I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
George Webb has been prolific lately communicating many important things, and also providing groundbreaking analysis of the information he presents. You can visit his YouTube channel for yourself, and you should, every day. I want to link only two of his videos here, but in my opinion they are the most important videos he has done. Seriously, if you do nothing else today, you need to watch these two videos entirely.
Before I embed them below, I want to offer up a number of comments. I have a lot to communicate and I don’t know of another way to do it except to go in no particular sequential order. It’s my fervent hope that George reads this post and that you regularly watch George’s videos. If I can’t do anything else, I certainly can connect my readers to good men like George.
In the first video I link, George clearly says that he is receiving FBI help. I had suspected so from the outset. This lends credence to the idea that there are some patriots left inside the U.S. government, and that there is a war going on within the intelligence community.
George clearly believes, after cataloging the recent deaths associated with investigators of The Clinton Foundation, deaths I didn’t know about until watching the first video, that he will end up like those who have been killed. In other words, he is predicting his own death at the hands of the deep state. Watch the video and see for yourself.
Now, I don’t know about that, as neither I nor George is a “prophet or son of a prophet.” We don’t know the future. But what we do know is that these things are happening, and The Clinton Foundation and associated deep state actors should know too that we’re watching them. We’re watching their every move, at least those we can see.
If anything happens to George, we know where to look. If anything happens to me, you’ll know where to look. Like George, I don’t hide behind a nom de guerre. I’m not anonymous – I write under my own name. My son Joseph and I have discussed this before. Rehearsing the danger I believe it is for me to write about these issues, after learning about the issues surrounding #Pizzagate, the deep state, the rogue generals and The Clinton Foundation, I said that I simply cannot turn away. Joseph encouraged me that I cannot, and reminded me of Psalm 1:1. “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”
But I have counsel for George. He also clearly said that he isn’t a “gun person” and never has been. He seems almost resigned to death at the hands of the deep state. As I said, neither of us knows the future, but it’s our responsibility to act on our own behalf and engage in meaningful self defense.
All human institutions and interactions are couched and framed in terms of covenant. All of them, whether we choose them to be or not. Marriage isn’t a chance to do your own thing regardless of promises you’ve made to your spouse. There are promises and penalties associated with the vows you made. Families are framed as a covenant. A man cannot simply do to his children as he sees fit, even if that means abusing them. There are penalties associated with that, as there should be.
Your job is a covenant, where you promise to provide work in payment for a wage. The state is also a covenant, whether the government wants it to be or not. Our particular covenant is the U.S. constitution. The government must abide by it just as we must. On too many occasions to catalog, the government has broken covenant with the American people. The things George is discussing all constitute breakage of the covenant. The guilty must be punished. There are consequences along with promises in the covenant.
As for George, listen to me very carefully. You are in covenant with God as well. He expects you, no, He demands that you protect your own life to the extent you can. He has made you in His own image, and He doesn’t take its careless loss lightly. As for those FBI agents who are helping you with the information and analysis, if they have turned you loose with information and analysis but with no means to effect or training in self defense, they have done you an injustice.
Contact them and tell them I told you so. If they cannot or will not assist you in learning self defense, contact me and I will assist you. You must do this. It is your solemn obligation. Hear me, George. It is appointed to man once to die, and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). That time has been ordained by God from before the foundation of the world and cannot be changed. In the mean time, those who threaten should be wary of Herschel’s Dictum.
As for George’s assessment of what it will take to root out the problems, he is correct in all of his metrics. There are more, and I’m sure commenters can add to the list. I certainly could. Leaving this deep state in place is intolerable. But I have more confidence than George seems to have, whether this all gets done by Mr. Trump or not.
He mentions a lot of constitutional amendments, but skips over the second. The reason for the importance of the second amendment is that it retains our ability to hold our government accountable. George mentions a lot of threats, from Rogue generals such as David Petraeus (who is neck deep in all of this) – and he should have thrown in the murderer Stanley McChrystal too (see my posts on Ganjgal)- to La Raza, to DynCorp.
