Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Christian Fundamentalism Is More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorism

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Chicago Maroon (from reader Mack):

A leading humanist scholar stressed symbolic Bible reading and warned of the radical right at a talk on Tuesday at the Seminary Co-Op.

For Catherine M. Wallace, faculty member at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine  and author of the recently concluded book series *Christian Humanism and the Moral Imagination*, the Christian fundamentalist movement in the United States is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism. Wallace, a Christian herself, believes fundamentalist access to United States armaments is the number one threat to state security.

“If [anything Islamic] wanted to attack an American city, they had to hijack an airliner. If they want to blow up a concert, they need to put bombs on their own children and send young men in to kill themselves…that kind of radicalism [Christian fundamentalism] in control of nuclear codes was a much, much greater threat,” Wallace said.

As a historian and Christian humanist, Wallace wanted to examine fundamentalism’s strongest arguments and find its weaknesses. She looked at how fundamentalist Christianity first sprung up in the Southern United States. “The religious right in its most contemporary form has an origin in Southern opposition to desegregation and to the Civil Rights Movement…a transparently racist appeal,” Wallace said.

In Wallace’s view, this radicalism stems from a literal reading of the Bible. “Nobody in the ancient world would have read the Bible literally,” Wallace said. The idea of a literal reading is a thoroughly modern phenomenon, according to Wallace—church fathers of the past would discourage anyone from taking the Bible literally.

Therefore, according to Wallace, the fundamentalists have it all wrong. “Christian fundamentalism is a malignant form of Christianity,” Wallace said. In her opinion, their literalist reading creates misconceptions of what the Bible means, fostering a climate of hate and leading to increased and unnecessary conflict between Christians and the rest of the world.

Near the end of the talk, Wallace turned to her personal take on the Bible. “It’s the great anthology of Jewish storytelling. It’s brilliant, but these are very ancient stories.” She argues that by reading the Bible this way, Christianity can far better coexist with the worlds of science and politics. Equally important, the religion can lose its reputation of going against facts and progressive social trends.

She’s lying.  She is presupposing the stupidity and ignorance of the modern seminary student – and that may be a perfectly good assumption – in order to make her point.  She wants the students to think that good hermeneutics means that nothing the Bible says is true.  She is conflating the lies of source, form and redaction criticism with good hermeneutical principles like interpreting according to literature type (e.g., the parables of Christ aren’t systematic theology, and cannot be used to make more than a single theological point, versus the systematic theology that is found in the Pauline doctrine from the epistles).

So who knows – since we Christian fundamentalists are more dangerous than Islamic radicals, perhaps she wants the fedgov to go after us.  But listen here.  We have the guns.  So what are you going to do about it beyond lying to the idiot students?

As for my more fundamentalist Christian response, I can only think of this to say.  Blow it out your ass, jerk.  Oh, and I don’t think you’re a Christian at all.  You lied about that too (I find the stupid term “co-religionist” insulting and objectionable and you don’t get to make up anything you want and call it Christian, any more than I can declare that I am the king of Siam and make it happen).

The Twin Cities Are Lost To Islam

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago


After spending all of last week in Minnesota, UTT’s professional assessment of the enemy situation is this:  the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota – known as the “Twin Cities” – are in enemy-held territory.  They are, at least for the time being, lost – meaning, they are under the control of a collaborative jihadist/marxist element there.

Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in America.  It is estimated that over 125,000 Somalis live there, most of whom are in the Minneapolis area.  This community sent at least 22 Islamic jihadi fighters overseas to fight for the terrorist group Al Shabaab, although some estimate the number is closer to four dozen.

The  Cedar Riverside neighborhood is also called “Little Mogadishu” in reference to Somalia’s capital.  Some Minneapolis residents feel parts of their city have become like a third world nation.

