Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 10 months ago
“‘cause in rural America, there are a lot of folks — Sen. Enzi knows this — they might be out huntin’ gophers and go in to pick up the mail, and they got the gun sittin’ in their pickup — it’s just a matter — it’s a tool to do their work with,” he explained.
You jerk off bigot! I know your type and I loath you. Your antics don’t amuse me. As for the pathetic republican cowards, how about shutting down the government over shit like this? Oh, I forgot. Ted Cruz already tried this and you hung him out to dry. So come to think of it, I loath all of you.
One day at the great and awful white throne judgment when the Lord of Lords sits and examines everyone, someone will answer for the thievery of Fifth generation warfare and the waste associated with the F-35.
Pat Toomey gun control ads. Good grief. The man cranks it up again.
Effects of universal background check laughable. So why did you support it, Dave Workman?
On March 29, 2016 at 12:01 pm, Archer said:
I used to read Workman because he was one of the geographically-closest “gun news” reporters to where I live (OK, not really that close, but there’s little else coming out of the Pacific NW).
I ceased following him after his reporting on the antics of Alan Gottlieb (and his various and sundry organizations) went from “generally supportive” to “swooning fanboi”. Don’t get me wrong; Gottlieb’s SAF and CCRKBA do pretty good work in the courtroom. But his hostile take-over of JPFO (which has since become an even more decrepit shell of its former self — several of us believe he just wanted their mailing lists for fundraising) and his ventures into legislative matters (support for UBCs and endless compromising of our civil rights) leave a foul taste in my mouth, and Workman’s glowing reporting of it became grating.
Come to think of it, Workman’s “swooning fanboi” came out right about when SAF/CCRKBA absorbed JPFO. Coincidence? Or does he fully support hostile corporate take-overs of member-driven civil rights groups, as long as it’s his friends who are doing it?