Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

CNN Is A Whore

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago



Date: 2016-04-28 15:17

Subject: Cruz on CNN

As Glenn Reynolds says, just think of them as democratic operatives with a byline.

Rob Leatham On Speed And Accuracy

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Hand in glove with this post, here is Rob Leatham on speed and accuracy.

Guns Tags:

Clinton Aid: “I Will Be Sacrificing A Chicken In The Backyard To Moloch”

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

From reader Darin Sunny McCollough, this from Wikileaks:

With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .

Who says things like that?

Julian Assange On The U.S. Election

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Folks, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have been running the U.S. government.  Watch this in its entirety.

Hillary Clinton, Pedophile And Child Kidnapping Ring, And Endorsement Of Trump

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Unfortunately this has been a long time coming and there is water over the dam.  I have a history on the issue of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and this election that readers may remember, and why I have changed my position needs some explaining.  So let’s get right to it.

Six months ago I bid farewell to politics.  It had nothing whatsoever to do with Trump or his moral indiscretions.  It had everything to do with the eviction of Christian thought from the GOP.  The alt-right is welcome in the GOP, I am not.  The obscene pervert Milo is a friend of the current staple of politics on the right, mine has gone the way of the Dodo bird.  This election cycle has managed to do what the progressives couldn’t do in a hundred years, i.e., separate Christians from any party at all and relegate our views to the trash heap of history, at least, as far as the eye can see, notwithstanding a sovereign God who rules all things and can revive the country if He chooses to.  I would never vote for any other candidate of which I’m aware, but I couldn’t vote for Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz isn’t perfect, and I’ve cataloged some of my disagreements with him, including his idiotic opposition to sentencing reform for drug and non-violent offenders advocated by Mike Lee.  But I’ve also cataloged his leadership, described by Louie Gohmert, to kill the gang of eight bill.  You may have a lawless president, but you don’t have a gang of eight bill today because of Ted Cruz.  Furthermore, I know his world view because I share his Christian faith.  He isn’t perfect, and neither am I.  But he was my choice.

South Carolina broke my heart.  But she was only a harbinger for what was to come, and I knew it was over at that point.  I couldn’t bring myself to be involved in much of anything regarding politics.  But things have changed, and I now fully endorse Donald Trump for president.  The voter I heard from South Carolina after the primary made me think for a long while.  She said, “We ain’t electin’ no preacher, we are electin’ a president!”  We’ll call this woman “Ms. dumbass.”

Ms. Dumbass doesn’t understand, but it isn’t her fault, at least not completely.  I was never concerned about the character of Trump.  I was concerned about the lack of the world view associated with being a Christian.  I reject out of hand the obscene, stupid and insulting phrase “co-religionist.”  You don’t get to do a few things like a Muslim and declare yourself a Christian (John 3:8).  It involves a change of heart, and then quite out of your control and necessarily, a change of world and life view over time.

The typical Southern Baptist preacher today says a few nicey-nice things and then has a come to Jesus moment, and then the congregants put on their idiotic costumes and cheers for their favorite band of perverts and criminals giving each other concussions.  Contra this, Rousas J. Rushdoony has said that the place for both theology and philosophy is in the pulpit.  The notion that God is deaf, dumb and mute when it comes to criminal justice, monetary policy, state law, waging war, art, science and music is ridiculous.  Constructing a consistent, holistic world and life view takes a lifetime.  Ms. Dumbass had divorced her faith from her worldview because she hasn’t been taught.  Much of the blame for where we are today lies with ignorant preaching.

Donald Trump may not have a consistent world and life view, or one that comports with my own in every way.  But the expulsion of such a world view from the GOP isn’t his fault.  Nor is it the fault of the establishment.  The voters put us squarely where we are.  Donald Trump isn’t a solution to the problem since he didn’t cause it.  Ms. Dumbass cannot fix it because she is too stupid and ignorant.  Ignorant because she hasn’t been taught, stupid because she opens her mouth in her ignorance.

But what Mr. Trump can indeed do is serve as justice and retribution for the evil and savagery inside the cabal inhabited by the Clintons and their ilk.  I have studied over time the evil, wickedness and designs for destruction that controls their every thought and action.  Take for instance this reddit thread on one Podesta email exchange on “spirit cooking” (h/t to my second son Joseph).  No, he isn’t having dinner with someone.  Read the thread and watch the video on what spirit cooking is.  These guys are Satanists into the occult.  This is one of hundreds of such threads put together by the “autists” at reddit and 4chan.  When is the bomb going to drop?  Is has been for four or five months now.  The MSM won’t cover it.

And now let’s get to one of the worst issues we could imagine (I truly hate to send you to things like this – these people are sickening and disgusting).  Up until today when my oldest son Joshua sent me this thread, I had doubted the implications of the Clinton’s involvement in a kidnapping and pedophilia ring.  Not any more.  Read this discussion thread at reddit (again, I’m sorry to send you to gross things like this, but the autistics at reddit are doing everyone’s job for them).  No one else will cover this sort of thing because it’s too dark and wicked.

