Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

German Streets Descend Into Lawlessness, Annals Of The Muslim Apocalypse

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Gatestone Institute:

  • During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. This is equivalent to 780 crimes committed by migrants every day, an increase of nearly 40% over 2015. The data includes only those crimes in which a suspect has been caught.
  • Thousands of migrants who entered the country as “asylum seekers” or “refugees” have gone missing. They are, presumably, economic migrants who entered Germany on false pretenses. Many are thought to be engaging in robbery and criminal violence.
  • Local police in many parts of the country admit that they are stretched to the limit and are unable to maintain law and order.
  • “Drug trafficking takes place right before our eyes. If we intervene, we are threatened, spat on, insulted. Sometimes someone whips out a knife. They are always the same people. They are ruthless, fearless and have no problems with robbing even the elderly.” — Private security guard.
  • According to Freddi Lohse of the German Police Union in Hamburg, many migrant offenders view the leniency of the German justice system as a green light to continue delinquent behavior. “They are used to tougher consequences in their home countries,” he said. “They have no respect for us.”
  • “It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically, insult us, whatever, and there are no consequences. Many cases are closed or offenders are released on probation or whatever. Yes, what is happening in the courts today is a joke.” — Tania Kambouri, German police officer.


Naturally, the administration in Germany has tried to tighten gun laws, but German weapons sales has shot through the roof – sales to non-Germans, that is.

The German people are not only being destroyed by the Islamic invasion, they are being left defenseless by their rulers.  It’s all by design, no doubt.  Don’t doubt it for a minute.  And don’t ever let an analogous situation happen with you and your family.

The Hillary Clinton – Monsanto Connection

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

We’ll get to the details of the Hillary Clinton – Monsanto connection momentarily.  But it’s worth spending a few minutes of your time to watch this.

If you love what Monsanto is doing to the family farmer, then Hillary Clinton is your woman.  The latest Wikileaks dump has informed us all about these dark pay-to-play connections.

Leaked email 28657, part of the Podesta email leaks by Wikileaks, shows that the Clinton campaign desperately sought money from Monsanto.

Natural News reports:

The Monsanto operative invited to the fundraiser was none other than Charles W. Burson, Monsanto’s former Executive V.P., Secretary and General Counsel.

Burson, who retired from Monsanto in 2006 but still maintained an active email address all the way through 2015, was praised by Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant for pushing the corporation’s international imperialism agenda to force patented seeds down the throats of poor farmers in developing nations. It’s sickening. Via PR Newswire:

“On behalf of the Monsanto Board of Directors and the employees of Monsanto, I thank Charles for his service to our company,” said Hugh Grant, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Monsanto.

“During his tenure, Monsanto successfully transitioned from an agricultural company fueled by its chemistry business to one led by its seeds and traits businesses.

Charles has played an important role in building the company’s legal organization to better serve our growing business, not only in the United States but also in Latin America and Asia-Pacific, where farmers are increasingly choosing to plant Monsanto seeds and technologies.

In other words, Charles Burson was instrumental in Monsanto suing farmers whose fields were contaminated by genetically modified Monsanto seeds. This legal action by Monsanto is globally considered to be one of the most evil, anti-human rights abuses of legal power ever witnessed in the modern world, yet the Hillary Clinton campaign saw this man as an opportunity to raise more money to put Hillary Clinton into the White House (where, no doubt, she would return the favor to Monsanto through government policy decisions at the USDA and FDA).

Fully consistent with the criminal conduct of the Clinton crime mafia, Charles Burson also took part in excusing Monsanto’s illegal bribery of over 140 Indonesian officials as part of its international agricultural imperialism march against subsistence farmers.

After caught committing massive bribery and collusion in Indonesia, Monsanto’s then general counsel Charles Burson explained that no, Monsanto isn’t a bad company. They’re super honest, and transparent and ethical, too!

“The company has taken remedial actions to address the activities in Indonesia. At every stage of this process — beginning with our voluntary disclosure and throughout the governmental investigations and settlement process — Monsanto has been fully cooperative, and has made clear that improper activities will not be tolerated by the company. We are pleased today to begin the process of putting these matters to rest,” wrote Burson.

Whaddaya know! With the corrupt, lawless Justice Department calling the shots, Monsanto was then given a get out of jail free card by the political elite in Washington.

From the same link above:

The Justice Department said it had agreed to defer prosecution on the criminal information for three years, saying it would dismiss it after the period if Monsanto fully complied with the terms of the agreement.

