Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

David Codrea:

Thus we have the commission’s monstrous “Gender Identity/Gender Expression: Legal Enforcement Guidance” directive. It’s the logical progression of an evil “culture” that forces Christian (never Islamic!) bakers to either publicly renounce their faith or be destroyed, and mandates the rest of us can either share a restroom with someone who identifies as – with 51 “gender options” and counting, they don’t even know what the hell they are – or hold it until you get home.

Well, it’ll eventually get ugly, much uglier than they anticipate.

Via Matthew Vanderboegh:

The bead is meant only as a reference while focusing on a distant target, and most shotguns come without rear sights at all. This doesn’t mean your front-bead-only shotgun won’t work well for home defense—it will—but it also doesn’t mean you can assume point-of-aim (POA)/point-of-impact (POI) alignment is dead-on. You should check it before depending on it to save your life—just like any sights.

Gun grabbers are the same everywhere.

The rotting fruits of socialism.

You mean he’s really just a liar after all?

Jeff Quinn On S&W 629 .44 Magnum

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

I agree with Jeff about the Smith & Wesson Performance Center.  If you want a gun made well, get it from the performance center.

Ten Arabic Words

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Matt Bracken:

So, if you are an Army general or Navy admiral who, right here and now, without looking at your smart phone, cannot discuss how a kafir becomes a dhimmi, and what a dhimmi’s rights and options (if any) are under shariah, then you are as ignorant of your job as an European-theater Army general circa 1942 who did not know a panzer from a pancake, or a schutzstaffel from a schnitzel. A person as ignorant as you should be kept away from any responsibility for protecting our nation. You are incompetent, and you are a fool.

If you don’t know how to determine when a Muslim suicide bomber is a shaheed and when he is a terrorist according to the shariah, then you are as dangerous to our national safety as a North Atlantic ship captain who believes that icebergs are a fairy tale concocted by conspiracy theorists. Full speed ahead, Captain Smith!

If you don’t know takfir from taqiyya, and can’t discuss the meaning and importance of both, you are as useless as a WW2 intelligence officer who didn’t know the Kriegsmarine from the Luftwaffe, (but who thought that one of them was a private flying club, based on conversations that he overheard among his ever-helpful German cleaning staff).

Yea, not just for security professionals.  If you have a family, or do not and care about your own safety and health, consider yourself a security professional.  That’s what you are.

Migrant Filmed Assaulting And Bullying German Teen

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

From Matt Bracken, via WRSA:

I have confidence that most of my readers can handle this.  But if you cannot bring yourself to issue a major ass whipping to this young Muslim boy on behalf of yourself or your loved ones, you need to steel and harden yourself.  You need to do it yesterday.

This is headed our way.  American Christians want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.  Hillary wants to control you – and some more money, and Donald wants the hair to be delivered on time from his hair farm – and some more money.  No one will save you from this.  Do you understand?  No one is going to seal the border, no one is going to stop mass immigration, no one is going to stop the destruction of Western Christian civilization.  No one, regardless of what they’re saying.

Be prepared to face this down in the streets and yards and byways of America.  Actually, the better way of saying it is prepare your children and children’s children to face this down.  It’s going to happen, and you may not be around to issue that badly needed ass whipping.

U.S. Crews Fail To Place In NATO Tank Competition

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Popular Mechanics:

A recent competition hosted in part by the U.S. Army and designed to test core tank crew skills saw European crews take the top honors, while crews from the U.S. Army failed to place. The results raise the question of whether the Army—after more than a decade of focusing on guerrilla warfare—has devoted adequate training to address “big war” skills.

Held from May 10 to 12 and jointly hosted by the U.S. Army and the German Bundeswehr at the Grafenwoehr Training Area in Germany, the the Strong Europe Tank Challenge included challengers from six NATO countries: Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia—which sent tank platoons of four tanks each to compete— and the United States, which sent two platoons.

The competition involved tank crews conducting both offensive and defensive operations, and both mounted and dismounted activities. Crews fired ten main gun rounds from various positions. In one event, crews had to correctly identify 25 friendly and unfriendly (read: Russian) vehicles while traveling a course. Other events involved operating in the aftermath of a chemical weapons attack, dealing with improvised explosive devices, and medical emergencies.

