Marco Rubio’s Gun Bill
BY Herschel Smith
Uncle gives us his usual quick take on what Rubio’s proposal. Go and read it for yourself. TCJ reader Fred comments on this, but I want to focus on one comment in particular from Sean Sorrentino who is himself a blogger.
Sorry, Uncle, but you’re wrong on this one. This is a great move on his part. It offers the lying shitweasel Dems everything they *say* they want without giving them anything they *actually* want.
They say they want to ban terrorists from buying guns. This would do it. It gives the AG the power to prove, in court, that a person is a terrorist, and stop him from buying a gun. I’m totally cool with this. Who wouldn’t be? And they only get three days to get the paperwork in. And if they fail in court, they have to pay ALL reasonable attorney fees and costs. So you know that every ambulance chasing dickhead in the nation will show up to defend the little terrorist jerk. Or me, if it’s me.
But the shitweasel Dems can’t just randomly declare that every person who buys a “Don’t Step on Snek” flag is a terrorist and make them fight to get their rights back.
This is why Rubio’s opponent is screaming about this like someone just raped him with a running chainsaw. He realized that they just got outmaneuvered. They just got fucked over.
“Oh, you want to ban terrorists? Here you go. ACLU would buy in on this process. Why are you angry? It’s everything you SAID you wanted?”
But gun owners are too busy screaming “MUH RAHTS!” instead of finding new and interesting ways to screw over our enemies …
Horrible. Just horrible. Who wouldn’t be okay with your option, Sean? I wouldn’t be. You give far too much deference to the corrupt court and the corrupt officers of the court for my tastes, and you’ll be sorry for this approach one day if they seek a declaratory judgment for folks who believe in second amendment remedy for tyranny to be right wing terrorists. They’re either there already or not far away.
Hey, I have a much better idea, Sean. How about if they can prove to a jury of our peers (even here I’m skeptical given the idiots that make up juries these days) that a person is a terrorist – you know, has actually perpetrated some act of terror – they jail him or deport him? Or put him to death? In fact, if a person isn’t a citizen and believes in the application of Sharia law in America, they should deport him too! I can give you all kinds of suggestions for how to close the border. I’ve thought about this a good bit. For example, let’s deploy the U.S. Marines along the Southern border to shoot “mules” who transport people across. See? I have lot’s of worthy ideas.
If a person is really a terrorist, we should do a lot more than prevent him from purchasing a gun. He can get a car and kill far more people, or a truck load full of fertilizer and kill even more. You see Sean, you’re chasing after Red Herrings and misdirects. It’s how they want their underlings to behave.
That’s what the progs want us to do. As for Rubio, he is an open borders freak. I’m not surprised he wants to help folks chase after misdirects rather than focus on closing the borders. It took Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, Dave Brat, Mike Lee and Jeff Duncan to shut that crap down when he tried to do it as part of the gang of eight bill before. Don’t help the little weasel keep the borders open by chasing after this misdirect. Be smarter than that.
UPDATE: Ken Blanchard has a very good analysis of this.
On September 21, 2016 at 8:18 am, Onlooker from Troy said:
Hear, hear. Don’t fall prey to the “reasonable, common sense measures” line. No more “compromise”, hold the line.