Soros Set On Bending Creation To His Will
BY Herschel Smith
Incumbent Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, target of the Obama Justice Department for his stand against the administration’s goal of culturally terraforming the Republic through illegal “immigration,” has been defeated in his bid for reelection by challenger Paul Penzone. Actually, it might be more accurate to say Arpaio was defeated by “dual citizen” Hungarian-American George Soros.
That’s because globalist billionaire Soros, a proponent of reshaping the world to his will, spent $2M on ads and mailers to defeat Arpaio …
Read the rest here. I have two thoughts. First of all, Soros is a wicked man who has destroyed the currencies of entire nations in order to turn a profit. He meddles in the affairs of countries like a cat playing with a mouse, and he ought to be arrested for his criminality. Or if his actions aren’t criminal, they should be. There is no sympathy for Soros here, and I’ll celebrate with a glass of good wine the day he passes from here to hell when he breathes his last breath.
But in addition to blaming Soros, I blame the voters who don’t know enough or don’t care to know what they’re doing (or prefer wicked government). We get the government we ask for, and throwing out a man who is arguably the best Sheriff in America (but Sheriff Chuck Wright is a pretty stand-up guy too) is not only stupid but will bear long term consequences. Maricopa County might just regret this decision, and I strongly suspect they will. How sad for you.
On November 15, 2016 at 8:18 am, Josh said:
Soros’ actions are absolutely criminal. He should be arrested for sedition and jailed, and his assets frozen so his children cannot continue in his line of misdeeds.
Soros self-admittedly has a God complex, is comfortable with his God complex, helped the Nazis seize property from his fellow Jews, and turned over immediate family members to the Nazis. This is an abridged version of the abridged version of his list of heinous acts.
He is not sorry, and has no guilt or shame, and views his actions as “amoral”; he has said as much.
18 U.S. Code § 2384
On November 16, 2016 at 8:12 am, Billy Mullins said:
Not sure how 2348 applies to Soros. Mind you I’d love to see him with a 375lb hung like a bull (elephant) HIV positive roomate called “Tiny” as much as anyone. I’d do a little dance and hoist a brew or 3 if I heard he’d expired (When Hildamort expires I’m gonna dance and sing that Munchkin song). But I don’t see how 2384 applies to him. So far as I am aware, while he has used his immense personal fortune to affect elections, he has not actively done anything – or conspired to do anything – listed in your excerpt from 18USC. I’d love to see where you believe Soros has demonstrably run afoul of 2384.
But, let’s face it. Even assuming you are correct, there is no way he will ever see the inside of a courtroom much less a jail cell. His lawyers (aided and abetted by the leftist lawyers in the DOiJ and leftist Jurists) could keep any attempt to take him to trial for the rest of his life. He’s 86 now. It’s not like they’d have to stall all that long. And if, by some miracle he were tried and found guilty, he would simply skip to some place out of U.S, jurisdiction (extradition treaty or no, bucks like he could throw around would make sure he was never extradited) and do what he wants from there.
On November 16, 2016 at 8:37 am, Josh said:
I think a case could be made on this alone, but I also think a good discovery phase would open him up to more.
On November 15, 2016 at 9:27 am, Fred said:
Intertubez rumors abound of a warrant on his head by Putin, a man with testicles.
On November 15, 2016 at 9:45 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:
You’d figure that facilitating violence would put him away. If it was anyone else, it would. Soros has been called an economic terrorist by some world leaders. It is true. This is a guy who helped the nazis and felt no remorse about it.
His day of reckoning will come.
On November 16, 2016 at 8:13 am, Billy Mullins said:
True, but I doubt it will be before he dyes.
On November 15, 2016 at 3:19 pm, silver cowboy said:
As I stated to more than one voter in Maricopa county “Ask yourself why Soros is backing Penzone (D) against Arpiao for Sherrff and Gabe Rodrequiz (D) for County ATTORNEY against Montgomery the current County Attorney.. In the county that the FEDS are suing over the county ENFORCING immigration laws. Do you really want to cede control of the justice system?”
