CIA = Gossipers And Liars

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 1 month ago

Consider the ridiculous and obscene spectacle you’ve witnessed yesterday and today.  We all knew that the MSM was dead.  We knew that the CIA and FBI was involved in international drug trade, human trafficking, toppling of countries and weapons trafficking.

But the level of childishness we’ve witnessed is beyond belief.  The WSJ has a version that goes something like this.

A former British intelligence officer who is now a director of a private security-and-investigations firm has been identified as the author of the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia, people familiar with the matter say.

Christopher Steele, a director of London-based Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., prepared the dossier, the people said. The document alleges that the Kremlin colluded with Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign and claims that Russian officials have compromising evidence of Mr. Trump’s behavior that could be used to blackmail him. Mr. Trump has dismissed the dossier’s contents as false and Russia has denied the claims.

Mr. Steele, 52 years old, is one of two directors of the firm, along with Christopher Burrows, 58.

Mr. Burrows, reached at his home outside London on Wednesday, said he wouldn’t “confirm or deny” that Orbis had produced the report. A neighbor of Mr. Steele’s said Mr. Steele said he would be away for a few days. In previous weeks Mr. Steele has declined repeated requests for interviews through an intermediary, who said the subject was “too hot.”

4Chan has a different version that can be read here and hereHere is a summary.

On january 10, Buzzfeed posted a story under the byline of Ken Bensinger, Mark Schoofs and Miriam elder titled “these reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia” and posted a link to a document alleging, among other things, that russia has been cultivating trump for 5+ years, that trump has been in constant contact with the kremlin for information on his opponents, and perhaps most inflammatory, that there are many recorded instances of blackmail of trump in sexual misconduct. A prominent claim is that trump rented the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in moscow, where he knew that the Obamas had slept in; he them hired a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden shower’ (pissplay) on the bed and in the room.

Noted #nevertrump voice Rick Wilson later commented on twitter, stating that the report “gave a new meaning to Wikileaks” ( and that the report was the reason everybody was fighting so hard against the election of Trump. (

The remarkable thing? It’s all fake. And not only fake; it’s a prank perpetuated by 4chan, on Rick Wilson himself. A post on 4chan on october 26 stated “mfw managed to convince CTR and certain (((journalists))) on Twitter there’ll be an October surprise on Trump this Friday” along with a picture of a smug face with a hash name. november 1, a person without a picture but is assumed to be the same person posted “So they took what I told Rick Wilson and added a Russian spy angle to it. They still believe it. Guys, they’re truly fucking desperate – there’s no remaining Trump scandal that’s credible.” january 10, moments after the story broke and began to gain traction on social media, a person with the same smug grin face, and the same hash title for the picture, stated “I didn’t think they’d take it so far.”

This story has taken on something of a life of it’s own. Going through Rick Wilson’s twitter, you can find many different stories from the time that he had shown the story to a wide number of anti-trump news sources, trying to find a news organization that would actually publish the story. During that time period, he referred to it often as ‘the thing’, and often playing coy with followers on the content with the story with anybody who was not also a #Nevertrumper. Unconfirmed sources has people as high up as John McCain giving the story to FBI Director James Comey to attempt to verify the story. Given that Rick Wilson runs in Establishment circles, it is not an impossible scenario that long-serving senators are falling for what amounts to a 4chan troll trump supporter creating an ironic October Surprise out of wholecloth to punk a GOPe pundit who derogatorily referred to them as single men who masturbate to anime.

Either way, or perhaps with some combination of the two, 4Chan is trolling and gas lighting the GOPe and they fell for it, John McCain the hardest for handing such a thing to the CIA.

But the CIA looks like school boys.  They didn’t even verify the simplest of things, e.g., people named in the report.  Donald Trump is suspicious, as he should be, and proved today with his own little sting operation that there are leaks coming from the intelligence community.

Here is what Trump should do.  He should bust up the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind to be blown away like so much tares (Matthew 13).  They haven’t helped with anything at all in recent memory, not OIF or OEF, not Iran, not Egypt, not Benghazi, nothing.  They have stayed silent on #Pizzagate, and they continue to follow the seven-country plan George Webb has so thoroughly dissected.

They have been an impediment to peace and stability, and they are involved in the international drug trade and trafficking of weapons, oil, money and humans.  They can’t present a real piece of intelligence to the President-elect, what they tell him has to be assumed to be worthless or worse, lies designed to cause some sort of instability or to enrich some billionaire.

They can’t even talk to the President-elect without going to the press and gossiping about it.  I guess those homes in D.C. and Alexandria have become a little too comfy, those college tuition payments for their children a little too reliable, the demands on them a little too soft, and the moral expectations far too low.

Bust the entire organization up and rebuild it some other way, some other time, and some other place.  We don’t need them.