I’ve been monitoring Monsanto, Archer-Daniels-Midland and such companies for a long time now, and this sort of thing only begins to scratch the surface of lawyer-enabled, money-fueled destruction of small and family farms.  The family farmer is rapidly becoming extinct in America, and that’s not good enough for the conglomerates.  They’re going after overseas farms as well.

As if it needs to be said, Hillary is a friend of anyone who is powerful and has money, as long as that money flows to her coffers.  Under her world view, the powerful become more powerful, and the rich become richer.  There is no right and wrong to her and her ilk – there is only will to power.  It’s an ironic and sad commentary on the “free love” and protests of the 60’s and the demon offspring it produced.

They were never interested in liberty, and they were never anti-establishment.  The hippies were always communists, statists, and anti-Christs bent on world domination, suppression of the little man, enslavement of him and his children, and restraint of his liberties.  They were only anti-establishment as long as they weren’t the establishment.

North Carolina Deputy Shoots Her Daughter While Showing Off Her Gun To Guests

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

LINCOLNTON, N.C. (WBTV) — An 11-year-old is in stable condition after she was accidentally shot by her mother, a Lincoln County sheriff’s deputy.

Misty Michelle Flowers, a Lincoln County deputy, was reportedly showing her service weapon to guests at her Loop Road home when she accidentally fired the gun. The bullet went through a wall and hit her daughter in the next room, according to reports.

Lincoln deputies said they were called to the home at 11:23 p.m. and started tending to the girl’s injury. The child was taken to CHS-Lincoln and then airlifted to Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte. According to deputies, she was in stable condition after surgery.

Flowers, 38, has been with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office since 2015 and worked for the Catawba County Sheriff’s Office before that.

She didn’t accidentally do anything.  She negligently placed her finger inside the trigger guard and pulled the trigger.

But remember boys and girls, only a law enforcement officer really knows anything about guns.  And only a law enforcement officer can be trusted to carry one on a day to day basis.  And only law enforcement offices have been trained in super secret ninja warrior stress management techniques while operating tactically during tactical operations.

How A Federal Law Protecting Gun Companies Could Fail

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago


A gun-violence victim’s family is hoping the mother of the man who fatally shot their relative will strengthen their case against two firearms dealers in an Oregon court.

Kirsten Englund, a 57-year-old California woman, was fatally shot in April 2013 at a scenic overlook in Oregon while on her way to visit relatives. After 30-year-old Jeffrey Boyce killed Englund, he drove to northern California and carjacked two different drivers before police arrested him. Two months later, while awaiting his arraignment, Boyce killed himself in jail.

On Thursday, the gunman’s mother, Diane Boyce, agreed to help the family with its wrongful death lawsuit against two retailers that sold her guns, despite originally being named in the lawsuit.

In the complaint, Englund’s two sons and sister accuse Diane Boyce of acting as a straw purchaser by buying an AK-47 rifle and two handguns for her son in 2011 and 2012. A “straw purchase” occurs when the actual buyer of a firearm uses another person to execute the paperwork necessary to complete the purchase through a federally licensed dealer. By intentionally buying guns for someone else, straw purchasers thwart the background checks system and thus may allow firearms to be funneled to criminals, domestic abusers and other individuals who pose a risk to public safety.

Jeffrey Boyce, who lawyers say was not legally allowed to own guns because he had a criminal record at the time of his mother’s first purchase, used one of the three firearms to murder Englund, according to the lawsuit. He had never met Englund before he killed her, shooting her at close range, pouring gasoline over her body, lighting her on fire and then shooting her once more, the complaint says.

The suit says J&G Sales, an online firearms and ammunition retailer in Arizona, sold the two pistols, which were then shipped to World Pawn Exchange (WPE) in North Bend, Oregon, for Boyce to claim. A Minnesota dealer sold the AK-47 and also shipped to WPE. After his arrest, Boyce told law enforcement officials that he used one of the pistols to kill Englund, the complaint says.

[ … ]

The lawsuit alleges that the retailers had reason to know the guns were being purchased by a straw buyer—but still allowed the sales to proceed—and that J&G and WPE’s negligence caused Englund’s death. The suit describes an invoice that allegedly identifies Jeffrey Boyce as the buyer.

I don’t know any more details about the case.  But it isn’t good enough that Remington was on the hook (pardon the pun) for Sandy Hook and then wisely let go because of the federal law, and it doesn’t matter that the dealer (WPE) apparently didn’t do their due diligence in selling the firearms (if indeed that is the case, and I don’t know that it is).

No, this parent wants more.  She wants to shut down a distributor who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime.  When the law fails their desire for “social justice,” progressives always turn to the court, where single individuals (or malleable juries) can effectively rewrite the law for them.

