Chris Murphy On The Second Amendment
BY Herschel Smith
The CT Post quoted Murphy saying:
In an era where anti-government positioning is a hallmark of the modern right, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that increasingly Republicans are absolutist in their views on the right of citizens to own guns. They want to preserve the right of revolution as a means of showing how much they truly hate the current government, administered by President Barack Obama.
Interestingly, Murphy has been bashing claims that gun rights are “God-given” for some time; this is not a new issue for him. In fact, when the Senate rejected new gun controls in the wake of the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School, an angry Murphy reacted by assuring Second Amendment supporters that gun rights were not “God-given.” He told MSBNC’s Rachel Maddow, “The Second Amendment is not an absolute right, not a God-given right. It has always had conditions upon it like the First Amendment has.”
Breitbart is a strange animal indeed. They have Milo Yiannopoulos as an editor, who wouldn’t have anything to do with claiming that rights of any sort are granted by God, but then they will post an article like this basing the right to own firearms on God’s law. They can’t have it both ways.
It’s easy for me, and hard for them (or easy if they don’t care about logical consistency). Murphy is confused, or simply a disbeliever in God. God doesn’t simply grant the right of self defense to men, He commands it as a duty. It is based on the Decalogue, and since that is based on His character, it is immutable.
The right of revolution doesn’t exists as some sort of perfunctory statement about how we feel about our current government, and Murphy is only saying that to insult men who believe in the second amendment. The right of revolution is based on covenant law, eternal contracts, and the basis for this is to be found directly in the Holy writ. It applies to all men, everywhere and in all times and epochs based on violations of agreements to live together under stipulations and within strict boundary conditions. When the covenant is broken, it is no longer valid.
On September 12, 2016 at 11:15 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Murphy’s law…
On September 13, 2016 at 12:21 pm, Archer said:
Murphy: In an era where anti-government positioning is a hallmark of the modern right….
Yes, because being pro-small-government and pro-Constitution are the same as being anti-government. Uh-huh. You just keep on digging yourself deeper, Chris.
On September 16, 2016 at 11:18 am, Lina Inverse said:
They have Milo Yiannopoulos as an editor, who wouldn’t have anything to do with claiming that rights of any sort are granted by God, but then they will post an article like this basing the right to own firearms on God’s law. They can’t have it both ways.
A primary rule of the Alt-Right is don’t shoot at your own side. Which is largely defined as anyone shooting at the other side but not ours. So they can indeed have it both ways, they do, after all, plan to win.
On September 16, 2016 at 12:00 pm, Herschel Smith said:
But they aren’t my side. And they can’t have it both ways and be consistent. They can have it both ways if they don’t care about consistency. In that case, they become a different party than mine. That’s apparently what they want.
On September 16, 2016 at 9:29 pm, Fred said:
But sir, they are consistent. They hire writers expert at eliciting deep and strong feelings from readers, driving readership up and increasing ad revenue. And they’re pretty good at it. They don’t have to take an editorial side and it’s about time somebody in media didn’t. ‘Let the market place of ideas win even if you disagree’ is a brilliant business model and representative of why the old left and right media is dying. For them, this is “intellectual honesty”.
Now for you and me it’s a different story because to them there is no god and to them, all truth is relative. For us there are lines which we won’t cross.