National Council Of La Raza Advocates Assault Weapons Ban And Universal Background Checks
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 6 months ago
ORLANDO, Fla.—NCLR (National Council of La Raza) announced today that its Board of Directors has unanimously voted in favor of policies aimed at reducing gun violence in the nation. The position, a first in the organization’s 48-year history, was announced at the 2016 NCLR Annual Conference during the National Affiliate Luncheon, a gathering of the nation’s Latino leaders representing NCLR’s Affiliate Network of almost 300 community-based organizations. The announcement comes after the nation has experienced a series of mass shootings and other incidents of gun violence, most recently the horrific events in Orlando, Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and Dallas.
“Our announcement today comes as we hold our Annual Conference in Orlando, the site of the largest mass shooting in our nation’s history, which took the lives of 49 innocent people, most of whom were Latino,” said NCLR President and CEO Janet Murguía. “The tragic event at Pulse nightclub changed Orlando and it has changed NCLR. Today, by formally adopting this position, we join with the vast majority of Americans calling for an end to gun violence and we will urge policymakers to adopt common-sense measures to reduce mass shootings and gun violence, saving countless lives.”
The NCLR Board of Directors adopted a position to reduce gun violence that includes the following elements:
- Reasonable restrictions on the acquisition of firearms and ammunition consistent with the protection of the civil rights of all Americans, including support for universal background checks
- A ban on assault weapons.
- Collection and analysis of data related to gun violence to understand causes and develop prevention strategies.
Why should you care what La Raza advocates, you might be asking yourself? Well, you should care a great deal. It isn’t credible that an organization such as this one, who represents so many Latinos, would advocate a position that is out of accord with their own constituency. In other words, they represent Hispanics and Latinos, and thus Hispanics and Latinos favor gun control.
This is entirely consistent with what we already know about Hispanics and Latinos and their tendencies concerning gun control. Remember this when you consider open borders, amnesty and pathways to citizenship.
On July 25, 2016 at 9:19 am, Douglas Mortimer said:
Of course they do, that is what racists do.
On July 26, 2016 at 1:03 am, TheAlaskan said:
La Raza en Espanol….The Race in English. La Raza’s goal is to create a homeland/country in the American southwest called Aztlan. They have been mainstreamed by the Democrats. They call themselves America’s Palestinians.
On July 25, 2016 at 10:50 am, UNCLEELMO said:
La Raza’s position on ‘reasonable’ gun laws is completely simpatico with California legislators (many of whom are Democrat Hispanic-Latinos from Southern California).
What a coincidence.
On July 25, 2016 at 1:15 pm, Archer said:
There’s that theme again: “reasonable” infringements on something that explicitly says it “shall not be infringed”.
As Inigo Montoya famously said: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
On July 25, 2016 at 4:22 pm, Jeffersonian said:
This is the point David Codrea has been trying to make for years.
On July 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Right. And me along with him, as well as Mike Vanderboegh.
On July 25, 2016 at 9:20 pm, Chuck said:
And yet Trump, who is the only candidate from any party to credibly promise to do something about the border sieve and immigration in general, is viewed by at least you and Mike as the anti-christ. I hate a lot of views Trump stands for but either the immigration stuff gets fixed or nothing else matters. That is the only issue that matters this year.
On July 26, 2016 at 9:10 am, Fred said:
Either the 55 million dead babies and homosex marriage gets fixed or nothing else matters. I’m for national sovereignty mind you, but a wall, will not fix this. These are not opinions, they are the historical facts of civilization.
The inability to stop the Invasion of vastly inferior foreign armies is a symptom, as are, the exploding rates of new ailments, and cancer rates, autism rates, alzheimer rates, diabetes and on and on. The plagues are arriving, the foreign armies are on the way. Oh, and it gets worse. I’m simply telling you what His Word says. God also, sets nations down.
– First Corinthians 10:11
“Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are
written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”
On July 26, 2016 at 12:42 pm, Chuck said:
We have been voting for pro-life candidates for 35 years and it has changed nothing. Eight more years of open borders with Hillary will mean no pro-life or pro- real marriage candidate will ever be elected nationally again. A fever is a symptom too but it can still kill you just as dead.
On July 26, 2016 at 1:28 pm, Fred said:
I completely agree. I voted “pro life” and all we got was a bigger slaughter. I did not mean to suggest that a politician might fix it. This is not an anti trump argument, it is, pro God. Only we can stop our barbarism now. Vote how you like, I’m undecided and buying ammo.
Before anybody rips up one of the “candidates” at me, I’ll simply say that I have an obligation to try all avenues of recourse, however futile, before this thing goes sideways. That’s why I tell people the things of God, liberty and self defense and it’s why I still vote. Undecided includes a blank (no vote) in any slot, if I so choose.
On July 26, 2016 at 5:45 pm, Chuck said:
Buying ammo is definitely a good plan for where we find ourselves today.
On July 26, 2016 at 8:50 pm, guest said:
They don’t like it when the gringos shoot back, and they don’t want the gringos able to resist when they put them on cattle cars.