Inside a 10 mile radius of Minneapolis city-center, there are at least 29 Islamic Centers/mosques, and an unknown number of home-mosques.  The Twin Cities area is home to Hamas organizations including CAIR and Islamic Associations.  The Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim Students Associations (MSAs) are on at least 21 Minnesota college and university campuses. There are MSAs in at least 11 Minnesota high schools recruiting jihadis and turning public opinion towards the Palestinian Cause (Hamas) and away from Israel.

Other Muslim Brotherhood (jihadi) organizations in and around the Twin Cities area include the Islamic Societies in Woodbury and Willmar, the Muslim American Society (MAS), and others.

The Twin Cities is home to the first official organization representing Al-Azhar University in Egypt -the Islamic University of Minnesota (IUM).  Al-Azhar is the oldest and most authoritative school of Islamic jurisprudence on the planet.  At IUM students are taught that killing Jews, waging jihad, and imposing sharia on the world are obligations for all Muslims.

Minneapolis and St. Paul are also home to the Minnesota Dawah Institute.  This Institute focuses on spreading Islamic Dawah, the call to Islam, a mandatory requirement before jihad can be waged.

As a result of this invasion of Minnesota, the average Muslim on the street wants to overturn U.S. law and live by sharia.  This includes the open support of killing people who mock Mohammad, Islam’s prophet.  For a realistic view, see the Ami Horowitz short video on the streets of the Muslim Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, also known as the “West Bank” of the University of Minnesota, HERE.

Read the rest.  The twin cities are a casualty in the global war.  The media is complicit, the elected officials are using their positions of power and influence to silence critics and dissent, and the takeover of Minnesota was bloodless.

If you ever thought that elected officials, law enforcement or the national security apparatus was going to save you from this, you’re naïve and badly mistaken.

You know what you need to be doing.  Take the guns you’ve already bought to the range and practice.  Buy more ammunition.  Steel yourself for what’s coming.  And just in case you needed to be reminded, you need to watch this and read this again.

Do it yesterday.


Only Cops Can Commit The Crime Of Home Invasion

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

News from Virginia:

It was late on a Saturday night, and Elena DeRosa and her husband were watching TV in their southwest Roanoke County home. Suddenly their dog was going nuts. Seconds later the doorbell rang, and there was loud pounding on their front door — boom, boom, boom.

Because nobody they know ever uses that entrance, the couple feared they were targets of a home-invasion robbery. They’d read about one of those in Roanoke County just the week before, she said.

So DeRosa and her husband (whom she asked me not to name) went for their handguns. He was out the side door, armed, before she got to her gun. As she grabbed it, a bright light beamed into their sunroom.

Then the shouting began, DeRosa said. Someone ordered her out of the house. The light was in her face. The next day, this is what she wrote on her blog, in a post titled “My Life Matters.”

“Whoever it is, they are not lowering the light so I look away from it and see my husband to my left staring down the barrel of a gun while a cop shouts to him to put his hands on his head. WTF? The light gets lowered as I’m being yelled at to step out of the house, and for the first time I see cops, many, many cops all over my yard, guns pointed at me and my husband.

“I quickly put my [handgun] on the shelf inside and step out to the shouting, ‘Put your hands on top of your head, hands on the head!’ while three of them advance on me, their guns drawn and pointed.”

It was the Roanoke County police. The date was July 23. And the couple wanted to know why the police were at their house, pointing guns at them. And why they looked like a SWAT team.

“Finally a female cop states, ‘We got a report you assaulted someone.’ ” The DeRosas replied they’d been home peacefully, all night. Both were patted down by police.

“Then it dawns on me. ‘What address are your [sic] looking for?’ ” DeRosa wrote. “She says our four house numbers. ‘Yeah, but what street? This is Sugar Loaf Drive. Are you looking for Sugar Loaf Mountain Road? That’s two blocks down!’

“I try to point the way but I’m told to keep my hands up. She looks at her pad then all the cops start looking at each other. Then, only then, do they ask our names.” The couple told them.

At that point, DeRosa later told me, the officers all looked at each other with “Oh sh–” expressions on their faces and ran for their cars. There was no apology, no nothing, DeRosa said. They sped off into the night.

