South Carolina’s Jerk-Off State Senators
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 10 months ago
Sen. Floyd Nicholson, D-Greenwood, expressed a more general view of concealed-carry practices.
“Carrying weapons? I’m totally opposed. It’s just my personal opinion. I don’t own a gun. I am not a hunter, and I have nothing against those individuals who hunt. But just carrying a weapon around? I think we’re going back to the Wild Wild West,” said Nicholson. A portion of his district borders the Savannah River, and stretches across parts McCormick, Greenwood, Saluda, and Abbeville counties.
“Give everybody a holster and a gun and let them go, like they’re doing in Texas? I’m just opposed to this.”
We’ve already seen another of the jerk-offs in S.C., a communist by the name of Larry Martin. It sounds like South Carolina voters have their work cut out for them. They should stock up on tar and feathers.
On March 13, 2016 at 9:57 pm, Geoffry K said:
Unfortunately, Komrade Larry Martin lives in Pickens County and that is his district so I can’t vote against him because that is on the other side of the State from me.
On March 14, 2016 at 9:24 am, Damocles said:
Ahh, the old “wild west” fallacy. The wild west wasn’t even the “wild west”. I really hope this guy never visits Wyoming. The mere sight of someone open carrying a gun might make him wet his pants. We have a very high rate of gun ownership here, along with low violent crime and a pretty darn good place to be a law enforcement officer when compared to other states.