Progressives were outraged at acquittal of the Bundy brothers.  Jury nullification is outrageous in this case because the Bundy brothers challenged the fedgov, but as for gun laws, if it works for them then it’s a good thing.  Because the only good law is one which aids the social justice warriors in their quest to become god.

New York To Georgia: You Need Guns Laws Like Us

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago


New York’s attorney general has a message for Georgians: keep your guns to yourselves.

In a study released this week, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman blamed lax gun laws in states such as Georgia for much of the violent crime that occurs in New York state.

New York has some of the nation’s strictest gun-control laws: It bans so-called assault weapons; prohibits the sale of high-capacity magazines; requires background checks on buyers in all firearms transactions, including private and gun-show sales; and issues licenses to people who legally buy handguns.

“New York’s gun laws have curbed access to the guns most associated with violent crimes: handguns,” Schneiderman said in the report. “But the ready availability of these guns in states without these protections thwarts New York’s efforts to keep its citizens safe.”

The study used data from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to determine the origins of guns recovered in connection with crimes in New York between 2010 and 2015.

Of those 52,915 guns, three-fourths came from out of state – in most cases, Schneiderman said, through illegal trafficking. Just 6 percent of the guns still belonged to their original owners when the crimes occurred.

Georgia sent more guns to New York than any states other than Virginia and Pennsylvania, the study found.

Police connected 2,822 guns originally bought in Georgia to crimes in New York; 2,711 of those were handguns. Georgia accounted for 13 percent of out-of-state “crime guns” recovered by New York police during the five years covered by the study.

The largest number of the Georgia guns – 152 – were connected to a crime within one year of purchase. Another 209 had been bought in Georgia between one and three years earlier. Many may have been stolen from gun stores or individuals in Georgia.

Schneiderman used the report’s release to call for federal legislation to mandate background checks on all purchases at gun shows and for state laws s to require permits for handgun buyers.

In Georgia, at least, that proposal is a non-starter. Georgia law prohibits police from even asking people with guns whether they have concealed-carry permits. The state allows open carry of firearms in many public places – bars, for instance, or the non-secure areas of airports.

New York to Georgia: “You need to be more like us.”

Georgia to New York: ” … yawn.  Did somebody say something?”

Off Duty Police Officer’s Gun Discharges Into Day Care

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

News from Cleveland:

CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio – Investigators are trying to determine if any laws were broken when a stray bullet from the gun of an off-duty police officer ended up inside a local day care center.

The incident happened at about 3:30 Monday afternoon when there were children at the center.

“The person was, I believe in their upstairs bedroom when the gun discharged and it went through their exterior wall and then entered into the day care center,” said Russ Balthis, Cuyahoga Falls city prosecutor.

The gun described by police was a 9mm Glock 19.

“My building is brick and the kids were playing and literally it sounded like a loud noise; dust was flying because it came through one wall and then hit another wall and there’s a circle, so it could still be in the circle but I didn’t want to pull anything apart and look for it,” a caller from the KinderCare Learning Center on State Road told police in a 9-1-1 call.

Police Chief Jack Davis said the gun owner is a volunteer reserve police officer in Cuyahoga Falls but a paid patrolman in East Cleveland, where he has been with their department since last December.

“There was an off-duty East Cleveland officer who was unloading a gun or somehow doing something with his weapon, I believe unloading it, from what I heard, had an accidental discharge the bullet, traveled outside of his home through a wall at a day care and got lodged in the opposite wall of the day care,” said Davis.

Okay, let me help you a bit Mr. Davis.  The officer put his finger inside the trigger guard and pulled the trigger.  I’m glad I could be of help.

Barney, give me the gun and bullet.  Hand it over.

It’s Okay To Be An Idiot If You’re A Gun Controller

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago


Victims of gun violence are not just the people in direct range of bullets. They’re also those on the periphery.

 Almost every single American—99.85%—will know at least one victim of gun violence during his or her lifetime, a recent analysis in the journal Preventive Medicine estimates.

Around 30,000 gun-related deaths and 80,000 non-fatal injuries occur annually in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A study published in the American Journal of Medicine earlier this year showed that Americans were 10 times more likely to die as a result of a firearm compared with residents of 22 other high-income countries. Of all firearm deaths in all these countries, more than 80% occur in the US.

The researchers combined two kinds of data to establish the full scope of the effects of gun violence. First, they collected estimates of direct victims of gun violence—fatal and non-fatal gun injury rates in 2013 at the national level—from the CDC. Second, they tried to calculate the size of the average American’s social network based on data from previous social network studies.

