Facebook “Fake” News Censorship And Comet Ping Pong
BY Herschel Smith
Facebook swayed the presidential election — but he acknowledged that the social networking site has work to do when it comes to hoaxes on the platform.
The Facebook CEO wrote a post on his page Saturday regarding the site’s role in this year’s election after people began blaming Facebook for allowing fake news to be distributed on the site, perhaps contributing to Donald Trump’s surprising victory.
Speaking at the Techonomy conference on Thursday, Zuckerberg initially dismissed the accusations.
“Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, it’s a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea,” he said.
But after continued backlash, Zuckerberg took to Facebook to share his thoughts on the site’s role in disseminating news, writing that the company will “continue to work on this to improve further” but must do so cautiously in order to avoid bias. Identifying what’s true and what’s not is “complicated,” he said, and even mainstream news can get it wrong sometimes.
An example of the fake news he’s talking about might be what folks have learned of Comet Ping Pong In Washington, D.C. over the last couple of weeks. If you believe that there is something nefarious going on, you’ve been lampooned in this article.
The 2016 presidential campaign is finally, mercifully, nearing its completion, but there’s still time for a little more absurdity. Comet Ping Pong, a pizzeria in the Washington DC neighborhood of Chevy Chase, is much more than a pizzeria. It’s the center of a Clinton-operated sex ring, according to alt-right conspiracy theorists on Reddit, 4Chan, and across the rest of the internet.
The title of the article is “Internet Crazies Think this DC Pizzeria Is The Center Of A Clinton Sex Ring.” Crazy, you are. Not just that, you’re an internet crazy. I suppose that’s worse, but I’m not sure.
Of course, there is this with which to contend. One might ask what kind of “family friendly” pizzeria (as it’s advertised) has drag shows (Caution: NSFW).
And remember that Mark Zuckerberg wants to figure out what’s true and fake news so they can censor it from Facebook. I no longer have a Facebook account, having deleted it long ago.
On November 13, 2016 at 11:10 pm, Herschel Smith said:
And then of course there is this, extremely NSWF.
On November 14, 2016 at 9:17 am, Ned Weatherby said:
On November 16, 2016 at 2:18 am, guest said:
I don’t know what to make of it at all.
I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are utterly loathsome individuals. Hillary’s repeated threats of imposing a “no fly zone” on Russia over Syria basically amounted to declarations of war against a nuclear power, and that requires a level of madness rarely seen even among Leftist politicians. I have no doubt that they are evil and crazy, and have surrounded themselves with every manner of deviant and weirdo. Just look at Anthony Wiener.
But this accusation of a child sex ring is so over-the-top that it leaves me shaking my head. Even if they’re a bunch of chickenhawks (is that still the slang for creepy old fags who like little boys? I haven’t kept up with pervert slang, but in the 20th Century that was the word) individually, it would require an arrogance even beyond what I normally associate with Leftist politicians to conspire in plain sight and do this out in the open this way.
It’s just too much. It’s just a coincidence that some business trademarks that are really just simple geometric symbols bear a resemblance to symbols that some really horrifying perverts use. Isn’t it? To say that this could be true is to say that these people really thought they could do this out in the open and get away with it. Isn’t it? I don’t want to believe that the people who want so much power over me and my life are this evil and this arrogant. I want to believe it’s all just coincidences and crazy talk.
God help us all.
On November 14, 2016 at 9:06 am, Ned Weatherby said:
Checked out some of the Comet vomit stuff on 4chan – some stuff just cannot be unseen. Creepy as hell…
On November 14, 2016 at 10:06 am, Fred said:
I’ll take your all’s word on the video.
On November 14, 2016 at 11:30 am, Blake said:
I second you on that.
On November 14, 2016 at 2:55 pm, Archer said:
Identifying what’s true and what’s not is “complicated,” [Zuckerberg] said….
Oh, come now. If you’re a Silicon Valley technocrat or a MSM journalist or editor, it’s not “complicated” at all. It’s a simple, trichotomous litmus test:
– If it favors Left-wing causes, it’s true.
– If it favors Right-wing causes, it’s not.
– If it favors neither, it’s either a conspiracy theory that belongs at The Onion, or a SNL sketch, the latter of which is OK to post on F***book.
Because everyone knows that a story favorable to conservatives — especially Christian conservatives — must be a hoax, right? [/sarcasm]