On November 15, 2016 at 3:27 pm, Herschel Smith said:
But it’s too late now. The deed has been done. Again, sad.
On November 15, 2016 at 3:42 pm, silver cowboy said:
Agreed. At least they didn’t get the county attorney’s office. If Arpiao had a “designated” successor, they could have beaten Penzone again. However, the DOJ has worn down the county with the lawsuits and costs (over $100 million so far). It will be interesting to see how the MCSO responds to Penzone.
On November 16, 2016 at 12:49 am, henrybowmanaz said:
The right strategy would have been to retire Arpaio at primary time. But instead of his rivals designating one opponent to challenge him, they allowed two, with the obvious results. Arpaio doomed himself with his own M.O., which is to savagely smear any primary opponent, often with illegally-obtained personal information. Arpaio may have been a pretty respectable LEO, but he was as corrupt a campaigner as anything Chicago ever spawned.
McCain does something similar, with his iron grip on the state party. The only way that RINO is ever going to be retired is either by a funeral or an organized commitment among Arizona conservatives to vote Democrat for one cycle. Sad news, but don’t kill the messenger.
On November 16, 2016 at 10:14 am, silver cowboy said:
no reason to be mad at the messenger, you speak the truth…I now wonder who Gov. Ducey will appoint to replace McCain (does anybody think he will serve out another 6 years at his age?) and wonder if that was not the plan all along.
On November 16, 2016 at 11:12 pm, henrybowmanaz said:
I no longer make that bet, having bet twice that Teddy Kennedy’s liver wouldn’t last as long as his upcoming term in office, and having been wrong both times.
On November 17, 2016 at 2:02 pm, silver cowboy said:
Once again I must agree. And now Mayor Stanton of Phoenix, has declared that Phoenix PD will not abide by the immigration laws. Mr. Stanton has already announced that he is running for AZ Secretary of State in 2018. That spot would make him #2 in the state behind the Governor. The Dems will make a big push in 2018 to turn AZ blue.
On November 15, 2016 at 4:24 pm, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
>or to oppose by force the authority thereof
That could be used to put everybody who did the armed protest thing at the Bundy Ranch into prison — FEDERAL PRISON — for two decades, and raping a fair amount of their family fortune away from them into the bargain. And you, if you ever do the same, and for any reason.
Surely we haven’t forgotten that fire is hot yet, have we?
On November 15, 2016 at 10:22 pm, C said:
Google…”kidnapping capital of u.s.”
Now it’s going to goto chaos and anarchy.
Pay Attention to AZ
On November 16, 2016 at 9:32 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:
Here is a blast from the past.
On November 17, 2016 at 9:36 am, robscottw said:
Sorry Herschel but –
“throwing out a man who is arguably the best Sheriff in America”
As a lifetime resident (60 years) of Phoenix, Arizona, born in Maricopa County, I’ve SEEN what he is.
The fact that once in a while he arrests an illegal immigrant doesn’t change the fact that he was an awful sheriff.
It is about time. Why the voters of Maricopa County kept re-electing him is beyond me.
oh, and I voted for Trump, because I would have voted for Satan instead of Hillary.
I feel (almost) the same about “Sheriff Joe”.
Good riddance. Whatever we elected couldn’t be worse.
On November 17, 2016 at 10:32 am, Herschel Smith said:
“Whatever we elected couldn’t be worse.” You are delusional. For all you know, your new Sheriff will completely ignore illegals in the county, allowing them to run roughshod all over the peaceable people of the county. Oh, and you can add higher taxes to pay for all of those fancy prisons your new Sheriff will want to build compared to Sheriff Joe. Open your wallet. I hope it was worth it.
On November 17, 2016 at 11:09 am, robscottw said:
Thank you Herschel.
You’ve shown me that aren’t really interested in other peoples’ opinions.
I didn’t call you “delusional”.
And “for all you know” means that YOU DON’T KNOW either what the new sheriff will or will not accomplish or screw up.
But I’m “delusional”.
