Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Making Mistakes With Guns

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

I love brutal honesty, and anyone who says they don’t make mistakes is lying.  We all learn when we discuss our errors.  I went shooting with good friends and neighbors Saturday, a beautiful Carolina morning, breezy and cool.

The AR I happened to take with me is outfitted with an EOTech and a flip-to-side magnifier.  I would have embedded the picture below of my target at 100 yards, embarrassing though it is, but I didn’t think to take a picture.  Bad.  Very, very bad.  Surprisingly bad.  I can shoot better than that with iron sights.

I kept adjusting the dot rightward and down.  Magazine after magazine … after magazine.  It was very frustrating and confusing to me.  I just couldn’t understand it.  Then I thought to reach down and check the screw on the EOTech.  Loose.  It was flopping around on the rail.  250 wasted rounds of 5.56 mm.  Lesson learned.  Good day with friends, but wasted effort.  Check your dope before you start.

I still think I’m going to dump the flip-to-side magnifier.  Some folks do well with it, my oldest son, for instance, sees very well with it and shoots accurately.  There’s something about looking through the double adjustment that my brain doesn’t like.  Actually, since I wear corrective lenses, my eyesight (focal point) is adjusted twice (once through glasses, once through the magnifier), and then sent through a Holographic sight.  There’s too much going on.

I think I’m going to put a 1×6 3-gun scope on it, and use the EOTech for a pistol-caliber AR pistol for in-home self defense.  But I have to get rid of the magnifier.  It doesn’t work for me.

In the same vein as this admission of error, I enjoy watching videos by The Late Boy Scout.  I’ve talked over the phone with the Mossberg legal counsel and his explanation is the same one as in the video concerning why this isn’t an NFA item.  Regardless, I’m not particularly interested in the firearm, but more interesting to me is his thoughtful review of his error.  Keep up the good work, Boy Scout.

Donald Trump Upbraids Main Stream Media

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

New York Post:

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

A second source confirmed the fireworks.

“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.

A firing squad?  Christians are being beheaded in Mesopotamia by Islamists, and you’re pissy because you were told you are liars?  Are we being a tad dramatic?

So let me get this straight.  The story of the decade is developing before your very eyes – Reddit and 4Chan are throwing the veil back on a child pedophilia, kidnapping and torture ring run right out of Washington, D.C. (Pizzagate), with patrons that go all the way to the very top of the most powerful nation on earth – the main stream media is silent on the atrocities, and you want yours?  You want to have your access?

Trump should remove your assess from the rows in the briefing room, make you stand in silence, and grant seats to Reddit and 4Chan representatives because of your malfeasance and wickedness.  Investigative journalism has become a dying art in the MSM, and it’s being done in the pseudo-darkness because people who investigate this are being killed.

You were told that you’re liars.  The truth hurts, yes?  I am going further.  You know all of this is going on.  You have folks watching Reddit/r/pizzagate, and you sit in your comfortable offices waiting until it’s time to go home, deciding to let the children scream and cry in loneliness and agony while you eat cheese and sip wine in your warm homes at night.  You disgust me.

You are a bunch of arrogant, smug, worthless bastards.  And a bunch of losers.  After the biggest story in a decade has become known to everyone (and it will), you will be the ones left out.  Wikileaks and Reddit will get the credit.  Enjoy your irrelevance as shills for the democratic party and their ring of child molesters.

AK Operator’s Union Reviews Palmetto State Armory AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

The main conclusion is that this is a decent budget AR.  He put it through what looked like a fairly comprehensive torture test, although I don’t know how many AR-15s or what brands he has put through the test.

Department Of Justice Issues Voluntary Smart-Gun Guidelines

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

Fox News:

The Obama administration on Wednesday announced a series of specifications for smart-gun manufacturers, born out of the president’s January executive action aimed at curbing gun violence.

But there’s a catch to the new set of guidelines: They’re voluntary.

“This project was designed to spur the growth of enhanced gun safety technology – and not to mandate that any particular individual or law enforcement agency adopt the technology once developed,” the Department of Justice wrote in a blog post.

That’s not a blog post.  They don’t allow comments.

Smart-gun guidelines.  Voluntary.  Probably because they couldn’t go through the rule making fast enough to force it on federal employees (the only people they have control over short of law making by Congress).

But take note that your tax dollars have been spent on developing this wasteful foolishness.  They just couldn’t convince the law makers to go along with it, but they wanted to publish this anyway.

This is what collectivist lame duck looks like.  Still controlling, but powerless and frustrated.  Pathetic.  Worthy of ridicule.

Property Confiscation In Italy To Support African Muslim Immigrants

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

Watch the video below.  It’s disturbing to say the least, but let what the cop said to Luigi Fogli sink it.  “I’m just doing my duty.”

Duty disconnected from morality brings brutalization, and means nothing more than accepting payment for doing deeds of wickedness.

Ask yourself this question.  Do you know the LEOs in your area of operation, and what would they do?

Travis Haley On Shooting Stance

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

This is interesting, and from what I see, he is advocating a sort of admixture of forward aggressive and modified Weaver.  I’ll have to try it to see what I think because I lean forward more than he recommends.

Twitter Just Verified The Muslim Brotherhood

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

See the picture here.  As you know, the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization who promotes evil things like Jihad against Christians, forcible Sharia law and female circumcision.

