American Police Conduct “Three Block War” All Over The Land Of Promise

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 7 months ago

At SWJ one writer is advocating that the police conduct “three block war” over America.

There is more required for such a system to work than just an information operations cell. Police have to be trained to recognize what should be reported, be it good or bad. Twenty years ago, the Marine Corps began a training program to develop what it called “Strategic Corporals”. Marine leadership realized that a fire team leader engaged in the urban Three Block War must be trained to recognize that, in the media age, a local incident could have world-wide strategic impact near immediately (the Three Block War refers to situations where one can be involved in a humanitarian operation on one block, peacekeeping on another, and a full scale firefight on yet another in an urban environment). Junior Marine leaders were taught to recognize potential strategic incidents and act accordingly. In this age of social media, our police are engaged in a Three Block War domestically as was the case in Dallas and Baton Rouge; they need to be trained to react accordingly.

Expecting the police to perform COIN and stability operations is a testimony to just how badly the progressives have botched their urban, utopian dream.  But more on that later.  At any rate, it isn’t clear that there are any “strategic corporals” anywhere in any police department in the country.

There are thousands of examples every day, but let’s just focus on two recent ones.  First to the human interaction.

Video released Wednesday shows the moment before North Miami police shot an unarmed, behavioral therapist as he tried to calm a man with autism, according to WSVN.

Still recovering in a hospital bed, Charles Kinsey is now talking about what happened in that cellphone video recorded Monday.

“When I went to the ground, I went to the ground with my hands up,” he said. “And I am laying there just like this, telling them again there is no need for firearms.”

Police were responding to a 911 call about a disturbed man walking around with a gun, threatening suicide. Kinsey said that man was one of his patients, Rinaldo, who has autism. The reported gun, he said, was actually a toy truck.

The video shows Kinsey, with both hands held up in the air, telling officers “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

Kinsey was simultaneously trying to calm Rinaldo and explain what was happening to the police, he says, when an officer shot him.

“I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking, ‘I just got shot!’ Kinsey recalled. “I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.’”

Next, to the animal (via David Codrea)

“There’s something wrong with Opie.”

Vickie Malone heard those words come from her young son as he stared outside the window of their Wynnewood home.

Malone had just taken in the children from outside where they had been playing while celebrating the birthday of her five-year-old son. Inside the birthday cake and ice cream hadn’t even been served when they heard the bang from outside.

That bang was the sound of a Wynnewood police officer shooting the family dog. Opie was a three-year-old American Bulldog and Pit Bull mix. To her son Eli, he was his best friend.

“I would have fun with him when he runned around and we played tag,” Eli told FOX 25.

The adults ran outside to see Opie near the fence that surrounds their yard.

“He [Opie] was over here kicking and gasping for air,” Vickie said.

The police officer used a high-powered rifle he retrieved from his police vehicle to put the dog down. He fired two more shots from the rifle in front of the children.

Malone said the officer initially told her the dog had lunged at him through the fence. According to the Wynnewood police chief, the dog charged the officer. While he declined our multiple requests for a recorded interview, Chief Ken Moore said the officer told him the dog was vicious and attacked him by coming around the corner of the house. Moore said the officer tried to kick the dog off him once and then shot him.

However, the chief said he had not seen video of the aftermath of the shooting which was provided to FOX 25. The video shows the dead dog with a gunshot wound to his head lying near the fence, not near the house.

The police chief said the officer was serving a warrant, which gave him legal authority to be on the private property. However, the Malones said they were never shown any warrant. They were only told the officer was looking for someone who had listed that address as his ten years ago.

“He said he was checking to see if a guy name Shon McNiel lived here and no one here has heard of talking about,” Malone said. The warrant for McNiel was from a 10-year-old case and the police chief said the Malone house was his last known address.

However the police chief said the department was aware the Malones had lived there for the past year. He also told FOX 25 the address was a “rent house” and that multiple people had “moved in and out” in the past decade. Moore defended the officer’s presence there saying he “had to start somewhere” in his effort to serve the warrant.

Yea, he had to start somewhere.  Just like that cop who shot the therapist.  How else would you find out what’s going on?  Kill ’em all and let God sort them out, right?

There you have it.  That’s what three-block-war looks like in America.

UPDATE: Cop’s union.  I was aiming at autistic patient, not therapist.  I don’t believe you.  Besides, you shouldn’t have been aiming at anyone, idiot.


  1. On July 21, 2016 at 11:17 am, Archer said:

    The police officer used a high-powered rifle he retrieved from his police vehicle to put the dog down. He fired two more shots from the rifle in front of the children.

    “High-powered rifle”?