But as I said in an earlier post related to this, any army that tries to occupy or subjugate suburbia and rural America would get cut to pieces. You can throw drones, AI, and caches of weapons out the window. They are no good if there is no electricity to run them. They are all no good if the men to effect that subjugation all get shot. They are no good when the bread basket of America stops the food logistics to the inner cities of America. They are all no good when you realize that New York is a second away from disaster. All of the best laid plans fall when a hunter in the mountains of North Carolina wearing a ghillie suit uses a scoped, bolt action rifle, manifests his dislike for subjugation and them melts away into the landscape never to be seen again – until the next time.
I believe it won’t get to this point. For all his distasteful haughtiness, the adulterer Petraeus knows the carnage 20,000 AQI fighters can cause to the stability of a country. With tens of millions of AR-15 owners, It would be ten orders of magnitude worse in America and he knows it.
I have confidence that in some form or fashion, and at some point, righteousness will prevail.
Criminal justice reform has been a focus of my entire career — even since before my time at the Harvard Law Review. As a community organizer, I saw firsthand how our criminal justice system exacerbates inequality. It takes young people who made mistakes no worse than my own and traps them in an endless cycle of marginalization and punishment. More than twenty years ago, I wrote about my experience in neighborhoods where “prison records had been passed down from father to son for more than a generation.”
Well, this is a mouthful, and he’s said too much, enough to indict his own argument. First of all, I agree that we have criminalized far too many thing, with petty drug offenders sent to prison to be hardened by real criminals, turned into real killers and street thugs, and maybe converted to Islam in the prisons. I have advocated against such things, and in fact I don’t believe in prisons at all because they are unbiblical. The Scriptural prescription for wrongdoing is retribution and restitution.
Retribution is the death penalty for high crimes such as rape, kidnapping and murder, and restitution means that the perpetrator becomes the slave of the wronged until the debt is paid. There is no biblical concept of a “debt to society.” No one has a debt to society. There is no biblical notion of the collective.
But by invoking fatherhood he has damned his own argument. The absence of fathers, undergirded by the absence of true religion and public giveaway programs to hold the inner city black man in slavery, has led to the situation Obama laments. He won’t admit it because he is of those who enslave. He believes in the enslavement he laments.
We have a responsibility to act. And like the vast majority of Americans — including the vast majority of gun owners — I believe we can take commonsense steps to reduce gun violence that are consistent with the Second Amendment.
As an Administration, we’ve made some meaningful progress on keeping guns out of the wrong hands through background checks — whether it’s making clear that anyone in the business of selling firearms must get a license and conduct background checks, or dedicating more resources to ensuring those background checks are conducted on time. We’ve also jumpstarted the development of smart gun technology. As long as we’ve got technology to prevent a criminal from stealing and using your smartphone, then we should be able to prevent the wrong person — including kids — from pulling the trigger on a gun.
But there’s a great deal of work left to be done. Congress should pass the kinds of commonsense reforms supported by most of the American people — from investing in access to mental health care, to expanding background checks, to making it possible to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists. The actions we take won’t prevent every act of violence — but if even one life is spared, they will have been well worth it.
He’s lying and he knows it. The vast majority of gun owners do not in fact believe in his proposals. His inability to enact further gun control is all the proof you need.
We’ve dealt with smart guns before, and it’s an idea that will never obtain for reasons Obama himself understands. His “investment” in mental health care is the same thing as his notion of keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists. It’s all a red herring.
It’s a way to prevent people from having access to means of self defense by circumventing the constitution with so-called “health care professionals” and secret lists made by government employees who are accountable to no one and unreviewable even by courts. It’s all a method to avoid due process. He should be asked “why are there known terrorists in America at all?” To which he can only answer that he’s referring to Americans who haven’t been convicted of any crime at all.
But even deeper than that, this is a great kabuki dance. The constitution says “shall not be infringed.” There is no point in having this conversation. We will not submit by having our rights removed by statists. On too many issues to catalog, Obama and his ilk broke covenant with the American people, from confiscating huge swaths of land (under the purview of the federal government) that wasn’t his, to taxing people for failing to purchase a product on the open market (Obamacare), to sending weapons South of the border to arm the drug cartels.
We can only hope and pray that the awful man’s legacy turns to dust and disappears from the earth. He is a usurper and deceiver of the highest order. Good riddance to the ass clown. I wish I had never known him.
