The Clinton And CIA Plan For Conquest Of America
BY Herschel Smith8 years ago
George Webb does a good job of connecting many dots he has drawn for us over the last several weeks.
I just have a few comments. First of all, these kinds of operations will continue until the culprits are found and dealt with.
Second, you no longer have to wonder why David Petraeus is a gun controller when you consider his role in all of this. In his mind, none of this could ever obtain with an armed citizenry.
Finally, none of this could ever obtain anyway. The American people aren’t the Libyans or Syrians, and a good portion of America is still Christian even if it doesn’t feel like it. Christianity is the foundation and basis for liberty, and is inimical to statism. Americans have more guns than the world’s armies put together and enough ammunition in gun safes and garages that it’s raised the cost of training for the U.S. military.
COIN and counterterrorism cannot control America. Stability operations might be something one discusses concerning Egypt after the fall of the MB, but not in America. The only stability operations conducted in America is being done by the police in confined, geographically small urban areas like Chicago, LA, St. Louis and Houston. An Army trying to control suburbia and the countryside of America would get cut to pieces.
On January 6, 2017 at 2:20 pm, Fred said:
You might find it interesting that every time I link, on gab, your Clinton foundation posts and tag them #CIA I get people who freak out at me about how the CIA ‘can’t be involved’ and ‘don’t you love your country’ and ‘you’re (me) an idiot’ and now I’m doing what is called (for my poor simpleton level of understanding) ‘obstruction of justice’.
It’s funny. so now I’m starting to believe that there might be something to this. how’s the quote go ‘me thinks thou dost object too much’? Anyway, you get the point.
I don’t even read these posts, I simply pass them on to folks who seem interested from an investigative point of view and now, some vehement objections.
On January 6, 2017 at 2:39 pm, Herschel Smith said:
There are a lot of very patriotic folk who – without knowing it – end up advocating for the “deep state,” or what George calls the permanent government versus the transient government. It’s hard to convince them that their love for country is allowing the CIA to couple up with the very wicked Clinton Foundation and a number of rogue generals to conduct war across the globe in the name of trafficking weapons, children, oil and money.
Man is corrupt anyway, but power in the hands of corrupt people makes for abuse of the innocent. Limited government isn’t just a byword.