U.S. Spies: Following The Narrative I Said They Would One Month Ago
BY Herschel Smith8 years ago
Recall precisely one month ago when I said this?
First, trot out some CIA shills to say that Russia was meddling in the affairs of America. Unnamed people, saying things using unnamed sources, of course. Next, claim that any porn or CP found on computers is a Russian plant. Next, quickly and silently pass the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act. Next, trot out Senator John McCain to say that he cannot believe that Trump doesn’t believe all of this.
Today, we learned this.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told a Senate committee hearing that he wouldn’t be surprised if Russian hackers put child pornography on US computers.
The only step I missed was the one on the ridiculous claims about Trump in Prague. That way, the intel community can say, “See, even you’ve been affected by that horrible Vlad dude who did nefarious things to your reputation. They did it to us too!”
They’re so damned predictable they don’t even make this difficult for me.
On January 13, 2017 at 9:15 am, Fred said:
They look like us. They act like us. They seem rather friendly. I think that I would rather be their friend and ally than an enemy. Of course, I’m sure that this short video is some sort of nefarious plot by the oh so very eeeeeeevil Putin.
Ps. McCain is actually evil.
On January 14, 2017 at 9:10 pm, suzanna said:
you are SO correct. I have to tell you (off topic) how much I enjoy looking at the picture you posted on 1 Sep. 2013. That sweetheart looks so much like my dog, except Maxer is black and tan, had her ears done, and her loveseat is green leather.
Thank you for being one of the smartest “smarties” posting on the web.