A German tank crew from Mountain Panzer Battalion 7, Panzer Brigade 12 took top honors, followed by a Danish crew from their country’s 1st Tank Battalion in second. Third place went to a Polish crew from the 34th Armored Cavalry brigade. It’s unknown where the American crews placed, only that they weren’t in the top three.

But hey.  The upshot is that black females at West Point believe in black power, we now have gay pride events at the Pentagon, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus knows that green energy saves Marine lives, and they’re trying to push women through the Marine Corps officer school at Quantico despite the fact that every candidate so far has had pelvic fractures.

We may suck, but at least we’re culturally sensitive, green and color coordinated.

Nick Saban:”Nothing Good Happens When You’re Around Guns Unless You’re Going Hunting”

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Nick Saban consistently tells his Alabama players to avoid three things in particular.

The situation involving star left tackle Cam Robinson and reserve safety Hootie Jones involved two of those three things, which Saban discussed during an appearance on the Paul Finebaum Show Wednesday afternoon.

Robinson and Jones were arrested early Tuesday morning on drug and weapons charges in their hometown of Monroe, Louisiana.

“One thing I always tell players is that there are three bad things: Nothing good happens after midnight, nothing good happens when you’re around guns unless you’re going hunting, and you don’t want to mess around with women that you don’t know because a lot of times bad things happen,” Saban said during the interview. “And in this case, a couple of those things were violated. I think it’s going to be a learning experience for everybody on our team.”

This is a ridiculous statement.  He may as well have said “nothing good happens around guns.”  I’m willing to bet that none of his player hunt, especially because they are so busy during hunting season.  He only excepted hunting because Alabama is full of hunters.  But in doing so, he appealed only to the Fudds, those people who buy shotguns for turkey season, lock them up in a gun safe, and assume the police will protect them.

There is no latitude for self defense, and no latitude for the second amendment remedy for a tyrannical government.  What Saban should have discussed is the moral character of his players rather than the inanimate objects (machines) they pick up.  None of my readers ever get into trouble like this.

Former Interpol Chief On Whether Guns Can Stop Crime

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Dave Kopel:

The unnamed “experts” on whom Couric relies are apparently not expert at reading newspapers. Literally, a good guy with a gun is not the “only” way that armed criminals are stopped. But it is an important way, including in mass shootings. As I detailed in a 2015 study for the Cato Institute:

Over the last 25 years, there have been at least 10 cases in which armed persons have stopped incipient mass murder: a Shoney’s restaurant in Alabama (1991); Pearl High School in Mississippi (1997); a middle school dance in Edinboro, Pennsylvania (1998); Appalachian School of Law in Virginia (2002); Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City (2007); New Life Church in Colorado (2007); Players Bar and Grill in Nevada (2008); Sullivan Central High School in Tennessee (2010); Clackamas Mall in Oregon (2012; three days before Newtown); Mayan Palace Theater in San Antonio (2012; three days after Newtown); and Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby, Pennsylvania (2014).

Some of these cases are discussed in Eugene Volokh’s post “Do citizens (not police officers) with guns ever stop mass shootings?

Now, Ronald K. Noble, former secretary-general of Interpol, is weighing in on the issue. During the first Clinton administration, from 1993 to 1996, Noble served as assistant secretary and then undersecretary for enforcement at the Treasury Department. This made him the direct supervisor of the main federal gun control agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. As such, he played a major role in the Clinton administration’s very aggressive gun control program.

[ … ]

In 2000, Noble was elected secretary-general of Interpol, the first non-European ever to hold the post. Noble went on to serve three terms as secretary-general, leaving in 2014. He now runs a global security consulting firm based in Dubai,  RKN Global DWC LLC.

As Noble explains, his 14 years of close involvement in global counterterrorism changed his perspective on gun control. This week, he has published a video about the 2013 mass shootings at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. The video, “Armed Citizens Can Help Stop Terrorist Massacres Like Nairobi and Paris,” shows graphic footage of the attack and of the response of armed citizens. During the lengthy and well-planned attack, more than 60 innocent people were murdered. As Noble explains, the death count would have been hundreds more if not for the armed citizens who intervened. As Noble puts it, “This is not an American argument, nor a political argument. In these horrific situations, law-abiding armed citizens have helped protect others and literally saved lives, and the world should be made aware of this reality. . . . In the hands of law-abiding citizens, guns can and do save lives.”

