George Webb: DynCorp Is Likely Organ Harvesting In Haiti
BY Herschel Smith8 years ago
Not my words because I haven’t studied it enough, but George has. He refers a lot in this video to the Clinton endeavors in Arkansas. If you have the time to do it (it’s almost two hours long), you can watch this video as the best analysis of the Clinton’s nefarious activities in Arkansas and the body count that continues to rise around the Clintons. I’ve watched it.
On January 18, 2017 at 12:28 pm, Archer said:
So the Clintons are involved in organ harvesting, as well as child abuse/snuff events for entertainment?
It’s funny (not in a “ha ha” way): The cynical and fantastical part of my mind always thought that Hillary Clinton might be bathing in the blood of virgins to keep herself preserved.
It’s sickening to think that might be closer to the truth than many of us realized.
On January 19, 2017 at 9:59 am, Billy Mullins said:
“Hillary Clinton might be bathing in the blood of virgins to keep herself preserved.”
If she is, it well and truly AIN’T WORKING!
On January 19, 2017 at 11:27 am, Archer said:
Time will tell. We’ll see how long she lasts.
Note I said “preserved”, not “young” or “healthy” — and DEFINITELY not “beautiful”. ;)
On January 18, 2017 at 9:25 pm, JohnathanStein said:
Webb may stretching too far, here. Organ “harvesting” has been well known in China, but nothing recent about Haiti turns up on a web search.
Absent links, this may be conjecture giving way to dark imaginings…
On January 19, 2017 at 10:01 am, Billy Mullins said:
But you wouldn’t put it past the Clintons to be part of it, would you?
On January 19, 2017 at 12:38 pm, JohnathanStein said:
Uh…, no.
I guess that means sometimes, the paranoids really ARE after me…
On February 20, 2017 at 10:22 am, E Varick Wettlaufer said:
In the late 1970s the legal system of the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) was comprised of more than thirty semi-autonomous regional U.S. Attorneys (USA) offices. Each had a computer system to track case management for prosecutions, investigations, and civil litigations. The problem was that they used as many as seven different programming languages. This made the transmission and sharing of information between offices virtually impossible. The computers in the USA’s office in San Francisco could not read files sent from the USA in New York.
The genius of Hamilton and Inslaw was to create a software program that could access files in any number of databases and programming languages and translate and then unify them into one consistent file. Promis was the Rosetta stone of computer languages.
Inslaw won a $10 million, three-year contract in March 1982 to install a 16-bit architecture version of Promis, which the government had the right to use but not the right to modify without paying license fees to Inslaw, on government computers in the 22 largest U.S. Attorneys’ Offices. In April 1983, the second year of the three-year contract, the government modified Inslaw’s contract in order to obtain delivery of a 32-bit architecture version of Promis, which the government could not even use without paying license fees. In modifying the contract, the government promised to pay license fees if it decided to substitute the 32-bit version for the 16-bit version. In May 1983, the month following Inslaw’s delivery of the 32-bit version of Promis, the government reneged on its contractual agreement to pay license fees and simultaneously began to find fault with Inslaw’s implementation services as justification for withholding services payments.
The Justice Department thereafter withheld $1.77 million in services payments forcing Inslaw to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in February 1985.
In January 1988, following several weeks of trial in 1987, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court issued fully litigated findings of fact that the Justice Department “took, converted, stole” the 32-bit version of Promis “through trickery, fraud and deceit,” implemented the 32-bit version of Promis in the 44 largest U.S. Attorneys Offices, and then tried to force INSLAW out of business in order to incapacitate INSLAW from litigating the Justice Department’s theft of Promis. The Bankruptcy Court imposed a compulsory license on the 44 largest U.S. Attorneys Offices for the perpetual use of the 32-bit version of Promis and issued a permanent injunction against any further dissemination of Promis by the government except under license from Inslaw.
Subsequent appeals by the government saw the original rulings overturned on legal, not factual, grounds. Legal actions in the case continue to this day. Hamilton told FTW that none of the uses described above had anything to do with any licensing agreements for the software’s use to track terrorists, intelligence matters or worldwide financial transactions.
The paper tracking of the refinements in Promis after the legal dispute erupted between INSLAW and the Reagan administration, verifies that at least one version of Promis was given to Martin Marietta, now Lockheed-Martin, which is now the nation’s second largest defense contractor. Until late 2000, Lynne Cheney, the wife of Vice President Dick Cheney sat on Lockheed’s board of directors. Research conducted by many investigative journalists has indicated that Promis has spread widely throughout the defense contractor network. FTW has received multiple reports of Promis use by companies and institutions like DynCorp, Raytheon, Boeing, SAIC and the Harvard Endowment as well as by government agencies such as the Financial Criminal Enforcement Network (FINCEN) and the U.S. Treasury.
Here’s how powerful the software is.
Approximately two weeks after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the History Channel aired a documentary entitled “The History of Terrorism.” In that documentary, a law enforcement officer described some of the methods used to track terrorist movements. He stated that “computers” were able to track such things as credit card purchases, entry and exits visas, telephone and utility usage etc. It was implied that these diverse data base files could be integrated into one unified table. He gave an example that through the use of such a system it would be possible to determine that if a suspected terrorist entered the country and was going to hide out, that by monitoring the water and electrical consumption of all possible suspects in a given cell, it would be possible to determine where the terrorist was hiding out by seeing whose utility use increased.
Conversely, it would be possible to determine if a terrorist was on the move if his utility consumption declined or his local shopping patterns were interrupted. Aren’t those “club” cards from your supermarket handy?
This is but the barest glimpse of what Promis can do. Mated with artificial intelligence it is capable of analyzing not only an individual’s, but also a community’s entire life, in real time. It is also capable of issuing warnings when irregularities appear and of predicting future movements based upon past behavior.
In the financial arena Promis is even more formidable. Not only is it capable of predicting movements in financial markets and tracking trades in real time.