings remarkable and beyond enlightening should you find the time to entertain them.

    Right division with respect to Calvin… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120527RightDivisionWithRespectToCalvin.mp3

    Calvinists, Arminians and Paul… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120603CalvinistArminianPaul.mp3

    Mans depravity and Paul… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120610MansDepravity.mp3

    Five points of Calvin, Arminians and Paul… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120617FivePointsOfCalvinArminianAndPaul.mp3

    Biblical election… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120624BiblicalElection.mp3

    Christ died for all… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120701ChristDiedForAll.mp3

    Why some men don’t believe… http://d1.graceambassadors.com/audio/120708WhySomeDontBelieve.mp3

    Titus 2:11… ” For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to ALL men,”

    Romans 5:18… “Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon ALL men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon ALL men unto
    justification of life.”

    Ephesians 3:9… “And to make ALL men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:”

    The mystery hid in God since the beginning of the world? That would be different from prophesy spoken since the beginning of the world (Acts 3:21); wouldn’t it?

    grace and peace…

  20. On March 3, 2016 at 11:06 am, Herschel Smith said:

    ” … Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”

    Sir, there is no half-way house between Calvinism and Armenianism. EITHER God is sovereign OR there is no future for Him or anyone else to see because everything is contingent, (and thus you have destroyed the doctrine of omniscience – which is why philosopher Richard Swinburne accepts that God is not omniscient, i.e., because he wants to maintain “free will”).

    But this isn’t a problem for the Calvinist. God is both sovereign and omniscient. The Bible stands, and it is logically consistent.

    But I do thank you for your visit. Come back any time.

  21. On March 3, 2016 at 3:15 pm, grace country pastor said:

    Thank you Herschel. I speak not of a half way house between the two philosophies however. Something entirely different as a matter of fact and perhaps something you have yet to consider. I speak of the mystery hid in God (that which is unprophesied since the world began) and revealed in due time to the Apostle Paul (KJB – Rom 16:25, 1 Cor 2:7, Eph 3:3-4, Col 1:26-27). God being Sovereign and Omniscient is no problem for one who rightly divides the Scripture either. Why don’t you give a listen to what I posted and see how you feel afterward? Also, you might read and follow along with “What Mystery?” posted here…


    Alpha and Omega indeed! He who died in our stead that He could be BOTH the Just and the Justifier of him who believeth (Rom 3:26). Awesome!

    grace and peace always, to you and yours…

  22. On March 19, 2016 at 7:31 pm, Josh said:


    (of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.

  23. On March 1, 2016 at 5:24 pm, ThirtyCal said:

    Awesome essay! Like you, I consider my rights, which are a gift from God who made us in HIS image, and a few of which are delineated in the Constitution, to be non negotiable and are immutable from the time they were FIRST written. I give no credence whatsoever to the postmodern bastardization of those words by those who would twist and turn them to mean whatever they want them to mean for their usually nefarious purposes.

  24. On March 19, 2016 at 8:46 am, Haywood Jablome said:

    That was a great read! Thanks.

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