    If he fired once, then approached and fired two more times, somehow I’m unconvinced it was a scoped bolt-action .308 “police sniper” rifle. Those aren’t normally kept in police cruisers, anyway.

    An AR-15 “patrol rifle” is MUCH more likely.

    The officers’ versions of events don’t pass the smell test. You or I would rightfully be in prison, no question. They MIGHT face slaps on the wrists, if anything, and the public won’t bat an eye.

  2. On July 21, 2016 at 11:22 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Probably right about the patrol rifle. I’ve said it before. These guys are goobers. I would be playing catch with the dog within ten minutes in the back yard.

    I wonder if they issue hands at the police academy – you know, for knocking on doors? Or eyes – you know, for looking at tax records and such?

    Or brains – you know, for thinking?

  3. On July 21, 2016 at 6:08 pm, Roland Deschain said:

    According to the media, anything more powerful than a BB gun is a high powered rifle. It probably an AR15, but the media would never call it an assault rifle in the hands of a cop.

  4. On July 21, 2016 at 1:18 pm, Diane Dina said:

    America is like Nazi Germany, complete with a Nazi Police State.
    Much like ‘DNR’ bracelets, Americans need to be able to post ‘Gov. Do Not Enter’ signs at their homes. We will take responsibility for our choices. It’s called liberty.

  5. On July 21, 2016 at 1:19 pm, VuvuSac-TSL said:

    Over/Under on what charges are brought forward in these instances?

    I’m taking the number ZERO. As in, zero charges will be brought against officers in either of these incidents. Officer safety……

  6. On July 21, 2016 at 1:23 pm, JohnathanStein said:

    About your “Human Interaction” link:

    The cop shot a guy and DID NOT KNOW WHY!

    “Kinsey recalled. “I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.’””

    The annual simulator “video game” training police get puts them on a hair-trigger. I’ve been
    through it twice, and could feel the instinct develop. (I only shot a “civilian” once — but hey, he had a gun…pointed at the actual criminal. During replay, had I waited a split-second, he put the gun down and his hands up.)

  7. On July 21, 2016 at 2:21 pm, Francis W. Porretto said:

    If you have a dog…or a cat…or a loved one…or would like to live to a ripe old age, avoid all interaction with the police. Police who kill beloved pets — or family members — face no discipline in the majority of cases, despite a complete lack of substantiation of their claims of imminent harm. And they have become very quick to shoot.

    The time when the policeman was “your friend” is past and gone.

  8. On July 21, 2016 at 7:49 pm, UNCLEELMO said:

    Several years ago, my neighbor dropped dead of a heart attack on the road to his property behind my home. It happened on a late Saturday evening. Early the next morning we found him after hearing his dog barking and called 911. The local fire department arrived in 25 minutes. Charlie’s dog was still barking when anyone would get to close to his body but never threatened either my self, my wife or any of the three firefighters. Twenty minutes later a Deputy Sheriff arrived. As he was looking at the body, my deceased neighbor’s dog, an Australian Sheppard, stood 10 feet away from him, barking, distraught that his master was still lying motionless in the blackberry bushes.

    After a brief standoff, the deputy walked up the hill to me, obviously ticked off, and said under his breath “I should have shot that dog”. I never said a word. I just looked at him like he was the idiot that he was.

    In retrospect I should have called his boss, who I have voted for, but I was young and naïve and things were different then. Now, I wouldn’t hesitate. The man had no business being a cop.

  9. On July 22, 2016 at 9:52 am, John said:

    I agree completely. However, I got a speeding ticket going 55 in a 65 by a deputy sheriff who said I was going 80 mph. I’m going to court to fight this as I have two witnesses. My point is, interaction seems to me to be unavoidable. I intentionally avoid speeding and other moving violations to avoid law enforcement because I know most of them are evil, and still, confrontation. What are we as non law enforcement people supposed to do? Shoot first and ask questions later like they do?

  10. On July 22, 2016 at 1:02 am, Isaac Shelby Baker said:


  11. On July 22, 2016 at 8:35 am, Douglas Mortimer said:

    Another day in America, another case of puppycide. I’m pretty supportive of my local police, and the police in general, but something stinks in Wynnewood, OK.

  12. On July 22, 2016 at 10:36 am, Fred said:

    a) man on back, hands in the air, surrendered
    b) man sitting, playing with toy truck, doesn’t seem to care
    c) man in covered position, pointing rifle at a and b
    d) men funding militarized training and equipment for c

    Question: Identify the person or persons that has a cognitive disability as demonstrated by the threat they pose to society. You may select one, or more than one, or all. Put another way, who is the retard here?

  13. On July 22, 2016 at 1:32 pm, Jack Crabb said:

    NWA was right.

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