So ask yourself if you own a Twitter account.  Why?  Why would anyone in their right mind own an account at such an outfit as that.  Technically I do to promote my own posts, but it is inactive.  I had thought about making a number of posts to see if I can get banned, like “Twitter sucks,” “Twitter aligns with Muslim terrorists,” Twitter promotes female circumcision,” and so on.  But I won’t waste my time on them.  They’re going down the tubes anyway.

If you’re connected, disconnect immediately.  You don’t want to be on the ship when it goes down.  If not, then good.  I don’t have a Facebook account either because they suck.

Inside The M4 Carbine

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

Vickers Tactical.  Nice video.  Courtesy of reddit/firearms.  Eugene Stoner rules.

Donald Trump Considering James Mattis For Secretary Of Defense

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago


President-elect Donald Trump is considering several retired military generals as possible picks to be secretary of defense, people knowledgeable about the transition process said.

Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, a former war commander who has long voiced concerns about the security threat posed by Iran, is among those being considered. Gen. Mattis is expected to visit with Mr. Trump in New Jersey, transition officials said Friday.

Also under consideration is retired Army Gen. David Petraeus, a former commander of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Army Gen. Jack Keane, who has been advising the campaign, also has been in discussions and met with the president-elect on Thursday, transition officials said.

Donald, please stop listening to Jack Keane, and choose Mattis.  Please don’t put David Petraeus in that chair.  You’ll regret it if you do.

The only thing better than having Mattis would be for him to go to Washington, make Ashton Carter pull his pants down in front of the Pentagon, and whip him with a belt until he sobs.  Do it because he deserves it for trying to force women into SpecOps, and for trying to force women through the Marine Corps infantry officer school at Quantico (all of them so far have ended up with pelvic fractures or breaks), and for focusing defense dollars on sensitivity training and coming out parties at the Pentagon.

Fake News

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

The Washington Post:

When Nabanita De scrolled through her Facebook feed recently, she felt afraid. There were so many posts with competing information and accusations about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that she didn’t know how to begin deciphering the fearmongering from the reality.

The social media site has faced criticism since the presidential election for its role in disseminating fake and misleading stories that are indistinguishable from real news. Because Facebook’s algorithm is designed to determine what its individual users want to see, people often see only that which validates their existing beliefs regardless of whether the information being shared is true.

So when De, an international second-year master’s student at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, attended a hackathon at Princeton University this week with a simple prompt to develop a technology project in 36 hours, she suggested to her three teammates that they try to build an algorithm that authenticates what is real and what is fake on Facebook.

And they were able to do it.

De, with Anant Goel, a freshman at Purdue University, and Mark Craft and Qinglin Chen, sophomores at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, built a Chrome browser extension that tags links in Facebook feeds as verified or not verified by taking into account factors such as the source’s credibility and cross-checking the content with other news stories. Where a post appears to be false, the plug-in will provide a summary of more credible information on the topic online.

They’ve called it FiB.

Since the students developed it in only a day and a half (and have classes and schoolwork to worry about), they’ve released it as an “open-source project,” asking anyone with development experience to help them improve it. The plugin is available for download to the public, but the demand was so great that their limited operation couldn’t handle it.

So you’ve learned absolutely nothing from this “article.”  Perhaps it ought to be relegated to the bin of fake news.  Consider for a moment what you’ve witnessed over the last several days.  Reporters are sitting in the bottom of Trump tower watching to see who enters the building and goes up the elevator.  For hours, and hours, and hours.  Perhaps they could liven it up a bit and add spice to this “news” by telling us the favorite colors of the folks riding the elevator.

What you’re witnessing is the result of the death of investigative reporting.  For the “reporters” and news “editors” out there, why don’t you go to Iraq and do some reporting on what the Muslims have done to the Christian church in Mesopotamia?  Oh, I see.  That might involve going to Mosul.  Does that frighten you?  Are you scared?  It should, and you should be.

Or why don’t you travel to Haiti to investigate why a budding anthropologist headed there to study the child kidnapping and pedophilia ring born out of Haiti and its relationship to the Clinton foundation, only to turn up dead under suspicious circumstances?  Is that scary to you?  Bless your heart.

Or why don’t you investigate why a pizzeria in Washington. D.C., owned by James Alefantis, called Comet Ping Pong, and associated with the Podesta brothers, advertised as “family friendly,” has drag shows?  Or why don’t you investigate what Wikileaks shows about the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and its corollary of massive corruption?  Is that scary to you?  Are you afraid you’ll end up like Seth Rich?

Yea, I would be too.  That’s why I carry guns.  But you progressives don’t believe in those things, so there’s that.

Look, for those who haven’t learned this yet, there is no news being reported by the MSM any more.  All investigative journalism is being done by 4Chan and Reddit.  It is a dead art within the MSM.  If you aren’t studying the results of the analysis at Reddit, you don’t know anything about the news.  For the MSM to try to tell us anything about fake news is pathetic.

As for what Wikileaks tells us, they only release raw data.  Others do the analysis.  Wikileaks has been proven accurate and above reproach for a decade.  If you’re going to try to tell us that Wikileaks is not real, you’re calling black white and white black.  You’re embarrassing yourself, and you’re possibly too stupid to know it.

In summary, I can’t say it better than Paul Joseph Watson.

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