Presidential Election Post-Mortem
BY Herschel Smith
Election night was an interesting thing, yes? It was an enlightening thing to watch neocons George Will and Charles Krauthammer lament the passing of true conservatism, as if conservatism = corporatism. The American worker is smart enough to know that he is competing with workers who don’t live under the same EPA and OSHA regulations as he does, and even a hit dog is smart enough to know if you accidentally or intentionally kicked him. The workers are smarter than the neocons give them credit (another way of saying it is that Will and Krauthammer’s disdain for the intelligence level of the American worker is on full display by even suggesting that they don’t understand what true conservatism is). It was also a wonderful thing to see the collectivists weep.
My former Marine Daniel was out and about today and was listening to liberals wail on the uneducated, mean Christians who voted for Trump. Mean, we are. Just mean. Mean enough that this person has never met anybody meaner than Christians. Daniel interrupted and said, “You know, that’s funny. The meanest people I’ve ever met were Iraqi and Syrian Muslims. Have you ever seen the body of a man who was literally skinned while he was still alive?” The collectivists are smarter than we are, know more than we do, are educated beyond comprehension, want to take our money, want to redistribute it according to their own dictates, tell us where to live, how to live, what do to, where to do it, and what to think. And Christians are the ones being mean. In reality, Christians see the government as no more a legitimate power to enact tyrannical laws than Russia has a right to boss the Ukrainians around.
Many collectivists, and even some on the right, are too stolid to understand that as long as you don’t want to murder infants or follow my grandchildren into the bathroom, if you want the free exercise of your legitimate rights, I’m your best friend and biggest ally, because being Christian is the exact antithesis of being a statist. If you want small government, we’re your folk. Christians voted for Trump because of the horror of the alternative. The MSM media couldn’t come to grips with this, and their own disdain for religious voters was on full display in their assumption that social issues exclusively define the religious right. Trump voters of all stripes were insulted on election night, and yet the election was still a rebuke to political correctness, government run health care, meddling in the affairs of other nations, and corruption from the highest levels of government to the lowest. My son Joseph in Travis County, Texas, tells me that the progressives there are savaging Trump voters as ignorant hillbillies. Well, if it takes courses in the liberal arts to be smart, I’ll stick with my differential equations any day. As to being a hillbilly, some of the best men I know could be identified as such. I consider it an honor to be named among them.
The election of Donald J. Trump to the office of president of the U.S. is a good thing compared to the only other alternative. I claimed that it would be, and it will be. Let’s rehearse for a moment what we could have been facing.
First of all, I have linked and commented on the evils of The Clinton Foundation, John Podesta and his ring of pedophiles, and how the Clinton’s are at the epicenter of this abominable, wicked cabal. But just for good measure, I’ll do it again. This Reddit link documents the wickedness of The Clinton Foundation, this Reddit link documents the first of many such threads at Reddit on Podesta and his ring of child rapists, and this Reddit link follows up the initial thread with more details concerning the expanse of this child molestation.
It’s awful reading, and if the country had a soul left we would march on their homes, remove them and hang them all in the public square. Another one of the many things we learned in this election is that the MSM is way past dead, and a few tens of thousands of Redditors with computers, video cameras, time and motivation, can do a better job of journalism and investigation that the MSM and the FBI put together. They can literally take down the most powerful and corrupt political machine in world history, the Clinton Foundation.
But it isn’t just the illegalities and immoralities associated with this horrible reality that you should consider. Take for example this talk that Hillary gave not too long ago.
Let me explain what she’s saying to the crowd in pseudo-coded language so that bored listeners won’t understand it. She has gone on record saying she will destroy the SCOTUS decision in Citizens United in order to control the narrative. She believes your views must change. They must change. It isn’t just your practices or your actions. Your very views must change. To wit, she will use the power of the law to force compliance with her views.
This includes churches. She has no problem forcing churches to provide abortion coverage in health care, and presumably under the fairness doctrine she would have no problem forcing the church to hire atheists or Planned Parenthood operatives. After all, everyone deserves equal time, even at church. Presumably also, blogs and alternative media would face the same sort of requirements under the fairness doctrine, which the FCC has hinted at for quite some time now. I had strongly considered simply shutting down this web site if such things came to pass. I don’t need it. I won’t give equal time to gun controllers. Were preachers prepared to shut up about things with which they disagree? Or perhaps go to prison? Were blogs, news outlets and commenters prepared to give equal time to detractors?
Finally in this truncated list of awful things, Hillary would have backed it all up with multiple SCOTUS appointments to firmly ensconce this all into legal precedent. The doctrine of stare decisis would have been the ammunition the progressive senators needed to keep out any justices who would reverse such awful rulings.
This isn’t all the damage she could have done. She would have gone after semi-automatic weapons, enacted a magazine ban, required licensure for ammunition purchases, forbid person-to-person sales, and the list goes on.