You didn’t say that YOU’VE lived in AZ for 60 years and so you and I seem to have DIFFERENT experiences regards living in Maricopa County.
No, I’m “delusional”.
And, isn’t it the Dems who don’t want to lock people up so why would the new Dem sheriff want to raise taxes to pay for new prisons?
I’m “delusional”.
No, I’m a 60 YEAR resident of Maricopa County, a graduate a AZ State University with a degree in Accounting, an AZ CPA, a Life Member of the National Rifle Association (since I was 15), a competitive shooter (well amateur anyway with my M1 Garand in service rifle matches) and quite capable of non-delusional appraisals of the state of law enforcement in Maricopa County.
What I am not anymore is someone who respects what you have to say.
So I won’t be back to hear it.
On November 17, 2016 at 11:17 am, Herschel Smith said:
Someone who says that things can’t get worse is delusional. It can ALWAYS get worse. I can always pose a scenario where things can be worse. You may not like the man, others may like him. That wasn’t the point here. If you voted against him for your own reasons, I respect that. But if you’re convinced it cannot be worse than it is, you’re always wrong. If I said something like that, I’d be wrong. If anyone says something like that, they are wrong.
I suspect that if he’s a Democrat he will implement progressive policies. If so, he will be worse than the previous Sheriff. But regardless of what I suspect, a situation can always get worse.
On November 18, 2016 at 12:06 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:
Supporting Arpaio because “things can get worse” — or because “George Soros!!” — rather than opposing him because of his actual corrupt, pro-fed, anti-liberty record? Makes little sense to me.
I could put you in touch with liberty-activist friends who still live there who could recite chapter-and-verse on Sheriff Joke’s record.
On November 18, 2016 at 12:02 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:
Thx Rob. See my detailed comment a couple minutes ago for a little “blast from the past” …
On November 18, 2016 at 11:57 am, Frank_in_Spokane said:
The Soros stuff aside, Joe needed to go. Long ago. He was a self-aggrandizing populist who was more loyal to the feds and to his own personal interests than to liberty and his constituents. Examples:
– Volunteered the MCSO to participate in ATF’s Project LEAD, a surreptitious gun-registration scheme. Dropped it once exposed by Sheriff Richard Mack and the like.
– Wanted to implement non-sobriety-related “courtesy check points” (i.e., fishing expeditions) on all highways entering Maricopa County. Again, dropped it once exposed by area libertarian activists.
– Took the side of the Feds — AGAINST HIS OWN CONSTITUENTS — in the 1997 “New River Uprising.” Read about it here: “Feds to lift ‘siege’ of Arizona town; Residents win standoff against BATF, EPA,” 3/9/99 (This story right here is my Number One Reason for opposing him.)
– Refused a judge’s order to punish a deputy / bailiff who leafed through a defense attorney’s confidential papers in court and had photocopies made of them:
– Maintained a live “jailcam,” a webcam that publicly broadcast women inmates using the jail toilets:
– His policy of housing arrested suspects (as opposed to only convicted criminals) in his “world-famous” Tent City.
– Harassed and arrested journalists who investigated alleged Arpaio corruption:
Of course, most of the good voters of Maricopa County were unaware of these facts. All they knew about him was his (otherwise good) policies (the citizen posse, making his jails a place you didn’t want to come back to, etc.). “Joe’s a good guy! If the media’s talking bad about him, it’s cuz they lib’rul!”
Good riddance, Joe.
On November 18, 2016 at 2:43 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Whatever. Politics makes strange bedfellows, yes? A Christian and a globalist.
Open wide and suck it down. Prepare for the next wave of immigrants. Joe was hard on illegal aliens. That’s why Soros and the fedgov hated him.
But don’t complain when the Hispanics and Latinos vote 75%-80% for gun control.
On November 18, 2016 at 4:13 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:
“the fedgov hated him”
That would depend on which branch of the fedgov you’re talking about. The ATF and EPA loved him when he carried their water in New River in 1997.
But I don’t care too deeply about AZ anymore. We escaped to Spokane 8 years ago, and have our own brand of disarmists to deal with up here.