General Peter Chiarelli Invites Veterans To Violate Their Oath
BY Herschel Smith
As General Stanley McChrystal noted in the New York Times: “In 2014, 33,599 Americans died from a gunshot wound. From 2001 to 2010, 119,246 Americans were murdered with guns, 18 times all American combat deaths in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Nightclubs have become battlefields.
Schools have become combat zones.
Movie theaters have become theaters of war.
This should anger us. It should make us want to do better. And we can.
While our gun-violence crisis is complex, there is no doubt that our weak, gap-ridden gun laws help fuel the violence by making it too easy for dangerous people to access firearms.
Right now under federal law, felons, domestic abusers and the dangerously mentally ill have the option of buying a gun without a background check and with no questions asked. Even people who are considered by the the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be a known or suspected terrorist can pass a background check and legally buy a gun.
Extremist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS have long urged their followers to use our country’s weak gun laws to acquire deadly weapons and commit active shooter terrorism here in America.
So why has Congress refused to act to address these loopholes and to keep guns from falling into the wrong hands?
Congress in the grips of the Washington gun lobby.
There is a better way forward.
Earlier this year, I joined the Advisory Committee of the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, a national initiative of distinguished veterans from all branches and ranks of the military who are committed to advancing commonsense solutions to gun violence here at home.
Some of us are combat veterans. Some of us are gun owners. All of us were trained in the responsible use of firearms and to have respect for their incredible power. All of us swore an oath to defend our Constitution and to defend the homeland. And we all agree on this: our country is in the grips of a gun-violence crisis.
We know there is no single policy that will prevent every gun tragedy here on our home soil, but we cannot afford to let perfect to be the enemy of good—not when innocent lives are at stake.
The policies we support—closing the loopholes in our background check system and prohibiting known and suspected terrorists from legally buying guns—are not controversial.
So apparently Chiarelli has joined the ranks of the gun controllers, or more probably he was always in their ranks and is of that particular ilk. He invokes the emotional “terrorist watch list” card, but he knows that there shouldn’t even be any such thing as a terrorist watch list since it is concocted out of whole cloth by the unaccountable federal executive based on suppositions and conjecture. He knows. He just doesn’t care.
He has clearly aligned himself with the murderer Stanley McChrystal and adulterer David Petraeus. Of these two I have made my own position clear.
… the irony is that McChrystal, who issued the most restrictive rules of engagement ever promulgated on American troops, waxes know-it-all on what it takes to keep our people safe. He can micromanage the campaign, release a bunch of inept, bureaucratic, PowerPoint jockeys into highly protected mega-bases to command the troops under fire in the field, turn so-called general purpose troops into constabulary patrolmen, and become a laughingstock when his juvenile staff turned party-animal with Rolling Stone. But he didn’t manage the campaign in such a manner as to keep our children in uniform safe in Afghanistan. If he didn’t do that, why should I care what he has to say about anything else regarding my safety?
This is what happens when media stars think they know something about policy. So here is a suggestion for Mr. McChrystal. You go read the lamentations at this article from the families and widows of SFC Kenneth Westbrook, Gunnery Sgt Aaron M Kenefick, Corpsman James Ray “Doc” Layton, and others in the Ganjgal engagement. You know the one I’m talking about, even if others have forgotten. You and I will never forget. The one where they left our men to perish without fire support because of your rules of engagement. You sleep with this reality, if you can, you ponder on those men and their lives morning and night, and you lament with the widows and families. And then you tell me why I should give a shit what you have to say about anything, much less what it takes to keep my children or loved ones safe?
… McChrystal, with his ROE, is a murderer. I don’t give a shit what he says about anything. As for Petraeus, he is an adulterer and that during deployment when men under his charge were suffering and dying.
I’m glad those are the best two men this ungodly bunch could come up with. Those two men should be embarrassments to the gun controller crowd. It gives me amusement and pleasure to have them as enemies.
Chiarelli is now part of the cool kids gang along with all of the other statists. I’m glad to have him as an enemy. But if he rationalizes his own adultery towards his oath to the constitution right after reminding us that he did in fact take such an oath, he makes matters worse by telling us that he has no respect whatsoever for those who served and suffered. He invites veterans to break their oath as well.