BALLSTON SPA, NY (WRGB)–“I don’t have the capability, manpower to enforce it. I’m not going to enforce it.”
Sheriff Michael Zurlo stuck to his guns about a new mandate taking affect statewide.
State Police want anyone with a pistol permit issued more than four years ago to re-certify, a SAFE Act requirement that could lead to authorities seizing your guns if you don’t comply.
Zurlo, says his deputies won’t be taking part.
“I’m pro 2nd Amendment, against the Safe Act, and I’ll continue to fight for the rights of residents of Saratoga County. ”
[ … ]
The governor’s office referred us to state police..who argued, “through re-certification, state records on active pistol/revolver licenses will be accurate and up to date.”
Some gun owners actually agree.
“I could see where it could be not a bad thing to re-certify, to keep pistol permits up to date for a lot of people,” said Joe Welch, Jr.
Say, what’s in the water up there is New York anyway? You have a Sheriff who says he’s not going to enforce collectivism on his gun owners, and the press is actually able to find a gun owner who differs with the Sheriff.
I guess that some dogs … er, peasants, are just happy to feed from the crumbs that fall from the master’s table.
Lessons learned from one man’s struggle to challenge a gun purchase denial from the National Instant Check System give insights into how difficult it can be for a citizen to clear his name once the government has decided he’s a “prohibited person.” Fortunately, an Anchorage medical professional and “avid gun collector” [name withheld at his request] had the savvy, the wherewithal and the persistence to successfully fight a bureaucratic denial of his right to arms.
David later observes that “He did not submit prints until after the rejection and he got them for his CCW. He wanted additional evidence to challenge the denial. That means the original rejection looks like it was based on confusing him with someone else who was prohibited and whose prints were thus in one of the system they had checked — and when the dr. sent his in, they realized they did not match with the source they had used to reject him.”
Whatever. There is no excuse for this. First of all, the perfect solution is to get rid of the entire 4473 and NICS process, along with the ATF. That way, there is no chance that rights will be denied by the federal government.
But since this is the mess in which we currently live, imagine the worst, most bureaucratic, most intransigent, and least concerned that a government body can be, and that’s what you have here. I’m frankly amazed that he ever got his rights back. His persistence served him well.
US intelligence has identified the go-betweens the Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, according to US officials familiar with the classified intelligence report that was presented to President Barack Obama on Thursday.
[ … ]
Meanwhile, US intelligence has received new information following the election that gave agencies increased confidence that Russia carried out the hack and did so, in part, to help Trump win.
Included in that new information were intercepted conversations of Russian officials expressing happiness at Trump’s win. Another official described some of the messages as congratulatory.
Officials said this was just one of multiple indicators to give them high confidence of both Russian involvement and Russian intentions. Officials reiterated that there is no single intercepted communication that qualifies as a “smoking gun” on Russia’s intention to benefit Trump’s candidacy or to claim credit for doing so.
“Happiness.” “Congratulatory.” Leading to the firm conclusion that the Russians carried out a hack to help Trump win.
What a damn joke. What’s surprising is that they’re still keeping up this charade. They’ve tried riots, bullying the electors, hysteria over so-called “fake news” (the only examples of which are found in the MSM), and now this. But they’re not letting go of the “Russian monster-under-the-bed” meme. It’s all they have left.
John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and other senators, rogue generals like David Petraeus and others are just butt hurt that their oil plays in North Africa aren’t going to work out without a whole lot more effort. I guess DynCorp and money from George Soros isn’t going to be enough, is it? How’s that seven country plan working out for you, Petraeus? That bright idea from your Princeton days isn’t quite what you thought it was, no?
Donald Trump and his most fervent supporters have seemingly made it a matter of principle not to admit that Russia interfered in our election, despite what appears to be overwhelming evidence (although the more we can learn about the intelligence behind this determination, the better). They evidently fear that admitting the Russia role will taint Trump’s win. It’s not particularly difficult, though, to do what Paul Ryan did yesterday – which is concede Russia’s interference, lament it, and point out that Trump legitimately won and prevailed for all sorts of reasons not directly related to the hacking. This would be a much better posture for Trump, and perhaps he will eventually adopt it, but so far he is doubling down on denial.
