Beyond Mere Shooting Practice
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 3 months ago
This is another one that is different for everybody. In the beginning, I went to the range every two weeks and put a couple hundred rounds at paper targets.
I also practiced dry fire in my house (with no one home, because, you know, it feels kind of silly – even though it isn’t) at least twice a week.
This was mainly drawing, firing and firing while moving either backwards or quartering away from the target. Later my Son bought a SIRT training pistol – a full weight replica of a Glock 19, with a removable mag and a two stage laser trigger – and I practiced with that the same way.
Beyond practice, you need to read, Read, READ! So many books that help you to understand concealed carry, guns, tactics and practice.
Read them. Study them. Practice them. When you’ve read a book, sign the inside of the cover and date it. Why? Because if you ever have to defend yourself at trial, what you know and don’t know may be the difference between going home to he family and living in a hell called prison for the rest of your life.
At trial, you are able to give evidence only to what you knew at the time, and how it may have affected your lethal force response. If you shot a man who had a knife and was 18′ feet away, being able to explain to a jury what the Tueler Drill is and the part it plays in JOA – Jeopardy, Opportunity and Ability – will go a long way to helping yourself.
If you didn’t know this information in advance, you would not be able to bring it up at trial. Keeping records of what you read can be a great help to yourself and your attorneys, should the need arise.
I don’t think dry fire practice is silly at all, and it certainly doesn’t feel that way. Furthermore, as I’ve recommended before, I wait until no one is in the house, turn the lights out at night, make sure my tactical light has fresh batteries, and practice room clearing techniques. How do you know you don’t bang the doorways with your rifle muzzle without practicing it? Do you have a plan for sweeping the whole house? Which room do to tackle first? Does it make a difference if anyone is in the house? Do it change your plan? Do you have the movement mechanics worked out for hallway and room to room transition?
But this last recommendation from Ammoland is also very good on threats outside the home. So in the interest of being able to prove that you’ve thought about the Tueller drill, watch this video in its entirety.
On October 26, 2016 at 10:42 am, Ned Weatherby said:
“When you’ve read a book, sign the inside of the cover and date it.” Really good advice.
On October 28, 2016 at 6:55 am, themason90 said:
Devil advocate if I may. “Date and sign…” . could this also not be used against me? This is to say…(in court) look, all these “gun” books, AND signed, this guy was looking for trouble. As one who carries I try to look at all possible….or am I wrong.
On October 28, 2016 at 9:45 am, Paddy OC said:
Reading and dating may provide the same testimony to responsibility that a police officer’s record of training provides. EVERYTHING will be thrown against you in court. It would be far better to have your counsel describe you as a conscientious and responsible citizen, as opposed to a yahoo who stuck a gun in his pants and diliberately set out to take the law into your own hands.
The same precautions apply regarding posting photos of yourself on social media with guns etc. If you have an account with your real name, be sure that account is nothing but fluffy bunnies and love for your fellow man… supporting food banks, animal rescue…you get the picture.
I’m in my 23rd year as a cop. When non-cops use force in righteousness, I treat that non-cop the same as cops, and get them to a hospital to be treated for tinnitus, chest pains, whatever. VERY few cops will do this, so if you carry a pistola, you MUST take the appropriate, protective measures BEFORE, God forbid, you are forced to let a round go, hit your attacker, or worse…hit one of those kids a block away, who is waiting for the school bus.
Use your head. God bless. And carry spare ammo.
On October 28, 2016 at 9:42 pm, DISPENSER4HIRE said:
Better to live in one of the free states. Better to get better politicians in the occupied states.