Virginia State Senator Barbara Favola: “I Think We Should Have A Gun Registry”
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 1 month ago
Sen. Barbara Favola says she doesn’t want to take away your guns. She just wants to know what you’re packing.
The Arlington Democrat is proposing to have the state study whether the registration of firearms in Virginia is feasible, because she believes arming police with a database of gun records would provide them with an additional tool to fight crime. But she knows even a study will draw opposition in Richmond.
“My guess is that there will not be a single Republican who will vote for this bill,” says Sen Richard Black (R-Loudoun). “The whole purpose of [the study] is to pave the way for the confiscation of firearms from law abiding citizens,” he adds.
Black says he doesn’t see the point of a registry, because only law-abiding gun owners would comply.
“Killers do not line up to register their firearms,” Black points out.
“Favola said she would become more aggressive on this front should this study show some public safety benefits.” So let me see. She wants a gun registry. Let me think about it. Okay, here’s my answer.
Your move. And as for that part about becoming more aggressive, you go ahead and give that a try, little missy.
On December 8, 2016 at 7:38 am, MadMagyar said:
I think VA should have a recall referendum for this so-called politician.
On December 8, 2016 at 8:54 am, Fred said:
VA lovers of liberty should add her to the lampposts list and end her career while their at it.
On December 8, 2016 at 9:39 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:
It is far more cost effective to eject such people from office. Yeah I don’t think that is going to happen, non-starter, but thanks Barb. Idiot.
On December 8, 2016 at 11:54 am, Archer said:
Do the study.
Make sure to include multiple references to the decision in Haynes v. United States (requiring felons to register their guns would violate the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination; you can’t be required to register with the State what you’re not allowed to have), the Canadian long gun registry (since scrapped because after many years and untold costs, it didn’t help solve a single crime), any other registry that was scrapped for the same reason (I’m sure there are others), and any other cost-benefit analysis showing that gun registries — because they cost a crap-ton of money to maintain and (shocker!) they’re filled exclusively with law-abiding citizens — just don’t offer much for criminal investigations.
If she gets the study back showing the real data and none of the “coulds” and “shoulds” that anti-gun propagandists tend to include, and still chooses to push for a registry (is there really that much “gun crime” in VA to justify it?), then the voters can decide whether to keep or sack her.
On December 11, 2016 at 10:37 pm, Poshboy said:
I’m a Virginia voter. And I am going to ask my state Delegate to have Sen. Favola investigated by the Virginia State Police for attempted civil rights violations.
I’m not surprised that this is coming from an Arlington County delegate. The county is the befouled nest of socialism in the state. Unfortunately, we do not have a recall provision in the Virginia Constitution.
But we Rs have a super-majority in the House of Delegates, so this won’t go anywhere. But a few weeks of official investigation by the state police focused on this deviant can’t hurt.