“Now Is The Time To Behead Unbelievers”
BY Herschel Smith
- “[W]e heard that the [ISIS] militants grabbed six strong men working at the bakery and burned them inside the oven. After that, they caught some 250 kids and kneaded them like dough in the bakery dough machine…. Members of 200 different families were killed right before our eyes.” — Syria.
- Some Christian and Yazidi women captured by ISIS militants were sold at auctions in Saudi Arabia, America’s close friend, which is supposedly part of the coalition fighting ISIS. — Saudi Arabia.
- “[T]he Christians who converted to Islam did so under threats, coercion, compulsion, and force.” — Bishop Alexios, Gaza.
- “We have our sights set on you, and by Allah we will kill every single infidel student at this school.” — Social media message targeting McAuley Catholic School, United Kingdom.
- Authorities ordered the closure of house churches… after Muslims complained that they were being disturbed by the Christian prayers. Christian worship services in private homes has become more common. The closure of these house churches is seen as the government’s way of cracking down on them. — Pakistan.
- In compliance with Islamic law, the island nation banned the construction of churches. — Brunei.
- As Turkey’s government continues to build nearly 9,000 mosques in the last decade, it banned Orthodox Christian liturgy in a monastery inaugurated in 386 AD, roughly 1,000 years before Muslim Turks conquered Asia Minor. — Turkey.
- “To all Muslims: now is the time to behead the unbelievers.” A female Iranian refugee said one night a group of men shouted: “Whoever finds an Iranian woman today may rape and kill her. Kill them all. You may kill and rape them. You can do it, everywhere. Wherever you find them, you may do that.” — Report from a refugee center, Germany.
Listen up here, you band of pagan bastards. You don’t make me the least bit nervous. Roll the dice and take your chances. But remember Herschel’s Dictum.
On January 2, 2017 at 1:15 am, Daniel Barger said:
The ballistic difference between the 30-06 and the 7.62 NATO is minimal and 99% of the time
irrelevant. The issue was one of standardization….using the same round for all western military
rifles. ALL of the 30 caliber group of rounds are more than adequate in terms of power, from the 6.5 Swedish to the 8mm and everything in between. Why the 7.62 ended up as the initial standard is a matter of power politics. The US had all the power in the early 50’s so we controlled the politics, thus our choice became the standard.