Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 9 months ago
David Codrea gives a thorough fisking to the folks at Politifact. Sorry, but I almost can’t type or say the word “Politifact” without belly laughing. I put them in the same category as Snopes. Ignore all of it.
Alabama Senate on guns in cars. Well, it’s a start. Let’s see what the governor does with this.
Nice review of the Springfield Armory Range Officer. It’s affinity for light ammunition and occasional FTF/FTE is troubling, but then again, the notion of a 9mm 1911 is troubling too. If I ever got one, it would certainly be .45 ACP like God and John Moses Browning intended them to be. I’ve been thinking about getting a RO compact for IWB carry. Then again, Sig makes a nice desert tan Cerakote small/medium 1911 that’s on display at Gander Mountain right down the road. Oh, life is filled with such hard choices. What to do, what to do?
Why the U.S. Navy didn’t shoot down that Russian fighter that buzzed our ship. I rather think it has to do with being pussies.
Only a bigot would be offended by the sight of another woman’s penis.
Beaten for being white. This is partially why public schooling sucks. Home school. Your children will be better off, and so will you.
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