Rich is a beltway man and thus is missing the point(s). Put aside the issue of hacking for a moment. From all we know about the emails, Seth Rich is responsible for handing over the DNC cache to Wikileaks. Someone else is responsible for handing over the Podesta cache to Wikilaks, possibly David Braverman. Either way, we know it wasn’t a state actor.
The collective emails are damning, and point to corruption so deep, far and wide it may never be possible to root out the “deep state” that has been operating underneath the transient government, this deep state run by the CIA, military contractors, the State Department, The Clinton Foundation, big money donors, and rogue generals.
There is a reason that the existing “intelligence” apparatus wants the American people to believe that someone evil is culpable for the email leaks. Most American people, if they knew of the depths of depravity associated with the deep state, wouldn’t be able to process it, and when they finally did, they would call for heads to roll. Literally.
Furthermore, there are operations currently in process that, if they are stopped, stand to cause a lot of monetary loss for a number of powerful people. As for whether Russia wanted Trump to be elected, I don’t blame them one bit if it’s true. Hillary was posturing for an unnecessary and dangerous war with Russia. Such a thing would be a catastrophe for both America and Russia.
Regarding hacking, besides the fact that it wasn’t the source of the emails to Wikileaks, I’ve spoken to this issue before. I work for a very large company which sustains hundreds of thousands of hack attempts per month. My understanding is that the chief culprit is China. Russia hacks computer systems. China hacks computer systems. The Mossad hacks computer systems. The CIA hacks computer systems, including those in Russia. The drama over the alleged Russian hacking attempts comes across as “get thee to thy fainting couch, everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing.” You don’t say? Color me shocked.
Finally, note the red herring. Whereas the real story is the content of the emails, the misdirect is how Wikileaks got them. Again, notice what subject has the attention right now? You guessed it, the fake news of Russian hacks has the attention, except among thoughtful men and women who see the code language in the emails, who see the communications between TCF and others concerning operations in North Africa, who are monitoring the operations of TCF and DynCorp, and who have never seen the deep state exposed quite like this.
It’s ugly, it’s awful, it’s dangerous, and they show no signs of stopping. No wonder they want to shift the attention to something else. One amusing comment pretty much says it all.
Their true ‘intelligence’ lies in their successful peddling of the Redirected Narrative.
From: HRC, the DNC, Abedin, Podesta are sleazy, and probably criminal people who should be prosecuted
To: Never mind the truth of the Contents, and let’s go after the Leaker. Er, hackers. Yes, that’s it — the Hackers. Russian hackers. Directed by Putin. And look there: a skittles-shitting unicorn!
But they’re only peddling it to idiots (no one else believes them) and liars who stand to lose big. To close, it’s laughable that the intelligence community would simply think that they can trot out information from unidentified intelligence officials and analysts who won’t sign their name to the crap that’s in the report and assume that the people will just bend over and accept it.
Note to the CIA. Go back to your hole. You’re not wanted.
BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY, Ind. – A 29-year-old woman fought off intruders by firing a gun. On Wednesday afternoon, deputies received a 911 call from the victim reporting there were just two masked men inside her Bartholomew County home.
“I mean it’s pretty quiet out here. You don’t hear of anything like that going on that often,” said Elliot Keen, a neighbor.
The victim told detectives she confronted the intruders, pulled out a gun, and fired one shot as they took off. It’s unclear if the bullet hit one of the intruders.
“Being a woman, as young as she is, I’m very proud of her and pleased to know that she was gutsy enough to do what she did,” said Kaye Coffman, a witness.
But the notion that people cannot effect self defense with a firearm is so foolish it’s not even worthy of serious discussion or consideration. Progressives know that, and they know that when they throw up these objections they’re just throwing up a smoke screen.
Reasonable people see through the smoke. But shhhh … don’t tell the progs that their smoke isn’t effective. We want them to continue to claim that no one can use a gun to defend themselves while reports continue to come out where people do. It makes the progs look stupid.
George Webb does a good job of connecting many dots he has drawn for us over the last several weeks.
I just have a few comments. First of all, these kinds of operations will continue until the culprits are found and dealt with.
