Donald Trump Considering James Mattis For Secretary Of Defense
BY Herschel Smith
President-elect Donald Trump is considering several retired military generals as possible picks to be secretary of defense, people knowledgeable about the transition process said.
Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, a former war commander who has long voiced concerns about the security threat posed by Iran, is among those being considered. Gen. Mattis is expected to visit with Mr. Trump in New Jersey, transition officials said Friday.
Also under consideration is retired Army Gen. David Petraeus, a former commander of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Army Gen. Jack Keane, who has been advising the campaign, also has been in discussions and met with the president-elect on Thursday, transition officials said.
Donald, please stop listening to Jack Keane, and choose Mattis. Please don’t put David Petraeus in that chair. You’ll regret it if you do.
The only thing better than having Mattis would be for him to go to Washington, make Ashton Carter pull his pants down in front of the Pentagon, and whip him with a belt until he sobs. Do it because he deserves it for trying to force women into SpecOps, and for trying to force women through the Marine Corps infantry officer school at Quantico (all of them so far have ended up with pelvic fractures or breaks), and for focusing defense dollars on sensitivity training and coming out parties at the Pentagon.
On November 19, 2016 at 5:30 pm, Fred said:
Betrayus is NWO, CFR, Bilderberg. He has been seen at events with all of the these types. He is an evil worshiping globalist.
Trump puts him in charge and you might as well have daddy bush running the show again.
On November 20, 2016 at 1:45 am, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
You’re not warming up to the Orange-Haired One a little, are ya Cap…?
On November 21, 2016 at 8:11 am, Frank Clarke said:
What difference, at this point, does it make? Hill or Shill, we’re going ‘over there’ again.
I’m always a little suspicious of anyone whose support for disabled veterans involves making more of them.
On November 23, 2016 at 4:57 pm, Hallie7 said:
Excellent quote, “I’m always a little suspicious of anyone whose support for disabled veterans involves making more of them.”
I, too, cringe when names like Kissinger (is the a country who hasn’t broken out in civil war 6 mo. after Kissinger visits?) Rubio and Betrayus are considered. Maybe that part is a strategy to keep them all guessing. A way to protect against any aggression from the neolibs and neocons until he is ‘in”.
On April 1, 2018 at 5:46 pm, Bill in Lexington,NC said:
I hadn’t heard about the pelvic fractures. What seems to be the cause of them? (a link would be sufficient — thanks)
On April 1, 2018 at 9:23 pm, Herschel Smith said:
A woman’s hips are wider than her shoulders, a man’s shoulders is wider than his hips.
When a woman walks, her legs attack the ground at an more oblique angle compared to a man because her hips are wider. There is higher stress on her pelvic joint when carrying a load … ANY LOAD.
It’s not a bad thing. It’s God’s design for men and women. It’s one of the many things that make women beautiful and men ugly. Women shouldn’t be in infantry.
I learned this talking to a Marine Corps officer who was himself monitoring the graduation rate from Quantico and the reasons for failure.