The Hillary Clinton – Monsanto Connection
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 2 months ago
We’ll get to the details of the Hillary Clinton – Monsanto connection momentarily. But it’s worth spending a few minutes of your time to watch this.
If you love what Monsanto is doing to the family farmer, then Hillary Clinton is your woman. The latest Wikileaks dump has informed us all about these dark pay-to-play connections.
Leaked email 28657, part of the Podesta email leaks by Wikileaks, shows that the Clinton campaign desperately sought money from Monsanto.
Natural News reports:
The Monsanto operative invited to the fundraiser was none other than Charles W. Burson, Monsanto’s former Executive V.P., Secretary and General Counsel.
Burson, who retired from Monsanto in 2006 but still maintained an active email address all the way through 2015, was praised by Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant for pushing the corporation’s international imperialism agenda to force patented seeds down the throats of poor farmers in developing nations. It’s sickening. Via PR Newswire:
“On behalf of the Monsanto Board of Directors and the employees of Monsanto, I thank Charles for his service to our company,” said Hugh Grant, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Monsanto.
“During his tenure, Monsanto successfully transitioned from an agricultural company fueled by its chemistry business to one led by its seeds and traits businesses.
Charles has played an important role in building the company’s legal organization to better serve our growing business, not only in the United States but also in Latin America and Asia-Pacific, where farmers are increasingly choosing to plant Monsanto seeds and technologies.
In other words, Charles Burson was instrumental in Monsanto suing farmers whose fields were contaminated by genetically modified Monsanto seeds. This legal action by Monsanto is globally considered to be one of the most evil, anti-human rights abuses of legal power ever witnessed in the modern world, yet the Hillary Clinton campaign saw this man as an opportunity to raise more money to put Hillary Clinton into the White House (where, no doubt, she would return the favor to Monsanto through government policy decisions at the USDA and FDA).
Fully consistent with the criminal conduct of the Clinton crime mafia, Charles Burson also took part in excusing Monsanto’s illegal bribery of over 140 Indonesian officials as part of its international agricultural imperialism march against subsistence farmers.
After caught committing massive bribery and collusion in Indonesia, Monsanto’s then general counsel Charles Burson explained that no, Monsanto isn’t a bad company. They’re super honest, and transparent and ethical, too!
“The company has taken remedial actions to address the activities in Indonesia. At every stage of this process — beginning with our voluntary disclosure and throughout the governmental investigations and settlement process — Monsanto has been fully cooperative, and has made clear that improper activities will not be tolerated by the company. We are pleased today to begin the process of putting these matters to rest,” wrote Burson.
Whaddaya know! With the corrupt, lawless Justice Department calling the shots, Monsanto was then given a get out of jail free card by the political elite in Washington.
From the same link above:
The Justice Department said it had agreed to defer prosecution on the criminal information for three years, saying it would dismiss it after the period if Monsanto fully complied with the terms of the agreement.
I’ve been monitoring Monsanto, Archer-Daniels-Midland and such companies for a long time now, and this sort of thing only begins to scratch the surface of lawyer-enabled, money-fueled destruction of small and family farms. The family farmer is rapidly becoming extinct in America, and that’s not good enough for the conglomerates. They’re going after overseas farms as well.
As if it needs to be said, Hillary is a friend of anyone who is powerful and has money, as long as that money flows to her coffers. Under her world view, the powerful become more powerful, and the rich become richer. There is no right and wrong to her and her ilk – there is only will to power. It’s an ironic and sad commentary on the “free love” and protests of the 60’s and the demon offspring it produced.
They were never interested in liberty, and they were never anti-establishment. The hippies were always communists, statists, and anti-Christs bent on world domination, suppression of the little man, enslavement of him and his children, and restraint of his liberties. They were only anti-establishment as long as they weren’t the establishment.
On November 1, 2016 at 7:02 am, ThirtyCal said:
Nothing in this article is unexpected when you already know that HRC is a psychopath. That she is a major party nominee is the (very) alarming reality!
On November 1, 2016 at 7:46 am, Frank Clarke said:
A psychopath? That makes ‘two’, then…
On November 1, 2016 at 8:47 am, Fred said:
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Gen 1:11-12
I don’t recommend it mind you but, there is a very small and often times very informative advantage to being uneducated. Being unencumbered by 16 to 20 years of other peoples (mostly) opinion about the world makes understanding simple things, simple. I honestly don’t know that GMO is bad. I’ve heard good arguments telling me that my stance is biblically legalistic. I’ve considered what “subdue” means when God says to subdue the earth. I just can’t shake it. It’s like one of those things, like when somebody is staring at you from behind, you know it, you can feel it, it’s threatening and it’s a fact even though you can’t actually see the person yet. We were made with this ability. Every fiber of my being tells me that we should not be modifying life forms. If God saw that His way was good, then another manner would be bad, no?
On November 1, 2016 at 9:47 am, Herschel Smith said:
I haven’t thought through the issue to that extent Fred. But I have indeed thought through this issue with Monsanto and Archer-Daniels-Midland and other such conglomerates.
What is without a doubt immoral is to modify some germ, life form, or whatever, infect the balance of nature with it, argue that it’s yours, that people owe you money for it, and then send the mafia to harm your family and business if you do not submit.
Legally, it’s called organized crime. Morally and Biblically it’s called deeds of darkness perpetrated by the prince of darkness, and the lawyers and bankers who enable such things will suffer in hell for eternity. And judgment on earth for them may come sooner than they had anticipated.
On November 1, 2016 at 11:50 am, Fred said:
Oh, I don’t disagree with any of your assessment. I figure that evil must be at it’s core. If it were good, it’s fruit would be good. I think of penicillin or the printing press. How many businesses had to be forcefully wrecked, how much collusion did there have to be between men with guns and men with lawyers in order to force the PUBLIC to except them? Or the polio vaccine or heated shelter.
On November 1, 2016 at 9:44 am, Ned Weatherby said:
On November 8, 2016 at 6:05 am, seedy said:
Herschel, your description of hippies is so off base. Find and browse an old Mother Earth Catalog from the 1970’s to see just what hippies’ interests were. They were the organic farmers and seed savers! To consider Hillary or anything Monsanto “hippie” is offensive to true hippies.