But as I said before, electing Trump isn’t the end of our problems. We are still a nation whose economic system is based entirely on debt, with unfunded liabilities large enough to sink the entire world economy, and a nation deeply divided over ideology. Half of the nation looked at Hillary’s predation, corruption, pedophilia and vulgarity and decided to vote for her anyway. Let that wash over you again. Half of the country is committed to communism, and doesn’t care if that means killing a few or more people or the election of corrupt leaders.
I find my world and life view in the Scriptures, others elsewhere. But make no mistake about it, your worldview dictates how you see things. It colors your world like lenses change your perception. You may think your right to own weapons emanates from the second amendment. I do not and couldn’t possibly care less about this amendment except as it pertains to being a covenant, the violation of which is grounds for permanent separation. The progressives think that a piece of paper defines my rights, and that they can change it as they see fit to conform to their plans for social engineering.
And as regards to the constitution, I find it somewhere between slightly amusing and pitiful that there are those who talk of a constitutional convention, or even a complete rewrite of said document, as amelioration for the tyranny of recent years – as if a new document can persuade, coerce or compel men who haven’t followed it in the past to follow it in the future.
The problem isn’t with the constitution, it isn’t with the men who wrote it, and it isn’t with the difficulty of forging a new agreement or covenant. John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In the main, this is no longer a moral and religious nation.
And to quote a former friend and pastor, “The heart of the problem is the problem with the heart.” That won’t be corrected by new documents, new agreements, or new politicians. It needs a different remedy. With all due respect to Donald Trump and his finely tuned political sensibilities, jobs for everyone won’t fix our problems. Cambodians had jobs at the height of the killing fields under Pol Pot’s regime. Until the ideological divide is repaired, there will be no peace. America is too divided to be at peace.
But there is much to be gained from having been through this exercise. First of all, we have more time, and will have a supreme court that to a greater degree will recognize our liberties more than if Hillary had been elected. Second, this has been a hair-burning, gut-wrenching drill. How did you perform? Do you have enough guns and ammunition? Do you have only range ammunition or do you have fighting rounds too (M855 for your long guns and PD rounds for your handguns)? How much have you trained recently?
Do you have enough food prepared and put away, and enough water or purification capabilities? Have you had the necessary conversations with neighbors and made plans with them yet? How about fungible cash on hand? I recently moved out of a larger city into a much smaller community about a year and a half ago, and I have made effort to learn the individuals, learn their likes and dislikes, and even learn something about the world and life views of each of them so that when the time comes, I know what I need to about the people around me.
It was worth doing whatever you could to prevent the demon-worshiper and her band of occultists and child rapists from becoming even more powerful, even if the new president does absolutely nothing of import and fulfills none of his promises. But the drill itself was difficult because it was real. It just didn’t end as badly as it could have.
I appreciate having the time to prepare better. I intend to use it wisely.
On November 9, 2016 at 11:19 pm, Frank Clarke said:
You are dead-bang on with your suggestion that a new Constitution would be as useless as the first. Unless we are angry enough to update Claire Wolfe’s prophecy, the only solution left is secession. MBV observed that we are actually two countries sharing a common territory and that there really is only one plausible solution to that problem.
My personal view is that we would be a far better people had the South won the late unpleasant difference-of-opinion, and it may be time to re-argue the case ala so that we may become a better people going forward.
On November 11, 2016 at 3:12 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Yeah Frank – the “change the Constitution so it will be obeyed this time” stuff drives me nutz…
On November 10, 2016 at 1:05 am, gynojunkie said:
We have indeed dodged a bullet. It has been posited that about 2.6% individuals of virtually all populations are sociopathic; a very small number of the latter are outright psychopaths (they can be very adept at disguising same, however).
HRC and BHO are, IMO, high-functioning psychopaths. They have, under the correct conditions, the ability to rationalize/justify any and all atrocities in order to achieve their goals.
Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, and the like come to mind.
We must be ever vigilant.
On November 10, 2016 at 10:09 am, Fred said:
America remains under judgement but, breathing room.
Linked article on
On November 10, 2016 at 6:02 pm, Sando182 said:
To paraphrase Jack Buck “I don’t believe what I just saw…”
I alternate between amazement that the loathsome, reprehensible, miserable Clinton Family and cronies are ejected from government and satisfaction to see the rejection of Obama and his legacy.
On November 11, 2016 at 10:41 am, Ned Weatherby said:
The lamentations of the Cucks and the Prozis serves to illustrate the
point that these people, no matter their chronological age, are not
adults. CThe public weeping and gnashing of teeth – the “lamentations of
the women” – whatever gender they happen to be – is breathtaking. They
have no shame. The NeverTrump neocon and prog Hillary rump polishers are
not only telling people to stand and fight but some appear to be
literally inciting riots. In Arizona anyone who is not a prohibited
possessor can go about armed. That tends to make people a little more
polite. And it’s “alt-right” people who are generally armed – due to the
knowldge that the welfare queens tend to be uncivilized.