Kyle Lamb On Stronghand Only Reload
BY Herschel Smith
This is an interesting drill. I imagine that the point is that you have suffered an injury during close quarters battle and need to reload. I don’t of any range anywhere I have ever gone to where you would be allowed to do something like this. Obviously, he has his own private range.
On October 20, 2016 at 7:09 pm, wynn said:
he keeps the pistol pointed at the ground and not back up range. I don’t see a safety issue. I have taught this technique and it works.
On October 21, 2016 at 3:53 pm, JSW said:
Some of our steel events are “weak hand only”, during which only the weak hand can be used to draw, fire, reload, and clear the handgun. All under the timed event. So we not only practice weak hand only, we also practice strong side only.
Learning to reload, clear a malf, rack the slide with only one hand is a primary skill so far as I’m concerned; just as important as knowing how to holster s-l-o-w-l-y…