So what the heck happened? It’s a worthy question, because under the circumstance, some law-abiding citizens minding their own business in their house could easily have wound up shot or dead. Now, we have some answers, as a result of an internal investigation initiated by DeRosa after the incident.

Three officers went to the wrong house, said Assistant Chief Jimmy Chapman. The dispatcher had sent them to an address bearing the same street number, on Sugar Loaf Mountain Road rather than Sugar Loaf Drive.

But when an officer entered the address into a GPS, the DeRosas’ address was “the first one that popped up,” he said.

Geniuses, each and every one.  I reckon no one has ever heard of independent verification or QV&V (quality verification and validation to ensure the accuracy, fidelity and veracity of your information).  Guns drawn, people muzzle flagged, and innocent people put at risk, and had there been a home invasion by gang bangers, the poor folks inside wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference.  Oh well, Justice Breyer says we don’t have a right to self defense anyway, because, “the children.”

Remember, boys and girls.  Only cops can commit the crime of home invasion, because they are just like you, only better and more special.  It’s illegal for you to do this.

Reddit And The Autists Joins The Fight Against Hillary

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Wynn Anderson writes via email with the following link about #Anonymous, Reddit and 4Chan joining forces with Wikileaks to unleash retribution on the Clinton campaign.  The web site prevents me from copying their post and pasting here.  It’s worth a look.

This has been going on for some time, and this specific Reddit page isn’t the first to take on Hillary.  The Donald has been active for quite some time.  In fact, it’s a true statement that the Autists associated with Reddit are Hillary’s worst enemy.  And if you aren’t aware of the pattern recognition abilities of autistics, you should be.  Reddit makes big use of autistic folks who do this voluntarily and seemingly without tiring.

If Hillary does win the election, her reign will be problematic to say the least.  You don’t want the Autists against you.

Pistol Malfunction Due To “Stovepipe” Round

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Of this post, Leigh Haines writes the following via email.

I’ve seen this happen when an individual “limp-wrists” an automatic by not holding it securely enough. It was a S&W Model 59 that was clean, well maintained, and running quality brass. Five different people shot it with no issue, but the next kept having jam after jam. After watching him for a minute, I had him tighten his grip, and the failures lessened. I say lessened, because this particular individual lacked sufficient forearm strength to maintain a proper hold on the grips. As he got tired, he would loosen his purchase on the pistol – allowing the recoil to rotate it in his hand, rather than cycle the slide. Needless to say, he didn’t get to shoot the 1911.

New Brunswick Man Shot In The Face By “Misfiring” Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

News from Canada:

BOIESTOWN, N.B. — A New Brunswick restaurateur has survived after a misfiring rifle showered his face with bullet shrapnel.

Douglas Lyons said a bullet exploded in the chamber as he tried to load his Savage Axis .30-06 rifle Sunday while testing it in the woods ahead of a planned hunting trip.

“The firing pin fired and blew that shell up on me, and that’s what hit me in the face,” Lyons said Wednesday from Boiestown, N.B., where he owns the Tipsy Canoe restaurant.

“The covering of the bullet and the powder and all that stuff in there came up and struck me on the side of my head. Cut my face open there quite a bit.”

Lyons said he had dropped his four sons off at Sunday school and went to the woods with some friends to sight his rifle. He took his gun from its case, and tried to load it, but the bolt wouldn’t lock.

The firing pin went off as he pulled the bolt back on his third attempt, the bullet still in the chamber, he said.

“The barrel was pointed away from me. It was quite a moment. The gun went one way and I went the other,” he said.

Lyons said he bought the gun a year ago at a store in Fredericton, and said the firing pin should never have fired in that position.

He drove himself out of the woods, despite his friends’ pleas not to, and his wife later drove him to a hospital in Fredericton.

He said he had lost a lot of blood, and felt light-headed and cold by the time he got to hospital about 90 minutes after the misfiring. Doctors found and removed most of the shrapnel, although he said they want the swelling to subside before they take the final piece out.