See the rest of Kopel’s analysis where he explains his history with Noble, the fact that Noble still favors “a variety of non-prohibitory gun regulations” that Kopel does not, and so on.  This is a very interesting analysis from a scholar and from what I can tell genuinely good man.  I have followed Kopel for some time now, and briefly exchanged email with him.

As for Noble, we aren’t told what “non-prohibitory [gun] regulations” he favors, but regulations are by their very nature prohibitory, so I take Kopel at his word that he doesn’t favor such regulations (whatever they are), and that Noble does, and that Kopel is being gracious.  I would just as soon he have been forthright than gracious.  People like that have to be called on their equivocation.

And of course, most ordinary people don’t have to witness the results of large scale massacres in order to understand that it’s better to have a means of self defense than not.  One way to tell that the gun controllers are lying is that their gun grabbing never applies to law enforcement, even though law enforcement is usually less well trained than the ordinary gun owner who shoots once a week or twice a month.

You’ll know they’re serious when they propose gun confiscations for law enforcement, thus disarming everyone in the face of crime.  Don’t hold your breath.  What they really want is a monopoly of force, which is always what all statists want.  What they hate is your liberty.  Never relinquish it.

University Of Texas Officer’s Gun ‘Goes Off’

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Via Uncle, another gun with a mind of its own.

AUSTIN (KXAN) — University of Texas Police officer, Cory Morrison, was injured Tuesday morning when a weapon accidentally fired while in his holster. The bullet went into and out of his right leg according to UTPD Chief David Carter. The accident happened in the parking lot of UTPD headquarters at 7:30 a.m. when Carter said Morrison was talking to two colleagues. Morrison was standing outside a patrol car while talking to the two men inside when the gun went off.

Morrison was taken to the hospital with serious, but non-life threatening injuries.

Officer Morrison has been placed on administrative leave with pay. At the press conference, Carter said he is doing well and is with his family. He has been with UTPD for the past year, a law enforcement officer for 14 years and in the military for seven.

The investigation will look into finding out what circumstances surrounded the weapon discharge. It is unknown if he was touching the weapon at the time it went off. The two officers Morrison was talking to witnessed the shooting from inside their patrol vehicle.

Police say unintentional discharges happen from time to time; either in training or cleaning of a weapon. However, any time there is an incident of this kind, the police department is obligated to look into whether it was a mechanical failure or human failure.

Okay, so let me help.  The officer put his booger hook on the bang switch and pulled it.  There.  Do I get to charge you consultant fees?

An American ISIS Cell

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

NBC News:

In his small Silicon Valley office, Salem Khan covered his face with his hands and sobbed deeply.

He was crying about his 24-year-old son, Jaffrey, a troubled young man who had struggled in school and in life. Khan long feared his child would one day do something terrible — and now he had.

He had joined ISIS.

With his wife and 18-year-old brother-in-law in tow, Jaffrey left behind the moneyed, manicured precincts of the Bay Area and offered his services to one of the most savage terrorist organizations in the world.

The father tried to suggest his son was impressionable, a lost soul, an easy mark for bloodthirsty fanatics selling the fantasy of an Islamic caliphate.

“He was gullible,” Salem Khan said. “You know the people looking to scam you out of money or something? They’re looking for people like him.”

Khan lives in a $2 million house and runs a medical marketing company in Palo Alto, in the shadow of elite Stanford University — 7,000 miles and a world away from where this story began, in southern Turkey.

That’s where, in March, we met a man who claimed to be an ISIS defector. He called himself Abu Mohammed and gave NBC News a thumb drive that he said he stole from an ISIS commander and smuggled out in a baby’s diaper.

Such cloak and dagger stuff.  But when viewed objectively, he didn’t join ISIS.  For him to have joined ISIS he would have had to fly to Syria, join up with criminals and Islamists within ISIS, be approved by the leadership of ISIS, and then fight in Syria, Iraq or Libya.  He is a criminal in America, not a member of ISIS, any more than I’m a member of Delta Force.

And there is a solution to such criminality in America.  First of all, close the borders, once and for all, painful or not.  Second, stop the practice of Islamists in America.  Japan does it, so can we.  Finally, carry guns of all sorts, all of the time.  Terror cannot become ensconced when terrorists are immediately shot.

