PoliceOne On Rifles For Every Cop
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 5 months ago
We, as law enforcement officers, need to adopt the same mindset as that of the Marine Corps when it comes to job titles. In the Marine Corps, everyone, regardless of rank, is a rifleman first and foremost. The “job” he does in the Marines comes second. We’re civilian law enforcement, so our “job” to protect and serve comes first, but we need to have the mindset that each and every one of us is also a rifleman. We need to be equipped and trained as such.
You can feel free to peruse my category on the U.S. Marines as long as you wish. I know a Marine, and you’re no Marine. The last thing I want is for a cop to see himself as first and foremost a rifleman. Because he’s not, and because he shouldn’t be, even if he has the skills.
What Mr. Rayburn wants to see is every cop carrying a patrol rifle at all times, and instead of raising a handgun or shotgun at people, he’ll have a rifle to make urban situations and CQB much worse due to increased range and muzzle velocity.
It’s sad, really. All of that gun control hasn’t helped a bit, has it? And that open border policy and family-destroying welfare have made matters much worse, haven’t they?
But I’m certain that Mr. Rayburn doesn’t support peaceable men like me openly carrying rifles with them everywhere they go, else he would have said so. His solution is to super-arm the cops rather than address the situation at its root cause.
Because cops are just like us, only better, and more elite, with more rights and latitude. Well Mr. Rayburn, if you want to be a U.S. Marine, join up, take the training, and fly across the pond. On the other hand, with the way things are now in the Army and Marines, I’m not so sure I’m saying much compared to what it would have been ten or even five years ago.
The saddest part of all is that cops apparently listen to this goober. It’s a long way and a lot of water over the dam since the days of peace officers, yes? Steel yourself for what’s coming, folks.
On August 25, 2016 at 6:46 am, Onlooker from Troy said:
Indeed. It’s astonishing when you step back and look at the analogy he’s trying to draw. It’s indicative of the warrior mindset that has been instilled in our police forces (largely). Thankfully there are still some sheriffs out there who actually have the peace officer mindset; but they’re no doubt much fewer and far between than ever.
All that said I have no idea how the nasty vicious cycle of the inner city culture is ever going to be broken. And it’s spreading.
On August 25, 2016 at 7:52 am, Frank Clarke said:
It’s spreading, and it’s elitists like him who are spreading it. It may have already spread to some of us, and that’s Very Bad News for cops like him.
Of course, I’m just an observer of the passing parade. If the ball ever drops, I expect to be one of the early casualties, and that may be a good thing.
On August 25, 2016 at 9:21 am, Douglas Mortimer said:
But, but……”Weapons of war don’t belong on our streets” Isn’t that what we constantly hear? D’oh!
Spot on Herschel.
On August 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm, Jack Crabb said:
With assclowns like this as opinion leaders, no wonder I keep coming back to NWA and their attitude from the 80’s.
On August 25, 2016 at 7:23 pm, LibertyFirst said:
PoliceOne is an Us vs. Them site – and within the past couple of years has even made it so visitors can’t even view the comments – let alone make them. What are they trying to hide?
On September 7, 2016 at 5:12 pm, Mack said:
Ah, well he’s basically saying “rifleman” = “soldier” … Sir Robert Peel believed otherwise, “To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives
reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and
that the public are the police, …”