The researchers made additional assumptions, such as that gun violence happens to anyone at random, so all individuals face same risk. In reality, of course, some people are much more likely to be shot than others, but the thinking here is that, when averaged across the entire US population, everyone’s likelihood of experiencing gun violence is about the same.

Sounds awful doesn’t it?  High income, sophisticated country, and all that.  The deaths aren’t concentrated in the inner city where the collectivists have created an uneducated and feral population of killers demanding the next handout.

Oh wait.  There’s that.  And how does the author deal with this issue?  By saying, “In reality, of course, some people are much more likely to be shot than others, but the thinking here is that, when averaged across the entire US population, everyone’s likelihood of experiencing gun violence is about the same.”

I’ve never read such a nonsense statement in my life masquerading as journalism and analysis.  Some people are much more likely to be shot than others.  But the assumption is that everyone’s likelihood is about the same.  No shit.  You can’t make this stuff up.

The author contradicted the premise for the analysis, and then restated the premise.  But if it’s to support gun control, that’s okay.  Because it’s okay to be an idiot if you’re a gun controller.  No one will call you out for what you are, not even an editor.

Jeff Quinn On The Upcoming Election

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Terrorism From All Corners

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Threats of home invasion, right address police raids for an ounce of marijuana, or wrong address police raids, is a form of terrorism on the American population, perpetrated by the police.

There are other forms.  On Long Island, it takes the form of being told to be in fear for your life because of Latino criminals imported from South of the border.

An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death, but police said the case was being investigated as a homicide.

Hernandez, who police say was a known gang member, was reported missing in June. Suffolk County police believe he was beaten to death.

“We didn’t find those remains by accident,” said Suffolk County Police Commissioner Timothy Sini. “We are putting an enormous amount of pressure on the criminal element in the Brentwood area.”

Four Brentwood High School teens were killed or found dead within the past six weeks, all suspected victims of gang violence.

Investigators began discovering the corpses on Sept. 13, when the badly beaten body of Nisa Mickens was found on a tree-lined street in Brentwood, a day before her 16th birthday. A day later, the beaten body of her lifelong friend, 16-year-old Kayla Cuevas, was discovered in the wooded backyard of a nearby home.

In the wake of the deaths, school administrators warned students not to wear clothing that risked offending vicious street gangs.

Make sure not to offend the vicious street gangs.  So mothers, make sure to know the gang colors and throw all of that clothing away.  The cartels, as regular readers know, engage in more than drug trafficking.  They also engage in human trafficking.  The invasion will continue, and make sure not to let your kids out of your sight.  They might be kidnapped and sold into sex slavery.

Oh, and make sure not to offend the Muslims in Idaho either.  Your little girl might get raped and cut.  Folks, you’re under attack from all corners.  Understand it as the war that it is.

Beyond Mere Shooting Practice

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago


This is another one that is different for everybody. In the beginning, I went to the range every two weeks and put a couple hundred rounds at paper targets.

I also practiced dry fire in my house (with no one home, because, you know, it feels kind of silly – even though it isn’t) at least twice a week.

This was mainly drawing, firing and firing while moving either backwards or quartering away from the target. Later my Son bought a SIRT training pistol – a full weight replica of a Glock 19, with a removable mag and a two stage laser trigger – and I practiced with that the same way.

Beyond practice, you need to read, Read, READ! So many books that help you to understand concealed carry, guns, tactics and practice.

Read them. Study them. Practice them. When you’ve read a book, sign the inside of the cover and date it. Why? Because if you ever have to defend yourself at trial, what you know and don’t know may be the difference between going home to he family and living in a hell called prison for the rest of your life.

At trial, you are able to give evidence only to what you knew at the time, and how it may have affected your lethal force response. If you shot a man who had a knife and was 18′ feet away, being able to explain to a jury what the Tueler Drill is and the part it plays in JOA – Jeopardy, Opportunity and Ability – will go a long way to helping yourself.

If you didn’t know this information in advance, you would not be able to bring it up at trial. Keeping records of what you read can be a great help to yourself and your attorneys, should the need arise.

I don’t think dry fire practice is silly at all, and it certainly doesn’t feel that way.  Furthermore, as I’ve recommended before, I wait until no one is in the house, turn the lights out at night, make sure my tactical light has fresh batteries, and practice room clearing techniques.  How do you know you don’t bang the doorways with your rifle muzzle without practicing it?  Do you have a plan for sweeping the whole house?  Which room do to tackle first?  Does it make a difference if anyone is in the house?  Do it change your plan?  Do you have the movement mechanics worked out for hallway and room to room transition?

But this last recommendation from Ammoland is also very good on threats outside the home.  So in the interest of being able to prove that you’ve thought about the Tueller drill, watch this video in its entirety.

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