It dawned on me that many of my current readers haven’t been with me for ten years, long ago when I was doing primarily military blogging.  “Sam Culper” makes a comment at WRSA that caused me to fill in the blanks a bit, and I thought I would paste it here.  Sam doesn’t like my prescription or my “demeaning” the entire organization because of some bad apples.  He responds to what I paste, and feel free to go over to WRSA and see what Sam posted.  But I figured that I owed my newer readers a rundown of the long history I have with the DIA/CIA.

Begin paste.

I was reviewing the book on JSOC by Sean Naylor (he sent it to me for a review), and those on the ground knew within two days exactly who conducted the assault on Benghazi. Down to the group and people who did it.

They beat me and my readers by only about a day. My military readers knew within hours that it was a pre-planned, well-coordinated assault with comms, known coordinates and the use of combined arms. Within a few more days we had outlined the QRF and other assets available for assistance. Again, the men on the ground beat us by a couple of days, and they were there, we were in the states with no direct access to intel.

I outlined the need for border security in Western Iraq (esp. in the al-Qa’im area) well before they ever began to perform interdiction ops or assist the local LEOs in that area. As it turned out, 80-100 foreign fighters were coming through that little town per month from Syria. The intel community was only a couple of years behind me.

As for Afghanistan, I called out General David Rodriguez for the idiot he was (I am not being emotional here – Rodriguez is an idiot). When he went on the record saying that the Taliban were on their heels and there wouldn’t be a spring offensive, I said that there would be a robust spring offensive and I outlined EXACTLY what the Taliban would do. I said in multiple posts that they would attack the Northern and Southern logistics lines, Khyber and Chaman. Sure enough, that’s EXACTLY what they did in the spring, and because we were sitting in comfy FOBs thinking we had won, we weren’t ready. I suggested sending the Marines to the Hindu Kush because of this, and where did they send them? Helmand. So in Helmand I watched what was happening in Now Zad, and one year before we actually boosted the presence in Now Zad Marines were being cut to pieces and had to have a high surgeon to Marine ratio there because we didn’t take it seriously. To this day Tim Lynch will tell you I was the only one covering Now Zad. Everyone else was in a fog, including the intel community.

I could go on, and on, and on, and on. These are merely quick examples off the top of my head. I know I was being read in *.mil network and *.gov domains and that I was being heard. I saw the visits. They just ignored me.

It’s one thing to believe that there are patriots left. It’s quite another to say that they are producing anything of value if it’s not being read or used. You might disagree with my conclusions or prescriptions, but I assure you I didn’t write it in an emotional fit. This has been ten years in the making.

End paste.


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  1. On January 12, 2017 at 9:10 am, Frank Clarke said:

    This is funny. This whole “Russian hacking” thing is essentially “Obama was born in Kenya” with different make-up and big floppy, furry-foot shoes.

    Who’s got the popcorn?

  2. On January 12, 2017 at 10:37 am, joefour said:

    Well, I don’t know where Obama was born but I’m convinced that his publicly released birth certificate is a photo-shopped fraud.

  3. On January 12, 2017 at 12:52 pm, LCW said:

    By definition, conspiracy theorists offer a hypothesis, but never work through the scientific method — active experimentation, measurement, and observation. Instead. they passively observe and discredit, ignore, or misinterpret anything that doesn’t support their hypothesis.

    If you truly believe the “layered PDF birth certificate” conspiracy after two years, then you’re either lazy or a fool. It would only take you 10-20 minutes to take your own birth certificate and scan it into a PDF file using default settings of most OCR software. Voila, the resulting files will likely have layers, too, making you ineligible to serve as President and subjecting you to immediate deportation to Wackoland.

    Naturally, that revelation would not change your mind one bit.

    If Obama released a JPEG image of his birth certificate, you’d complain that the lossy compression proves the image has been artificially tampered with (because it gets fuzzy and blocky when you zoom in)

    And if he released an uncompressed 2400 DPI TIFF scan of his birth certificate, you’d complain that he’s s obviously hiding something because the resulting 1.5GB file takes too long to download and can’t be viewed without special software.

    And if he flew you to Hawaii, marched you into the records office, and showed you the paper in person, then you would walk out in a huff and not even say “thanks for the trip to Hawaii”

  4. On January 12, 2017 at 1:30 pm, joefour said:

    LCW, you don’t know me from Adam and yet you feel free to insult me. I’m opened minded but have very little, if any, computer or photo-shop expertise and my conclusion about the birth certificate may well be wrong. I have no problem admitting my ignorance when it is brought to my attention. It doesn’t bother me to admit to you that I don’t own a scanner and have no idea what OCR software is. In matters of national politics, I rely on what I have read from multiple sources that appear to be reliable (at least to me) and come to conclusions based on that reading. You could have responded to my comment in a polite way and furthered my education without insulting me. Why didn’t you?

  5. On January 12, 2017 at 1:37 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Because he’s a CTR troll. I’ve had to out many of them in the past months. But I’m good at that. My troll level is official cosmic grand master.

