Texas Open Carry
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 7 months ago
Nearly six months ago, licensed open carry-gun owners in Texas were granted the privilege to carry their guns on their hip. Before the legislation’s passing, gun opponents feared it would cause problems for law enforcement.
So, has the public flooded law enforcement with complaints?
“As it turned out, we didn’t get any,” said Roger Wade, the spokesperson for the Travis County Sheriff’s Office.
In preparation of open carry, the Travis County created a special code to track complaints, but hasn’t had any calls to start using it.
Oooo! A special code for open carriers. Because it’s so special and everything.
“People were scared of people walking up carrying guns. What they don’t realize is, is that there are a lot of people carry guns, you have no idea are carrying guns,” said Wade.
The KVUE Defenders checked with some of the largest law enforcement agencies in Texas: Austin and Dallas Police Departments, and sheriff’s offices in Hays County, Williamson County, Bastrop County, Bexar County and Harris County. All of the agencies report little to no complaints from the public.
“When the Texas legislature was getting ready to pass open carry last year, we heard a lot of claims from the gun control crowd saying it was going to turn into the wild, wild west, and that just hasn’t happened here,” said Lars Dalseide, spokesperson for the National Rifle Association.
It’s too early to determine if open carry has influenced violent crime in Texas. According to crime reports though, Oklahoma (-3.97 percent) and Tennessee (-3.92 percent) both saw violent crime slightly decrease after open carry became legal.
“These people are safe, responsible gun owners and they go through a lot of trouble to make sure they get the proper licensing from the state,” said Dalseide.
Gun rights groups say they’re not done. They plan to push lawmakers to pass legislation making gun ownership a constitutional right, which would allow owners to own a gun without a license.
Yes, constitutional carry. This is a good next step. As for the notion that the wild, wild West hasn’t obtained, I think someone said exactly that and predicted exactly what has come to pass.
Again, as a citizen of a traditional open carry state, I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen here. Nothing. That’s right, nothing. Life will continue in the lone star state unabated, and the doomsday predictions of law enforcement and the progressives will go down as a monument to their hatred of the common man.
I’ll send the bill for my consultative services tomorrow.
On June 1, 2016 at 9:42 am, Blake said:
My favorite has always been the “blood in the streets” anti-gunners use as an argument against open carry.
Funny things, Arizona has had open carry for decades yet, blood in the streets has yet to happen.
Probably an anomaly. Or the gun grabbers are lying.