Why I Don’t Own A Handgun
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 8 months ago
The arms race is escalating again. Despite historically low crime rates and an improving national economy, more and more Texans are arming themselves. Applications for gun licenses have surged in the last few months, bringing the total number of Texans with handgun permits to just under 1 million. In 1996, just 1 in 168 Texans had a concealed handgun license, according to the Dallas Morning News. In 2015, about 1 in 30 did. And not just any piece will do any more. We want more firepower; we want it to be “tactical”; and we want to ash it. (Thanks to the open carry law that went into effect on January 1, you can now wear your gun, as the Townes Van Zandt lyric goes, outside your pants for all the honest world to feel.)
Former land commissioner and author of Texas’ concealed carry law Jerry Patterson captured the current mood nicely: “I used to carry a .380. Now I carry a 9 millimeter,” he said. “I’m just like every other idiot. I don’t think my .380 is big enough.” Big enough for what? Did I somehow miss the impending ISIS invasion or the stampeding of angry water buffalo down I-35?
At some level, I understand the impulse to take up arms. One Halloween night, some years ago, a man came into the bedroom where my girlfriend and I were sleeping. He fled as soon as she began screaming. We never got a good look at him, though the police were able to pull fingerprints and arrest the intruder, a homeless man with a criminal record. It was a terrifying experience — the kind that makes you think long and hard about how to protect yourself.
Rather, it’s an abdication of your responsibility. He thinks he can outwit everyone. Well, let’s try this one on. Lewisville dam breaks and buries Dallas, Texas under a wall of water 50 feet deep. The writer, Forrest Wilder, survives. Mr. Wilder now has to fend for himself when everyone is starving. What does Forrest do?
We’re waiting, Forest. Tell us. Tell us how you comically enthrall those hordes of hungry peasants who would kill for their next morsel of edible stuff – since you’re so much smarter than the peasants. Or you’ll love them to death. Or something. Tell us, Forrest.
Now beyond the silly know-nothing content of the article (the .38 Special is 0.357 inches, or 9.1 mm in diameter, while the 9mm is .355 inches, or 9.01 mm in diameter), and besides the laughable moralistic preening by someone who has likely never fended for himself in his life (but who probably has soft pajamas and drinks lattes), what do you notice about this commentary?
I’ll mention one thing, and readers can fill in the other details in comments. It used to be that guns caused violence. We’ve heard it so much that we’re virtually numb too it, and while we could ruin that argument with facts and statistics, we don’t even bother any more.
Now Forrest tries to turn the table with statistics. Despite the virtually ubiquitous presence of guns in America, violence is decreasing. (1) You aren’t supposed to have guns because they cause violence. Opps. Wrong argument. (2) Everyone has guns and violence is still decreasing. In fact, violence is decreasing to the point that’s it’s unnecessary to have guns any more.
You’ll be the subject of ridicule whether violence is increasing or decreasing. It’s your liberty they hate. Don’t ever relinquish it.
On May 16, 2016 at 6:54 am, MARIO V ALBANO said:
The gun is a tool to deter evil elements in society; it also drives bat-shit crazy those people who desire to control the citizenry. Texas Observer writer manifests Freud’s projection thoughts.
On May 16, 2016 at 8:08 am, Haywood Jablome said:
I, for one, enthusiastically endorse his choice not to carry. Criminals, like other predators, can easily sense the weak and instinctively cull those first. The more willing victims there are out there, the longer I can go without incident.
As far as the factual errors and intellectual dishonesty, I chalk that up to there being too many Californians moving into Texas….
On May 16, 2016 at 8:24 am, yardbird1947 said:
One million Texans have concealed handgun permits…
On May 16, 2016 at 12:54 pm, timbroweraz said:
short sighted, just cause you don’t need it today, doesn’t mean you won’t need it later…..
On May 16, 2016 at 6:00 pm, henrybowman said:
He said “water buffalo.” Call a local SJW to mau-mau him. Let the progs tear each other apart. Simple.
On May 17, 2016 at 1:32 am, Fiftycal said:
Guns “cause violence” like forks cause obesity.
On May 17, 2016 at 12:42 pm, Jack Crabb said:
One cannot even begin to argue with such stupidity as shown by Forest Wilder.
Sometimes I secretly wish that the re-set comes sooner rather than later. Idiots and libturds
(but wait, I repeat myself) will be the first to disappear. And frankly, they deserve their fate. Thinking they can reason with pure, brute, violent, evil men…smh
On May 21, 2016 at 5:59 am, Daniel Barger said:
“Now beyond the silly know-nothing content of the article (the .38 Special is 0.357 inches, or 9.1 mm in diameter, while the 9mm is .355 inches, or 9.01 mm in diameter)”
The .380 vs 9mm as referenced in the article is not a difference in caliber (diameter of the bullet).
BOTH rounds use a 9mm (.355 inch) diameter bullet. But the .380 ( 9 x 17mm) typically uses a bullet of 90 to 95 grains while a 9mm parabellum (9 x 19mm) uses one of 115 grains or larger.
In addition the .380 uses a shorter case with less powder capacity and thus generates less energy.
( thus the difference between 9 x 17 and 9 x 19). Less energy equals a less capable projectile.
For the person to move from .380 to 9mm is a logical and rational choice. The .38 special round was never mentioned or part of this story.
If you’re going to nitpick someone over something they write it’s best to have your facts in line.
On May 23, 2016 at 11:20 am, LarryEArnold said:
[In 1996, just 1 in 168 Texans had a concealed handgun license, according to the Dallas Morning News. In 2015, about 1 in 30 did.]
Of course he fails to mention that 1996 was the first year anyone could have a Texas CHL, so the program was just getting started.