Second, you no longer have to wonder why David Petraeus is a gun controller when you consider his role in all of this. In his mind, none of this could ever obtain with an armed citizenry.
Finally, none of this could ever obtain anyway. The American people aren’t the Libyans or Syrians, and a good portion of America is still Christian even if it doesn’t feel like it. Christianity is the foundation and basis for liberty, and is inimical to statism. Americans have more guns than the world’s armies put together and enough ammunition in gun safes and garages that it’s raised the cost of training for the U.S. military.
COIN and counterterrorism cannot control America. Stability operations might be something one discusses concerning Egypt after the fall of the MB, but not in America. The only stability operations conducted in America is being done by the police in confined, geographically small urban areas like Chicago, LA, St. Louis and Houston. An Army trying to control suburbia and the countryside of America would get cut to pieces.
Gun advocates in Florida didn’t take a break over the holiday weekend. Florida Open Carry Inc. began rallying its troops New Year’s Eve with a mass email in support of “the most important pro-Second Amendment rights bill of the 2017 legislative session.”
SB 140 repeals laws forbidding guns on college campuses, in airports terminals, and at government meetings. Sen. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, will introduce the measure to the Judiciary Committee Tuesday. Florida Open Carry Inc. urged its members to call lawmakers and tell them to line up behind Steube’s proposal.
Campus carry and open carry measures have died in the committee the past two years when the chair failed to schedule it for a vote. Advocates believe 2017 will be different because Steube is the committee’s new chair. He served the past six years in the Florida House where he was one of the Legislature’s fiercest opponents to gun-free zones.
“If you want to kill as many people as possible before the cops arrive then you are likely to go to a place where law-abiding citizens can’t carry,” Steube explained when he filed the bill last month. “That’s what we’ve seen, time and time again and why I think we shouldn’t have them.”
After the ouster of Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami, over this very issue, it ought to be clear that gun owners are serious. Also, I admire how they know this is going to be a fight and are gearing up for the battle. If they don’t succeed this time, I advocate ousting the committee chair who doesn’t allow it to come up for vote, and try again next time. Never give up.
Say, what’s going on with South Carolina open carry? I don’t even see a proposed bill on that. How sad. It’s sort of like gun owners in South Carolina have given up, satisfied with being second class citizens if they want to be comfortable in their carry options or quicker with their weapon presentation in a crisis.
Kay Dickinson kept her gun in the bedroom of her Wilmington, North Carolina, apartment — right on top of a Bible on her headboard, WWAY-TV reported.
But the StarNews reported that over the course of the year that she’d owned her gun, she’d never fired it.
What happened to Dickinson Monday night changed all of that.
She came home around 11 p.m. after work, turned the key to her door and then a man she’d passed turned around, grabbed her from behind and forced her inside her apartment, the StarNews reported. And he had a gun, Dickinson said.
“We had a tussle, and he choked me and gagged me, and I dropped everything right there in the kitchen,” she told the StarNews. “He knew my name, he knew my boyfriend’s name, and he was like, ‘Give me the money.’”
[ … ]
In the bedroom, he tied Dickinson’s hands behind her back with a belt and wrapped a cellphone charger cord around her mouth, the StarNews said. But while the intruder searched her apartment, the paper said Dickinson managed to wriggle her hands free.
“I got loose from the belt,” she told WWAY. “And I had a gun sitting on a Bible on my headboard. I jumped up on the bed, grabbed the gun, turned around and just pulled the trigger.”
Dickinson fired one shot, and it hit the intruder in the chest, the StarNews said. He headed down the hall but fell down in her doorway where he soon died.
She had never fired the gun, and it was sitting atop a Bible. Pardon me while I smile and chuckle, but that is absolutely rich.
So much for the notion that people who haven’t been trained in all of those super secret stress management ninja warrior techniques can’t use weapons to defend themselves and that only LEOs are capable of self defense. We know that’s not right.
To be sure, I don’t recommend that you purchase a gun and never use it. You need to be at the range and practiced with it to the extent you can afford, but that’s my personal counsel, and it shouldn’t be legally mandated.
If we’ve not learned anything else from these and other examples, we know that people who are defending their lives use what’s at their disposal and are oftentimes very successful.