Former ATF Agent On Why The ‘Us Versus Them’ Mentality?
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 6 months ago
SSI posted a very interesting guest article from a former AFT agent on why the “Us versus them‘ mentality? I have to confess that I’m in the camp that doesn’t see the constitutionality of federal gun laws or the ATF to begin with, but the former agent has an answer for that. The comments are also very interesting. I commend this article to your reading.
On a somewhat unrelated topic, SSI has a piece up remembering Mike Vanderboegh’s participation in a “we will not comply” rally. It’s touching and also worth your time.
On July 6, 2016 at 7:54 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Great link, Herschel. Well worth the read, for a number of reasons. The posted video is like two decades old. And check this out: “In my career with ATF, the people I put in jail have more honor than the top administration in the organization – and I know it’s a sad commentary, but it’s my experience with ATF.” ATF Agent Bob Hoffman
But it’s comments that take the cake. Check this out – a portion of former agent Sandy Davis’ comment: “SAC Sicko’s name is Mannie Gonzales. He has long since retired. I don’t even know if he’s still alive…
“3. – Is ATF “rotten to the core”? I certainly think so, even though I still know of some very good agents. Many are so ashamed by what the agency has become, they will not tell anyone they work there They really do put their lives on the line to go after hardcore violent criminals. I
don’t think they have anything to be ashamed of….
Do I think ATF needs to be abolished? Yep. Like most gov’t agencies, It’s too corrupt to exist.
Yes – I am saying ‘we are not all bad’. We’re not. I will say that as the corruption grows,
there are fewer in LE who are good. The bad are running them off at an increasingly fast rate….
…. I do think that ATF is indeed the problem at this point, and that it is simply too corrupt to exist. Sadly so is most of the rest of the federal gov’t. I think we have been remiss in educating ourselves and others, and our kids will pay the price.”
So – one agent believes most criminals he went after have more honor than ATF management. And why should we be surprised? What criminals did he prosecute? A 15.5 inch barrel issue? A shotgun barrel a tad too short?
There’s more regarding Sandy Davis – stating that an ATF perv tried to hose her during her interview process. But she moved forward with employment to feel better about herself. Instead of just moving to a job where pervs didn’t run the show. So I understand the comments from people who don’t feel sorry for her. She may have just wanted to experience wielding the power she was at the expense of.
Then this from Mike Wallace:
“Most agents agree the initial “attack on the ‘cult’ in Waco was a publicity stunt, the main goal of which was to improve the agency’s tarnished image. (After they f**ked that up, they sent in the Waco Killers)
The point that seems to be lost, is that absolute power corrupts, absolutely. And, at this point, we don’t get to vote our way out of this problem. Welcome to the Hitlery Clitler political age.
Meet the new boss – worse than the old boss.