George Webb On FBI Huma Abedin Search Warrant
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 1 month ago
Allowing the FBI to redact their own search warrant when the judge has told them to release it is insulting to both the Judicial and Legislative branches of government. The branches of government are supposed to operate in a checks and balances paradigm, and obviously that isn’t happening. Of course, if the judge in this case or Senators and Congressmen had any guts, they would hold the FBI officer who did this in contempt.
If they don’t know to whom to apply this contempt, start at the top and work their way down. Go until you find the culprit. As for the search warrant, I had held out hope that even if the CIA had a hand in the ugly, sordid, wicked affairs of The Clinton Foundation and other such international crimes, perhaps the FBI was a good balance to the power the CIA wielded. I no longer hold out that hope. The swamp goes too deep, is too dirty, and is too wide. The swamp needs to be blown up.
On January 4, 2017 at 1:03 am, xxxMadam said:
Prostitution, Blackmail, and Political Corruption
By Agents of the United States
Sex Slavery, Forced Prostitution, Human Trafficking, extortion, blackmail―of the most egregious kind―of U.S. Citizens by the U.S. Government
As Waco Davidians burned, same agents involved …
My name is Robin Head, previous owner of Playboy Escorts in Houston and Austin, Texas. I was approached by various law enforcement agency’s, Houston FBI Jim Cavanah, ATF Mike Taylor, Houston Vice Jones, Atty. Richard Race Horse Haynes, etc… who wanted me to abet them in entrapping “State and political officials” having sex so they could extort, control and blackmail them, not to charge them with misdemeanor prostitution. At the same time, women at my service were being tricked and trafficked thru New York to Bangkok via crazy drug/money muling schemes for a fake $10,000, they called me collect from jails in Vienna and Myanmar where they have the death penalty for Madams. I have no idea whatever became of the young employee victims.
A madam from Alabama was found hanging in a federal jail cell in nearby Brazoria County, Texas after supposedly walking off a federal trustee camp in Bastrop. When I refused to abet in the extortion, I was thrown in jail, no bond, a ‘Life’ sentence filed on me, and then my son and family were harassed and attacked endlessly in some kind of gang like Mafia PIMP style.
I went to the FBI, but it was like reporting the devil to the witch, they said they would help me but only if I would help them, again, to set up officials, specifically Clinton. They had no interest in the corruption aspect. Some very high profile names were involved, people seen on TV news commentary, Stephanopolis, Isikoff, etc…
Who are these agents with this monstrous PIMP-n-PORN agenda and what do they want? This is not a left/right wing thing it is a most vicious entity in this country. Nazi/Militia headhunters, David Sparks, David Tobias.
This country has become as fearful as any other 3rd world country when it comes to reporting crime to officials just exactly like in Iraq, Africa, Mexico, etc… where it is the officials that are the perpetrators of the crimes, kidnapping, ransom, drugs, and it is dangerous to report to them.
note: FBI Jim Cavanah introduced me to 2 other men referred to as FBI but they were different types of agents of some sort: staunch David Sparks, Robert Kessler.
Also 2 younger FBI visited me in county jail, a male and a female. I don’t know if they knew about the sextortion of Bill Clinton deal or not but they did ask me again to work for them in order to ‘help me’ more, ugh. None wanted to investigate the sextortion/blackmail of state and political officials. Jim wrote he had retired on a ranch near Dallas when he replied to my letter from state jail for assistance.
I went to ‘state’ prison in 1996 paroled 2003 – 8years for “Organized Crime” which was actually ‘their’ crime not mine. I was not imprisoned for owning an escort service I was directly imprisoned for not sextorting Bill Clinton and other officials by an entire GANG of Government PIMPS!!!!!
More details on other blackmail activities against American citizens by agents of the DEA, FBI, and other government entities in the book, Defrauding America, by Rodney Stich (available through