  6. On January 12, 2017 at 1:45 pm, joefour said:

    What is a CTR troll? (Admitting ignorance! :) )

  7. On January 12, 2017 at 2:07 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    David Brock. “Correct the record.” The tactic to which they reflexively turn is insults and shaming.

    I have no doubt that the birth certificate is a fraud. I don’t know where he was born, and I really don’t care. Others may, I don’t. That’s just me. I care more that he is an anti-American whose views are an admixture of Islamicism and Marxism.

    Normally I like to allow folks to take the conversation wherever they want, with a free discussion of ideas. I might ask him what he really knows about the philosophy of science and let that trail take us for a while. I’m sure my friend Hans Halvorsen would be interested as well.

    But after getting tired of him, I’d just ban him after we played cat and mouse for a while.

  8. On January 12, 2017 at 4:24 pm, StukaPilot said:

    it isn’t even a “birth certificate”. It’s a scam called a “Certificate of Live Birth”. Anyone born can get one, anytime. Zero’s actual birth certificate reads: “Coast Province General Hospital, Mombassa, Kenya”. Why it’s current possessor – Orly Taitz – hasn’t used it against him I do not know. Possibly she doesn’t want to end up like Seth Rich.

  9. On January 12, 2017 at 4:36 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Seth Rich was an example by TCF as to what they do to snitches (i.e., people with honor and scruples). Because he didn’t watch his six and carry a gun and use it.

  10. On January 12, 2017 at 2:13 pm, Phelps said:

    “Correct the Record” — paid shills who sit around and troll comments and forums for a (very paltry) paycheck from George Soros through David Brock and his pizzagate buddies. In fact, the CJ coverage of pizzagate is likely the only reason he’s even here.

    They are not only shills, but penny-ante shills.

  11. On January 13, 2017 at 1:19 pm, LCW said:

    The reason I’m here is I googled the name “Christopher Steele”. Since arriving, I’ve have had to google a lot (“David Brock”, “pizzagate”, “Orly Taitz”, “CTR”, “Seth Rich”, “Hans Halvorsen” — still trying to figure out “TCF”) to get any idea of what this stunted echo chamber is all about. I’m no troll; I’m just a working stiff in Wisconsin on his lunch break. I’m not a “CTR”; if you have issues with the scientific method, take it up with Aristotle.

  12. On January 13, 2017 at 1:51 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    “Stunted echo chamber.” Nice. That’s the way to win friends and influence people. Good job. I always appreciate it when somebody comes in an insults my readers. Do you do this in business we well?

    TCF: The Clinton Foundation.

  13. On January 12, 2017 at 2:27 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Oh, and now I remember where I was going with allowing folks to take the discussion thread where they want (I just lost focus during my comment). Normally it’s good, but the CTR shills also use that as a tool in their kit. Misdirect and change the subject.

  14. On January 13, 2017 at 1:51 pm, Jack Crabb said:

    I’m not certain if LCW is CTR, but he certainly is an uninformed troll.

    And you have much more patience for idiocy than I do, Herschel.

  15. On January 13, 2017 at 1:53 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    That’s another tactic they use. They play dumb and innocent.

  16. On January 12, 2017 at 2:21 pm, LCW said:

    I apologize for offending, but what conclusion should I draw about any person who is “convinced” enough by a conspiracy video to share it as fact without any critical analysis, especially given that person’s admitted unfamiliarity with the claims made and methods used in the video? “lazy” and “fool” are the nicest words I came up with (and the ones I hear daily from my wife!)

  17. On January 13, 2017 at 11:31 am, wildeyedliberal said:

    Your wife considers you lazy and a fool? She knows you better than I do. Consider a lawyer…

  18. On January 12, 2017 at 10:26 am, joefour said:

    “Here is what Trump should do. He should bust up the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind to be blown away like so much tares (Matthew 13).”

    Yes, absolutely! But, Trump needs to keep in mind that John Kennedy wanted to do that very same thing and was assassinated … I’d recommend he supplement his secret service protection with his own heavily vetted private security…

  19. On January 12, 2017 at 10:41 am, Herschel Smith said:

    I agree. For the reasons you stated.

  20. On January 12, 2017 at 11:22 am, Fred said:

    Except that, trying to do so will incur the wrath of the deep state and Trump will die very soon after starting any such attempt.

  21. On January 12, 2017 at 4:30 pm, Jim Steele said:

    Fuck it. Kill em all and let God sort em out…..

  22. On January 12, 2017 at 6:41 pm, Chainsaw said:

    The story doesn’t make sense. If he hired the hookers to do their thing while 0bama was still in the bed, it would make sense.

    No value for the money otherwise.

  23. On January 12, 2017 at 11:14 pm, YT said:

    CIA is a DISGRACE to this great country!!
    Little school boys with to much money, to many toy’s, and NO where near enough accountability. SPOILED BRATS protected by there Created Shadows.
    Whatever there punishment ends up being, it won’t be anywhere near enough.
    Destroy them and start New.

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