They have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children from Haiti to the Clintons.  There is way, way more than this.  For example, there is this.

Hi John,

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.


A pizza related map on a handkerchief.  Who writes emails like that?  So the redditors tear off into the word “pizza” and show fairly conclusively that it refers to pedophilia.  No wonder Haiti’s prime minister referred to sex trafficking in this video.

Folks, I have over 4 Gigabytes of emails in my inbox.  I don’t ever delete anything.  I’ve been exchanging email at work for 35 years.  I’ve never written anything like a “pizza related map on a handkerchief.”  Moreover, if I did, my manager would have me sent to for-cause drug testing to see if I was fit for duty.  Who writes things like this?  No one.  No one does, unless you’re trying to hide something.

The Clinton’s are at the epicenter of a Satanic cabal that sells influence for money, exchanges power for power, sells children, exploits the weakest among us, abuses people, sexually molests imprisoned children, engages in the occult, and wants a world without borders with no remaining vestiges of sovereignty or liberty.  God uses all sorts of things to judge the wicked, and Donald Trump may very well be that judgment upon His enemies, at least for the moment.  In the end they will suffer eternally.

This has been a long, hard road for me, and I don’t need any guff from readers about why it took me so long.  My world and life view constrains my conscience, and I am told to “take every thought captive” for Christ.  But in this case my conscience is clear.  Hillary Clinton cannot be president.  Or at least, I must do what I can to prevent that from happening, and prepare for the worst if it does.  To be sure, Hillary will be death to gun rights and other such liberties, but don’t see those liberties in a vacuum.  She will be death to them because of her consistent world view, one that destroys, hates and devours at the behest of the evil one.  Lucifer whispers in her ear.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

David Codrea: No guarantee that Hillary will be toppled.  No, there isn’t.  And nothing will dissuade the insane collectivists from casting their vote for the bitch, even if she was tried in a court and found guilty of child sacrifice.  But then there is this.

The Clinton Foundation case is headed towards a likely indictment.  Well, I’ll believe it when I see it.  She’s a demon, and indictment is too good for her and as for that matter, her enablers.

Via David Codrea, Sweden is on the brink of disaster and at a breaking point with immigrant violence.  This goes right along with what we discussed about Germany.  It’s all by design.

For more police shenanigans with a gun, see this and this (via David).

A Michigan trucker said a bullet accidentally discharged from a state trooper’s weapon landed “inches from [his] head” Monday afternoon near Troutville as authorities investigated an abduction report.

John Leisenring, 54, said Tuesday the shot hit the sidewalk near where he lay as the trooper tucked the trucker’s right arm behind his back.

What a damn goober.  You or I would be in prison right now.

Want another good deterrent for criminals besides a gun?  Get a big dog.  I’ve told you that you need to do this before, for different reasons.  What’s not to like about having a dog?  Really?  Can you think of a single reason?  If you think you can, then add this little goody to the pile of good things about dogs.  Muslims hate them.  My former Marine, Daniel, loves dogs just as I do.  There were packs of feral dogs in Fallujah in 2007 that would attack humans.  Of course they would – they were starving to death.  Daniel took in one of the strays, medicated and washed it, trained it, and used it on patrols to help in ascertaining when a feral pack of dogs was about to launch an attack (his dog would always provide ample warning so that Daniel could use his SAW to respond to the threat), and the dog would assist with identifying human threats as well.  The Muslims hated the dog.  Daniel loved him.  How rich.

Again I say, why not have a good dog?  They’re worth their weight in gold in situations of threat.

There’s a lot of cool stuff about working on your AR-15 in this article.


Massachusetts Gun Owners Protest

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

BOSTON — A Massachusetts gun rights group is protesting Gov. Charlie Baker’s nomination of First Assistant Attorney General Christopher Barry-Smith to serve as an Associate Justice on the Massachusetts Superior Court. The gun owners oppose Barry-Smith because he was a high-ranking attorney in Attorney General Maura Healey’s office when she expanded the state’s ban on assault weapons.

“He works for the attorney general’s office that operates in the shadows above the law,” said Jake Graham, a Norwood gun owner who said he purchased guns legally in Massachusetts that are now subject to the ban.

Here is a photo of the event.


Oh dear.  Massachusetts isn’t worth saving, folks.  There aren’t enough of you.  It’s best just to leave the state and set up home in another state, preferably a freer state than Massachusetts.

Who is it that still does business up there?  Oh yea.  Calling Smith & Wesson.  Why the hell are you still there?  Why haven’t you moved?  I think we’re all beginning to get a little pissed about this.

Hillary Clinton’s Promises On Gun Control

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Washington Examiner:

“When I think about keeping Americans safe, obviously I think about terrorism,” Clinton said at a campaign event in Sanford, Fla. “But I also want to protect Americans from the epidemic of gun violence that is stalking our country.”

“I cannot come to Sanford without talking about Trayvon Martin,” she continued. “It’s heartbreaking that this young man all he did was go to a cornerstone, bought a pack of Skittles and walked back home in the rain. And his life was cut short.”

