The Clinton Foundation Fomenting Chaos Throughout The World, And Advice For Donald Trump
BY Herschel Smith
Here are George Webb’s installments for today. In case you haven’t already viewed them, please be sure to do so. No one is doing the kind and depth of work on TCF that George is, and I suspect that includes the NYPD, DoJ and FBI. They should all begin their efforts by watching his videos beginning at day 53 (Eric Braverman) on his YouTube channel.
In these videos George continues the hard work of connecting the dots throughout the Middle East based on George Soros’s plan for chaos, human trafficking and then ultimately oil pipelines, tied together by a private army of former SpecOps folks, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.
There are two more points worthy of mention as well. First of all, George begins to fill out the details of the relationship of Fast and Furious to TCF, where the cartels were to be armed to fight each other, one cartel was preferred as winner, and this cartel was to be used to force legislation in Mexico to allow an oil play. He also connects the dots to names of people engaged in F&F with the same names engaged in the ME plan as part of TCF. I had always seen F&F as related only to impetus for gun control. It may have been indeed that, but I also always thought that if gun control was the sole intention behind it, there were easier ways to go about it and much less expensive to boot. After all, Obama persuaded 51 senators to vote for the worst legislation in American history. If George is right, the goals were much more nefarious.
Finally, I believe with absolute certainty that this “shadow government” of which he speaks exists in actuality, run by TCF, and in fact, what we see happening in the ME right now is part of the same plan that has been ongoing for years. It hasn’t stopped. The seven country plan is in process as we speak. Here is advice for Donald Trump. If you and Jeff Sessions don’t dig into the deep state and root out this shadow government, you’ll not only have a millstone hung around your neck for the foreseeable future trying to deal with their oil plays, but your entire administration will come to naught. You had better root out the problems in the CIA, the FBI, the DHS and the State Department. Dig deep.
I lied. I want to make one more point before I send you to the videos. DynCorp apparently has a hand in all of this. They had been one of the more reputable military contractors in the world after the collapse of Blackwater. No more. They are as dirty as everyone else.
On January 1, 2017 at 9:30 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Smith,
“They are as dirty as everyone else.” Who does one trust anymore ?
On a lighter note….I’d like to thank you for the effort you put forth in providing all the information and commentary you do via your blog. Here’s wishing you and yours a safe and good New Year.
On January 1, 2017 at 7:37 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Thanks! Blessings.
As for who one trusts, it would be easier if the good people left in the fedgov – if there are any – would come forward with what they know.