Only Cops Can Commit The Crime Of Home Invasion
BY Herschel Smith
It was late on a Saturday night, and Elena DeRosa and her husband were watching TV in their southwest Roanoke County home. Suddenly their dog was going nuts. Seconds later the doorbell rang, and there was loud pounding on their front door — boom, boom, boom.
Because nobody they know ever uses that entrance, the couple feared they were targets of a home-invasion robbery. They’d read about one of those in Roanoke County just the week before, she said.
So DeRosa and her husband (whom she asked me not to name) went for their handguns. He was out the side door, armed, before she got to her gun. As she grabbed it, a bright light beamed into their sunroom.
Then the shouting began, DeRosa said. Someone ordered her out of the house. The light was in her face. The next day, this is what she wrote on her blog, in a post titled “My Life Matters.”
“Whoever it is, they are not lowering the light so I look away from it and see my husband to my left staring down the barrel of a gun while a cop shouts to him to put his hands on his head. WTF? The light gets lowered as I’m being yelled at to step out of the house, and for the first time I see cops, many, many cops all over my yard, guns pointed at me and my husband.
“I quickly put my [handgun] on the shelf inside and step out to the shouting, ‘Put your hands on top of your head, hands on the head!’ while three of them advance on me, their guns drawn and pointed.”
It was the Roanoke County police. The date was July 23. And the couple wanted to know why the police were at their house, pointing guns at them. And why they looked like a SWAT team.
“Finally a female cop states, ‘We got a report you assaulted someone.’ ” The DeRosas replied they’d been home peacefully, all night. Both were patted down by police.
“Then it dawns on me. ‘What address are your [sic] looking for?’ ” DeRosa wrote. “She says our four house numbers. ‘Yeah, but what street? This is Sugar Loaf Drive. Are you looking for Sugar Loaf Mountain Road? That’s two blocks down!’
“I try to point the way but I’m told to keep my hands up. She looks at her pad then all the cops start looking at each other. Then, only then, do they ask our names.” The couple told them.
At that point, DeRosa later told me, the officers all looked at each other with “Oh sh–” expressions on their faces and ran for their cars. There was no apology, no nothing, DeRosa said. They sped off into the night.
So what the heck happened? It’s a worthy question, because under the circumstance, some law-abiding citizens minding their own business in their house could easily have wound up shot or dead. Now, we have some answers, as a result of an internal investigation initiated by DeRosa after the incident.
Three officers went to the wrong house, said Assistant Chief Jimmy Chapman. The dispatcher had sent them to an address bearing the same street number, on Sugar Loaf Mountain Road rather than Sugar Loaf Drive.
But when an officer entered the address into a GPS, the DeRosas’ address was “the first one that popped up,” he said.
Geniuses, each and every one. I reckon no one has ever heard of independent verification or QV&V (quality verification and validation to ensure the accuracy, fidelity and veracity of your information). Guns drawn, people muzzle flagged, and innocent people put at risk, and had there been a home invasion by gang bangers, the poor folks inside wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. Oh well, Justice Breyer says we don’t have a right to self defense anyway, because, “the children.”
Remember, boys and girls. Only cops can commit the crime of home invasion, because they are just like you, only better and more special. It’s illegal for you to do this.
On October 21, 2016 at 6:51 am, MattBracken said:
Just wait until Hillary slips the FLEAs off the leash to go after irredeemable deplorable gun nuts.
On October 24, 2016 at 7:34 am, Billy Mullins said:
Writing assignment, your Exalted Brackenness, I’d love to see exactly how YOU think it will go down starting 9, Nov. I know you’re not a prophet but you ARE a damned good writer. Maybe I just need a Bracken fix but I’d like to see one of your characters living through the aftermath of a Hildabeast “win”. Maybe that guy Danny from “Castigo Cay”?
If Hildabeast “wins”, do you think the Trumpites will riot? If Trump wins do you think BLM et al will riot? Do you think Dear leader would take advantage of the riots to declare a state of emergency and impose martial law? C’mon, Matt. How do you expect all to go down?
[crossing fingers, toes (I really can) and eyes]
On October 21, 2016 at 9:11 am, Douglas Mortimer said:
My goodness. Makes me want to smash my head through my screen sometimes.
On October 21, 2016 at 12:59 pm, Blake said:
According to our current government, you are a criminal merely by owning a firearm and believing in the plain language of the Constitution. The only reason you, and I, have not been forcibly disarmed is because government hasn’t yet decided if they can get away with it.
I have to admit, I’m perfectly comfortable with being labeled a subversive because I believe in the God of the Bible and the Constitution as written.
On October 21, 2016 at 1:32 pm, Fred said:
“…could easily have wound up shot or dead”
Let me fix that for the author;
“…many have wound up dead, shot, children flash-banged and shot, dogs shot and killed, dozens and dozens of times by the militarized police state.”
There, all better.
On October 21, 2016 at 7:53 pm, Haywood Jablome said:
What in the name of Zeuses butthole is wrong with these idiots? One of these is going to end up with a bunch of dead cops and the lame media will turn the shooter into some monster and the dead Rambo wannabes into hero’s. Tick tock………
On October 24, 2016 at 1:28 pm, Archer said:
I recall a story (can’t find it now; it might have been an urban legend) where a SWAT team performed a “no-knock” raid at the wrong address, looking for a mid-level drug dealer. Complicating the raid, the officers wore unmarked uniforms and body armor, and didn’t announce themselves as cops.
Oh, and the owner of the house was a Navy SEAL, possibly with mild PTSD, who took immediate actions to defend his home and family.
It did not end well … for the cops. And the suspect, living two doors down, saw the whole thing and ran. He got away.
I suddenly see a need to find a link for this one, if it exists. If the tendency toward “no-knock” SWAT raids continues on its present course, if it hasn’t happened already, it’s going to happen eventually.
On October 24, 2016 at 3:59 pm, silver cowboy said:
You recall correctly
A Tucson, Ariz., SWAT team defends shooting an Iraq War veteran 60 times during a drug raid, although it declines to say whether it found any drugs in the house and has had to retract its claim that the veteran shot first.
And the Pima County sheriff, whose team conducted the raid, scolded the media for “questioning the legality” of the shooting.
On October 24, 2016 at 6:50 pm, Archer said:
I remember that one; this one was different, and from much further back. We’re talking 10-15 years ago, or more.
Like I said, it may be an urban legend….
On October 24, 2016 at 4:01 pm, silver cowboy said:
Video of the raid can be found on Youtube.
Jose Guerena was a U.S. Marine veteran who served in the Iraq War and was killed in his Tucson, Arizona, home, on May 5, 2011, by deputies of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department SWAT team, while they were executing a warrant to search his home in relation to an ongoing investigation into illegal drug smuggling from Mexico. In September 2013, the four police agencies involved agreed to pay Guerena’s wife and children $3.4 million as a settlement, without admitting wrongdoing in their killing of Guerena.[2]
On October 25, 2016 at 2:39 pm, Deserttrek said:
ALL of the cops involved and those who approved the raid are murderers and should be treated as such. I remember this and thought the same thing then
On October 24, 2016 at 2:15 pm, joefour said:
John Whitehead and the Rutherford Institute have done an admirable job documenting the current and coming police state movement in the good ole USA and the many other instances of militarized police actions that are all too similar to the one described in this post.
On October 25, 2016 at 2:38 pm, Deserttrek said:
those cops all belong on a list like sex fiends so they can never be cops again after a minimum of 10 years in prison