Lyons remains in a lot of pain, he said, but is mostly glad the damage wasn’t worse.

“My ears are still ringing, I’ve still got a friggin’ headache, but the main thing is I’m still around here to talk it about I guess,” he said. “It could be worse, I could be blinded or whatever, right?”

“The firing pin fired.”  This is a strange writeup and it isn’t clear to me what happened.  Here is a picture of the round still in the gun.


So what is your judgment?  What did this guy do – try to slam the bolt into battery and end up striking the primer with the firing pin?  You can visit the URL and see pictures of his shot up face.

Carrying Out The Trash

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Tomorrow is trash day, and I always roll the cans out.  Sometimes I have to roll the trash out of this web site too.  Keith Perkins, of Bangor, Maine, at,, made an ass of himself today at this post.

I did what I always do with those I suspect of being trolls.  I gave him enough rope to prove it.  He started by insulting my readers.  He moved from there to demand that I stop covering politics and religion, asked me if I was “willfully ignorant,” and then made ridiculous claims, viz. “Christians burn Christian churches all the time …”  He finished by refusing to substantiate his claims, but demanding that I substantiate some claims that I supposedly made but cannot locate.

The original intent and import of the post is salient and important.  With the coming Islamic invasion, those of you who are “cross worshipers” (you know that’s how they refer to you, right?) will have to consider how you protect your families, homes and churches.  Their Mosques are considered by them to be armories and forts, preparing them for battle and logistically sustaining them.  That’s why they had no problem emplacing weapons of all kinds in them during OIF.

As for Keith, he is a liar.  He didn’t really come to TCJ for firearms news and tutorials like he said, he came as a troll.  He also lied about not coming back because our views clash.  He did come back.  His email and IP address is banned now.  It’s always a smelly job to carry the trash out, but someone has to do it.

D.C. Versus Heller Versus Toddlers

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

In tonight’s debate, Hillary said this: “What the District of Columbia was trying to do was protect toddlers from guns.”

Here is the URL to the Heller decision.  Here is the URL to the oral arguments.  Extra credit to any reader who can find reference to the words “toddler,” “baby,” or “child” anywhere in the decision or oral arguments.  Hint: CTRL-F works for PDF.  Take it away folks.

Kyle Lamb On Stronghand Only Reload

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

This is an interesting drill.  I imagine that the point is that you have suffered an injury during close quarters battle and need to reload.  I don’t of any range anywhere I have ever gone to where you would be allowed to do something like this.  Obviously, he has his own private range.

Common AR Rifle Handling Errors

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago


At our Urban Rifle (Carbine) Courses, most students bring ARs, as you might imagine, but we see dozens of other types/brands, some of which I was heretofore only marginally aware, so many are the companies, worldwide, making small arms today.

But my colleagues and I, Dave Spaulding, Tom Givens, Mas Ayoob, James Yeager, Frank Sharpe, Manny Kapelsohn, Jeff Chudwin, Clint Smith, Freddie Blish, et al continue to see repeated handling errors, which during a genuine encounter for which we train, will be fatal!

Some students pick it up right away. Others fumble repeatedly. Most “get it” eventually, training themselves to avoid common AR rifle handling errors!

We instruct students to grab the 30-round magazine (which most use) with the support-side hand as they would a pop-can and smartly insert it into the magazine well. Then, strike the bottom of the newly-inserted magazine. Then, grab it and tug downward, trying to pull it back out.

When the magazine stays in place, it’s good to go.

Conversely, when it comes right back out again, it was never locked in place correctly!

I’m not trying to cast doubt on experts and their recommendations for gun handling, but perhaps this has to do with poor quality guns and poor quality magazines.  But I’ve put thousands upon thousands of rounds through ARs, and I’ve never once had a magazine fail to seat, and I don’t routinely strike the magazine on the bottom.

What about your experience with the AR?


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