Pizzagate XV
BY Herschel Smith
The researchers at Voat have connected James Alefantis with convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby. There is also another very shadowy and nefarious character named Michael Maccoby who apparently got his panties in a wad when the neighborhood association tried to shut down Comet Ping Pong for “soliciting rapes and murders.” Somehow I have a feeling this guy will show up later in the investigation.
The Hampstead coverup is something you should know about.
Finally, this videographer is trying to persuade you to care enough to send political correctness packing in order to avoid what has happened in the U.K. Muslim child rape gangs, all known about, and all allowed to continue.
Planeload of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange
Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?
On December 30, 2016 at 1:25 am, TheAlaskan said:
ALL these people from top to bottom need to get “the whisper”….no one survives “the whisper” if they stick around. I knew quite a few Irish trawl fishermen in Kodiak that had gotten “the whisper” and survived only because they “immigrated” out of Ireland in time. That happened both sides of the IRA, North and South, Protestant or Catholic. If you got the “the whisper” your time could be measured in mere seconds…so I was told.
Pedophiles and ALL their enablers need to get the whisper.
On December 30, 2016 at 9:24 am, Fred said:
Or lampposts in the public square, either way.
On January 1, 2017 at 2:58 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Yep, Fred – exactly what my father, a Marine, used to say.
On January 1, 2017 at 2:48 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
TPTB are circling the wagons to keep the hoi polloi from learning the truth. YouTube had demonetized a number of David Seaman’s videos regarding pizzagate. Seems that in the MSM, there are no longer any investigative journalists. Incidentally, David Seaman had also had hit Wiki page disappear. Google and Twitter are part of the problem and subsequent cover-up.