My suspicion is that the ranks of veterans isn’t fertile ground for Chiarelli and his gang of cool kids. But it should be enough that he thinks no more of you [veterans] than to surmise that you might be an oath-breaker just like him, and he would sooner see you sent to hell than lose his political fight to control other people and take their liberties.
What contemptible trash. How sad that men such as him were in charge of any campaign at all. They are all as bad as the corrupt politicians they serve, and dear veteran, if you side with them, you’re no better than they are.
On August 26, 2016 at 6:21 am, Onlooker from Troy said:
Despicable useful idiot. Makes my blood boil.
On August 26, 2016 at 7:47 am, UNCLEELMO said:
Selling their souls for a paycheck and a pension.
Good luck with that.
On August 26, 2016 at 9:44 am, Hunter said:
Pristine example of the term…….”Starred Coward”.
On August 31, 2016 at 8:15 pm, Ken Moore said:
BootLicker is a better term.
On August 26, 2016 at 10:49 am, Douglas Mortimer said:
Jeeze how many outright fallacies can Time shove into that BS article.
“I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge
the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
I left the service 21 years ago, but my oath of enlistment has no expiration date….
On August 26, 2016 at 10:56 am, jim83703 said:
Just another piece of paper floating in the cesspool.
On August 26, 2016 at 11:47 am, IHC said:
Right on my man – great post!
Let me add another thing the rightfully called murderers are doing these days: They are active members of the Soros sponsored Bilderberg’s who are meeting to finish their plan how to phuck over the American citizens with flooding the country with muslims but also how best to hide the culpability of the upcoming US sponsored war in Syria on behest of the House of Saud and aristocracy/elites in removing Assad. Our Soldiers, Airmen and Marines are the ones being sent to fight their dirty war. They are hatching plans for WWIII – imagine that, with the participation of Petraeus! Yet – when a reporter wants to ask him questions during the Bilderberg conference earlier this year – he tries to hide and duck while fast pacing away from reporters in the streets of Europe.
On August 26, 2016 at 12:35 pm, Fred said:
When I don’t comply, because I won’t comply, what is he going to do; Abu Ghraib me? Consider the Egyptian and think of what God’s people do to those that inter and enslave my brothers. But don’t be confused about the generally accepted notion of the size and scope of a prison. I know the intent is to turn the entire nation into one big surveillance state, at gunpoint, for our own good, under color of law, or else.
Since this philistine doesn’t know what I’m even referring to when I write “the Egyptian” let me explain. Why did Moses kill the Egyptian; because fuck that prison camp running motherfucker, that’s why. And later we learn that pharaoh’s army gets wiped out. Pity, could have just said go, be at liberty with God. And elsewhere, Abram destroys the kingdoms and plunders them, simply for wrongful imprisonment. Pity indeed.
On August 28, 2016 at 5:24 pm, Bibleater said:
Amen Fred. God didn’t have to kill the Egyptian because Moses knew what was needed. And Abram got served communion by Melchisedek (Jesus) for taking care of business. We don’t need no “soft raiment” churchleaders or sodomite serving milirary, we got bibles and we can read.
On August 26, 2016 at 12:48 pm, John Walton said:
On August 26, 2016 at 1:01 pm, Parent said:
Sent this to my kid, he’s beginning to understand that joining the Military would be….
As longnas these Statist Eggs and Stars slobs continue down the path of Anti-Constitutionalism, they will find recruiting alot more difficult.
Thank You Generals!! At least my kid won’t come home in pieces because of loosers like yourself.
On August 27, 2016 at 5:29 pm, GomeznSA said:
Said it before and will say it again – start with a faulty premise (or in this case ‘manipulated’ statistics) reach a faulty conclusion. To wit, “33,599 Americans died from a gunshot wound” – never mind the FACT that some 20,000 of those were self-inflicted via suicide. Of the remainder, virtually all were either gang related or lawful interventions. The hoplophobes are nothing if not consistent in attempting to dupe a gullible public into believing that the guns are the problem.