The Bad Actors In The Deep State
BY Herschel Smith
George Webb Sweigert, from Portland, Oregon, has an amazing video series that I’ve linked before and will continue to link. I won’t embed every video since the last time I posted, but I will embed two, and in these two videos George outlines a number of bad actors in the deep state, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Steve Feinberg and DynCorp, David Petraeus, The Clinton Foundation, and a number of Senators who will be found to be involved in this for various reasons, including oil plays. All of these operations involved disinformation, lies, propaganda, murder for hire, toppling of sovereign nations, and the trafficking of oil, arms and children. Also, at The Sullen Bell, Ed Jewett has a good collection of Webb PowerPoint slides and also links to a number of source documents George uses.
On January 16, 2017 at 12:31 am, JohnathanStein said:
Herschel — For those of us who came in late, have you done — or know of a link — any kind of summary or outline of what Webb has uncovered? ie; the SHORT version, just to get a handle on the big picture.
On January 16, 2017 at 1:05 pm, Ed Jewett said:
I have not watched all the videos but generally the answer to your question can be found in three ways: Go to my link, or Webb’s own YouTube channel, and a) watch the most recent videos (they are progressive, and he does sum up), b) listen to one of the radio shows on which he has been a guest, and c) read the list of references and/or watch the slide slow linked out separately.
It’s a very complex puzzle. There is no single “smoking gun” but if you look at the progression of the history and follow his “seven points” for how a nation is weakened and controlled and look at the players involved in controlling the transfer of money, weapons and people, and the players involved, and the recently-leaked e-mails, it starts to clear up. Webb has openly called for authorities to investigate and prosecute.
On January 16, 2017 at 4:10 pm, JohnathanStein said:
Thanks, Ed.
Not quite what I was hoping for; I get the general idea from the videos, just felt that I’m don’t quite have a good grip. Maybe it’s just the complexity of it all. Will slog through some more vids. Have listened to them daily, for the past week or so.
Some of these “spider-webs” appear elsewhere; just watched today’s episode of They premiered “Vaccine Syndrome”, and what they showed of the business/govt/military entanglements, coverups and malfeasance are enough to make you lose your lunch…reminded me of this whole pizzagate/clinton thing.
Somehow, I don’t think Trump at his best will put much of a dent in these kind of messes. Don’t like saying it, but it’s my gut feeling.
On January 16, 2017 at 4:29 pm, Ed Jewett said:
One can lose one’s lunch on almost any part of news and information game these days; it’s very very difficult to tell who’s who, who’s real and who’s not, and it’s accelerating. The government and the media are in cahoots (there’s a great cartoon out there about the sheep talking to a fellow sheep while the herding dog takes signals from the man on the elevated platform). I tend to read a lot of books about history to try to see what’s going on. And I try to read widely. I’m retired; I can afford the time. I think Webb has done something of the same thing in assembling perspective based on previous behaviors.
I think that the alternative media and the people must form a conglomerate or a consortium of investigators, producers, and others in order to counter the tremendous resources available to the concentrically-condensed press, the corporate and governmental monies and the oligarchy. Intel agencies run their own venture capital funds and tie in with the likes of Google, Amazon and Facebook. How can the individual compete against that? Trump meets with them, counts on Thiel (master of Paypal and Palantir) ( ), etc. Trump is difficult to figure out himself, and I think it’s likely that he will extend the problems, not solve them. It will be interesting to see if he can remain independent of all of the influences that are pressing in on him.
On January 16, 2017 at 8:00 pm, JohnathanStein said:
It’s a big pile of excrement, for sure. How things got even HALF so twisted as Webb portrays…is utterly beyond me.
An experienced journalist like Sharyl Atkisson could be a big help. Though the kind of “open source” thing Webb is trying to do should have its own Wikipedia-like area on the web.
It may be a moot point — Webb said on today’s vids that he wants to go to Haiti. Don’t know why, and I hope he doesn’t. If he goes in, my gut says he won’t get out.
On January 16, 2017 at 9:47 pm, Ed Jewett said:
Is this the overview you were looking for?
On January 17, 2017 at 7:33 am, JohnathanStein said:
Thanks for that. The Solari blog has quite a bit of info — was there a particular entry you had in mind?
Heh…this should dispel any doubt about Clinton “pay-to-play”:
On January 16, 2017 at 7:04 pm, joefour said:
Pizza-gate may have international connections …
On January 16, 2017 at 8:03 pm, JohnathanStein said:
The Pizzagate people turned this up about Alefantis: