Millennials’ “Mysterious” Support For Permissive Gun Laws
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 8 months ago
When I was in middle and high school, there were spirited public debates about whether the proliferation of grisly movies, gore-glorifying song lyrics and shoot-’em-up video games might desensitize my peers and me to violence.
While I’m reluctant to pin any of this on pop culture, it’s true that my generation appears somewhat inured to violence — at least violence involving firearms.
A decade or two post-adolescence — as our own preschool-age children now practice “active shooter” drills in which they’re coached to cower in the closet or throw toys at a tactical-gear-outfitted maniac — millennials seem to have neither the desire nor the willpower to pressure our political leaders to do much to prevent such tragedies. If anything, we may be slightly more blasé about them than our elders.
Which does not bode well for liberals hoping that the arc of history will eventually bend toward greater gun control.
Poll data about views of gun control and specific gun-control measures are mixed, and responses vary depending how questions are asked. But statements about protecting gun rights generally elicit at least as much support from younger Americans as from older ones.
Well, that’s a strange visit down memory lane for the author, Ms. Catherine Rampell, and I say strange because it would never occur to me to connect gun control laws with active shooter events, except in that so-called “gun free” zones are never really that, and instead are open invitations for such nefarious miscreants to do their wickedness.
Inured to violence is how the author chose to set this up, with her appeal to blood and gore, but she slips and accidentally paints a word picture of what can happen when her restrictive gun laws are enacted – idiotic things like strategies to run, hide, fight, and throwing potted plants at shooters, or perhaps toys. You see dear, your restrictive gun laws never stop criminals because they don’t care about your laws. They only disarm law abiding and peaceable citizens.
Millennials are generally smart enough to figure that out. We’re winning, the progressives know it, and I suggest that you learn to live with it. We know how to evangelize and proselytize. Perhaps you should even purchase a gun and learn to use it, in case of an attempted rape or an active shooter event. The police will show up to fill out paperwork, but the event will be over by the time they arrive. You are responsible to defend yourself. No one else will.
On May 3, 2016 at 5:51 pm, Haywood Jablome said:
That has to be one of the most disjointed articles I have read in a long time. But, it is WAPO, so….
On May 4, 2016 at 8:09 pm, UNCLEELMO said:
In a sane world, the above headline would read “Milennials Believe In The Original Intent Of The Second Amendment”.
But he world is not sane, and neither is the editorial board of the Washington Post.