Obama’s Parting Shot On Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
Criminal justice reform has been a focus of my entire career — even since before my time at the Harvard Law Review. As a community organizer, I saw firsthand how our criminal justice system exacerbates inequality. It takes young people who made mistakes no worse than my own and traps them in an endless cycle of marginalization and punishment. More than twenty years ago, I wrote about my experience in neighborhoods where “prison records had been passed down from father to son for more than a generation.”
Well, this is a mouthful, and he’s said too much, enough to indict his own argument. First of all, I agree that we have criminalized far too many thing, with petty drug offenders sent to prison to be hardened by real criminals, turned into real killers and street thugs, and maybe converted to Islam in the prisons. I have advocated against such things, and in fact I don’t believe in prisons at all because they are unbiblical. The Scriptural prescription for wrongdoing is retribution and restitution.
Retribution is the death penalty for high crimes such as rape, kidnapping and murder, and restitution means that the perpetrator becomes the slave of the wronged until the debt is paid. There is no biblical concept of a “debt to society.” No one has a debt to society. There is no biblical notion of the collective.
But by invoking fatherhood he has damned his own argument. The absence of fathers, undergirded by the absence of true religion and public giveaway programs to hold the inner city black man in slavery, has led to the situation Obama laments. He won’t admit it because he is of those who enslave. He believes in the enslavement he laments.
We have a responsibility to act. And like the vast majority of Americans — including the vast majority of gun owners — I believe we can take commonsense steps to reduce gun violence that are consistent with the Second Amendment.
As an Administration, we’ve made some meaningful progress on keeping guns out of the wrong hands through background checks — whether it’s making clear that anyone in the business of selling firearms must get a license and conduct background checks, or dedicating more resources to ensuring those background checks are conducted on time. We’ve also jumpstarted the development of smart gun technology. As long as we’ve got technology to prevent a criminal from stealing and using your smartphone, then we should be able to prevent the wrong person — including kids — from pulling the trigger on a gun.
But there’s a great deal of work left to be done. Congress should pass the kinds of commonsense reforms supported by most of the American people — from investing in access to mental health care, to expanding background checks, to making it possible to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists. The actions we take won’t prevent every act of violence — but if even one life is spared, they will have been well worth it.
He’s lying and he knows it. The vast majority of gun owners do not in fact believe in his proposals. His inability to enact further gun control is all the proof you need.
We’ve dealt with smart guns before, and it’s an idea that will never obtain for reasons Obama himself understands. His “investment” in mental health care is the same thing as his notion of keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists. It’s all a red herring.
It’s a way to prevent people from having access to means of self defense by circumventing the constitution with so-called “health care professionals” and secret lists made by government employees who are accountable to no one and unreviewable even by courts. It’s all a method to avoid due process. He should be asked “why are there known terrorists in America at all?” To which he can only answer that he’s referring to Americans who haven’t been convicted of any crime at all.
But even deeper than that, this is a great kabuki dance. The constitution says “shall not be infringed.” There is no point in having this conversation. We will not submit by having our rights removed by statists. On too many issues to catalog, Obama and his ilk broke covenant with the American people, from confiscating huge swaths of land (under the purview of the federal government) that wasn’t his, to taxing people for failing to purchase a product on the open market (Obamacare), to sending weapons South of the border to arm the drug cartels.
We can only hope and pray that the awful man’s legacy turns to dust and disappears from the earth. He is a usurper and deceiver of the highest order. Good riddance to the ass clown. I wish I had never known him.
On January 9, 2017 at 8:44 am, Haywood Jablome said:
Tick…tock. He and his fat ass wife can’t go away fast enough!
On January 9, 2017 at 1:10 pm, Fred said:
I hadn’t considered the prison thing before. That is interesting and something I will research.
On January 9, 2017 at 2:15 pm, Duke Norfolk said:
A silk-tongued devil. May he rot in hell.
On January 9, 2017 at 9:38 pm, TheAlaskan said:
“Obama and his ilk broke covenant with the American people, from
confiscating huge swaths of land (under the purview of the federal
government) that wasn’t his”
Much of that seized land was up here in Alaska. We are fit to be tied as a result.
On January 11, 2017 at 8:23 am, suzanna said:
I am also intrigued with the anti prison belief. I have never
seen/realized it B4 in the context above. Of course this is
a correct view.