“Thirty-three thousand people a year die from guns and we’ve got to do a better job, my friends,” she said. “You see, I believe we have a fundamental human — even a moral obligation — to protect our children no matter who they are or what zip code they live in. We have a moral obligation to reduce gun violence and that will require us to stand up against systemic racism and promote justice and equality and criminal justice reform.”

“Something is wrong when young people, just starting their lives are dying. Something is wrong when so many parents live in fear that their child will be hurt or killed going to the movies, sitting in a first grade classroom, attending a Bible study, the list goes on. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment and responsible gun owners,” Clinton added, referencing several recent high profile mass shooting events.

[ … ]

“But I’m looking at violence broadly,” she added. “It’s also why I’ve advocated gun-safety reform, like comprehensive background checks, closing the gun-show loophole, closing the online loophole — because, you know, it’s not only terrorists we need to be worried about.”

How awful that poor Trayvon died for skittles.  And it’s sure a shame that he couldn’t go to that next Bible study.  I’m sure it was on his calendar.

As for Hillary, that’s not all she has promised, but it’s a taste.  She wants a renewed “assault weapons” ban, registration of ammunition buyers, a limit on ammunition purchases, and a host of other things that will infringe on your liberties.

She has the support of people like Pat Toomey, Jeff Flake, Kelly Ayotte, and others.  She will have what she wants.  And she will also likely attempt to federalize local and state police.  Unlike the gargoyles, pit vipers and demons that inhabit the GOP, when she says what she will do, you can believe her.

Prepare now.  In fact, it may already be too late.

Springfield Armory Releases New AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

The call it the Saint.  For the moment I’ll hitch a ride on The Firearm Blog, and then criticize some of their commenters.

Patrick R reviews the gun for readers, and generally has nice things to say about it.  It seems to fit into the low to medium cost AR-15, and it’s always good to have competition.  It makes everybody better.

Patrick discusses what he perceives to be the accuracy of the gun, but as you read this, remember my claim.  A few shots cannot reveal the true accuracy.  I reject claims of 1 MOA, or 0.75 MOA from any gun manufacturer or shooter unless the sample size is large.  Any gun manufacturer or shooter, not just SA.  The placement of shots for any gun should be able to be represented by a standard distribution – excluding variations caused by the shooter – with a standard deviation that is small enough to be less than the mean (because a standard deviation larger than the mean only makes physical sense and is only allowed when the mean can go negative, which cannot happen in this case).  Three shots, or five shots, means that the sample size is too small to accomplish this and meet the central limit theorem.

It has a keymod rail, and the commenters savage this rail system, and Patrick even says there are better options.  Well, I don’t know about that.  It depends.  It’s weak and tends to break, say the commenters.  Well, I have some exposure to a RRA competition rifle, 18″ SS fluted barrel, with a slotted rail that is much lighter than others (right, I understand that we aren’t reviewing the RRA competition rifle).  Most readers have a black gun with a quad picatinny rail.  Me too, excepting that awful boating accident where all of my guns, including this 3-gun competition gun with the light slotted rail, went to the bottom of the lake.  I cried a river of tears over that accident.

It’s forend heavy because of that quad rail, isn’t it?  Just say yes.  You know it is.  Don’t lie to yourself.  My former Marine son Daniel’s experience in Fallujah put him at odds with heavy equipment, including heavy forend guns.  He dislikes the quad rail for that reason.  He told me “The first thing I would do with that gun is remove the rails and replace it with something light weight.”  I wonder how many of TFB commenters who think the lighter rail system sucks had to raise it and conduct room clearing operations for 24 straight hours in Fallujah while they were dehydrated in 120 degree heat, with nothing to eat, people shooting at you, and stomach cramps from drinking the local water?  That’s what I thought.

Look, I’m not saying that you have to have a quad rail.  I’m not saying you have to have a lighter rail competition gun or a keymod rail.  I’m not saying you have to have or do anything at all.  I’m saying that you find the tool that works best for you for the purpose you intend, learn it, take care of it, and appreciate it.  Rarely should you listen to the counsel of folks who make categorical statements.  A heavy quad rail is okay if you don’t intend to conduct long term operations of any sort with it, and it can handle all sorts of attachments that you might want.  A lighter rail has the advantage of not over-rotating the gun when attempting target acquisition moving laterally (not over-rotating is the main reason behind the thumb-over-bore grip that has become so popular).  Each tool has its own purposes.  I’ve actually seen complaints by people when they used their butt stock to beat up something and it broke.  Folks, your gun isn’t a hammer.

The gun doesn’t have a floated barrel, and I wonder how much that affects accuracy (it does some by adding a fundamental node [or an eigenvalue] in the vibration, we just don’t know how much).  But there is one feature that will be problematic for Springfield Armory.  The top of the rail is polymer, and melts with heat generated from long term operation of the gun.  This absolutely must be fixed or that’s a fatal flaw.

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