Guns At The GOP Convention
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 10 months ago
“Your argument is pure apple sauce. Enjoy your 20 seconds of fame, you fcuktard.”
A man named Jim is reading out some of the vitriolic abuse he’s received over the past few days via the Internet. Previously known only by his Twitter handle, @Hyperationalist, Jim last week launched a petition calling for the open carry of guns at the Republican National Convention, which will be held in Cleveland in July. The petition has ganered international news coverage and prompted responses from the Secret Service and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, as well as online haters.
David Codrea has some salient comments:
You have to give “The Hyperationalist” credit — his fake petition for open carry at the RNC Convention has been a highly successful exercise in both advanced trolling and in applied Alinksy Rule 5 ridicule. With over 50,000 signatures amassed at this writing, and noting all the major press coverage, a primary goal of going viral has unquestionably been achieved in a big way.
Of less certainty is how many people were actually taken in by a parody designed to embarrass and to exploit venue realities – besides all those “professional reporters” who got sucked in and treated it as real. Some of us figured we were being played from the outset. Of those who signed, how many actual gun rights supporters added their names is unknown, as many signatories are undoubtedly anti-gun/anti-Republican “progressives” gleefully piling on.
[ … ]
Carrying at the convention is a moot point anyway. Aside from it violating venue rules, the Secret Service flat-out won’t allow it. If they did allow guns, we’d have no reason to suspect the outcome would be any different than we saw play out at NRA’s Annual Meeting last year in Nashville. Almost 80,000 attendees gathered in a setting where lawful concealed carry was widespread.
David had him figured, and so did I. The first time I saw this I was tempted to comment on it, but only for a split second. This is the first attention I’ve given to this issue. After blogging for ten years, I’ve become fairly skilled at spotting trolls. Not perfect, mind you, but fairly skilled. Look, if they want to have an intelligent conversation about guns, we do that every day around these parts. Furthermore, I’m willing to engage smart debate with anyone over guns if they have clean motives, play fairly and are sincerely interested in learning. Tell me the next time you see a progressive who meets those requirements.
The gun rights community is going to have to get better at spotting insincere overtures like this, trolls who want to make us look bad. Put your thinking cap on, don’t jump at the first thing you see, and when you do engage, make it the person and venue of your choice. That’s why, although I agree with Mike on 99.9999% of everything else, I didn’t like Mike Vanderboegh’s choice to go on the Alan Colmes show. Colmes was never going to be anything but what he is, a dishonest and filthy rag. As Sun Tzu teaches, pick both the battles and the time of engagement.
On March 30, 2016 at 8:41 am, Haywood Jablome said:
“Furthermore, I’m willing to engage smart debate with anyone over guns if they have clean motives, play fairly and are sincerely interested in learning.”
That will happen the day after your NCAA Tournament bracket finishes perfect, your Mega Millions lotto ticket hits the jackpot and you tune into NBC at 5pm and get the news. OK….you’re right…that last one is just silly…..
On March 30, 2016 at 8:53 am, TexTopCat said:
Well, I agree with much of what you said. However, even a broken clock is correct two times a day. In fact I agree that there is no reason to not allow armed citizens at the convention. Maybe it is time to let the SS know that they are not in charge but the people are in charge. Time for GOP conventions in places and buildings that are not gun free.
On March 30, 2016 at 11:29 am, Archer said:
One problem is that the GOP convention, just like the NRA convention, must be held in a venue large enough for the expected crowd. Any venue large enough will be privately-owned, and the owners get to dictate the rules.
The other problem, of course, is that the mainstream GOP leaders are every bit as authoritarian and anti-individual-freedom as the Democrats, and cannot stand to have their constituents exercising their rights in the direct presence of their betters.
I don’t expect the GOP convention will ever be held in a non-“Gun-Free Zone”, whether by venue rules or SS presence.
On April 4, 2016 at 12:26 pm, taxpayer22 said:
Criminals love gun free zones full of defenseless victims.