In the U.K., they are worried about the police in light of Islamic terrorism.

Officers are not volunteering to carry guns because they fear being “hung out to dry” and treated like a suspect if they discharge their weapon, the federation claimed.

Its chairman, Steve White, warned Government plans to train another 1,500 firearms officers to deal with the terror threat looked doubtful.

The warning comes as a survey of 16,800 officers shows that while 40% fear they will be attacked at work, just half this number (20%) have or want personal firearms.

Pitiful Britain.  The cops are worried, but if you return the rightful liberty to the citizens, I’m willing to bet that they would carry weapons.  As it is, Britain is poorly equipped, poorly positioned, and poorly prepared for what’s coming its way.

Don’t be like Britain.

Why I Don’t Own A Handgun

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Texas Observer:

The arms race is escalating again. Despite historically low crime rates and an improving national economy, more and more Texans are arming themselves. Applications for gun licenses have surged in the last few months, bringing the total number of Texans with handgun permits to just under 1 million. In 1996, just 1 in 168 Texans had a concealed handgun license, according to the Dallas Morning News. In 2015, about 1 in 30 did. And not just any piece will do any more. We want more firepower; we want it to be “tactical”; and we want to ash it. (Thanks to the open carry law that went into effect on January 1, you can now wear your gun, as the Townes Van Zandt lyric goes, outside your pants for all the honest world to feel.)

Former land commissioner and author of Texas’ concealed carry law Jerry Patterson captured the current mood nicely: “I used to carry a .380. Now I carry a 9 millimeter,” he said. “I’m just like every other idiot. I don’t think my .380 is big enough.” Big enough for what? Did I somehow miss the impending ISIS invasion or the stampeding of angry water buffalo down I-35?

At some level, I understand the impulse to take up arms. One Halloween night, some years ago, a man came into the bedroom where my girlfriend and I were sleeping. He fled as soon as she began screaming. We never got a good look at him, though the police were able to pull fingerprints and arrest the intruder, a homeless man with a criminal record. It was a terrifying experience — the kind that makes you think long and hard about how to protect yourself.

I was told by the men in my life to buy a gun — that was the responsible thing to do. But after a lot of thought, I decided there was one principal reason I wouldn’t buy a handgun: I don’t want to live in fear. I know that sounds strange — a gun is supposed to bring peace of mind. But to keep a piece at your side is to look at the world through gunsights. It’s a profoundly anti-social posture. To me, carrying a handgun is an acknowledgement of weakness, not strength. It’s an admission that you’re out of ideas for how to deal with people, even those — especially those — who mean you harm. It’s a failure of imagination, a failure of wits and, in the case of open carry, a threat of violence to every passing person.

Rather, it’s an abdication of your responsibility.  He thinks he can outwit everyone.  Well, let’s try this one on.  Lewisville dam breaks and buries Dallas, Texas under a wall of water 50 feet deep.  The writer, Forrest Wilder, survives.  Mr. Wilder now has to fend for himself when everyone is starving.  What does Forrest do?

We’re waiting, Forest.  Tell us.  Tell us how you comically enthrall those hordes of hungry peasants who would kill for their next morsel of edible stuff – since you’re so much smarter than the peasants.  Or you’ll love them to death.  Or something.  Tell us, Forrest.

Now beyond the silly know-nothing content of the article (the .38 Special is 0.357 inches, or 9.1 mm in diameter, while the 9mm is .355 inches, or 9.01 mm in diameter), and besides the laughable moralistic preening by someone who has likely never fended for himself in his life (but who probably has soft pajamas and drinks lattes), what do you notice about this commentary?

I’ll mention one thing, and readers can fill in the other details in comments.  It used to be that guns caused violence.  We’ve heard it so much that we’re virtually numb too it, and while we could ruin that argument with facts and statistics, we don’t even bother any more.

Now Forrest tries to turn the table with statistics.  Despite the virtually ubiquitous presence of guns in America, violence is decreasing.  (1) You aren’t supposed to have guns because they cause violence.  Opps.  Wrong argument.  (2) Everyone has guns and violence is still decreasing.  In fact, violence is decreasing to the point that’s it’s unnecessary to have guns any more.

You’ll be the subject of ridicule whether violence is increasing or decreasing.  It’s your liberty they hate.  Don’t ever relinquish it.

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