Potential Gun Control Laws In New Mexico

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Progressive legislators in New Mexico are threatening with new gun control laws.

Santa Fe, NM – A bill requiring background checks on all firearm sales passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 3 to 1.  House Bill 50 would close a dangerous loophole that allows guns to be sold online or at gun shows or even in parking lots without criminal background checks. It has exceptions written in to allow family members to transfer guns to their relatives and for the loaning of guns for hunting, shooting ranges or self-defense.

“We must balance public safety with convenience,” said HB 50’s sponsor Rep. Stephanie Garcia Richard (D-Los Alamos). “It’s not difficult to buy a gun from a licensed dealer. Background checks take, on average, two minutes.”

Rep. Garcia Richard told of her own experience buying a gun from an online dealer. “We met at the parking lot of a McDonald’s. No names, no IDs, and I paid cash.”

Testimony was given by members of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, Voices For Children, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense New Mexico Chapter, the National Association of Social Workers New Mexico Chapter, Everytown for Gun Safety, former law enforcement officials, and other concerned citizens who support this common sense measure. Rep. Eliseo Alcon (D-Milan), chairman of the committee, allowed any member of the public who wanted to speak for or against the bill to comment at today’s hearing.

They’re lying about what this bill does.  The truth of the matter is more stark.

  • An individual loaning his or her significant other a handgun for self-protection when homes or apartments in her neighborhood have been burglarized;
  • A member of the military who is deployed overseas and wants to store his or her personal firearms with a trusted friend;
  • Someone borrowing their co-worker’s gun to take on a hunting trip, to the local range or to shoot on BLM land when the colleague cannot accompany him or her on the excursion.
  • Working ranch employees possessing and transporting ranch-owned rifles in vehicles or on their person.
  • Volunteers staging auction or raffle items for a non-profit, charitable fundraising event where a firearm is displayed.

SB 48/ HB 50 also require the return of loaned firearms to original owners be conducted through a licensed dealer, with completion of federal paperwork and payment of an undetermined fee.

I don’t have a sense of how the legislature will act, nor do I know the governor well enough to predict the outcome.  But New Mexico residents need to be flaming the Senate and House members, and telling the governor in no uncertain terms that this bill must not pass.  And that you have a very long memory.

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  1. On February 6, 2017 at 12:09 am, MTHead said:

    We have pretty much the same thing in Oregon., 941. Bloomberg paid,(bribed), a bunch of the state legislators into passing it. Pretty much every sheriff in the state refuses to act on it. One of the most liberal counties in the state,(Lane co.) passed a resolution that no county money can be used for this law.( D.A. won’t get paid to prosecute). Federal law sez we have to hold any gun taken in on transfer for 5 days. So that kind of messed with the whole instant transfer meme the state was projecting.
    Up shot is the entertainment factor of telling customers that we refuse to do them. When asked why, our reply is: the state just dropped this in our lap, thinking we would go along. And were telling the state to go f— themselves.
    Resist anyway you can. And remember, the nics check system never stopped anyone, of any status, especially criminals, from getting a gun. Its just away to harass honest folks.

  2. On February 6, 2017 at 9:20 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    “And remember, the nics check system never stopped anyone, of any status,
    especially criminals, from getting a gun. Its just away to harass
    honest folks.”

    And that’s the bottom line. It’s just that simple. All else is just smoke and squid ink.

  3. On February 6, 2017 at 7:05 am, DAN III said:


    Should this legislation pass, I ask you, “How could it be enforced ?”

    With every passing day I read more and more about the loss of Freedom & Liberty. Although most peace-loving people would like to see peaceful solutions to the never-ending and increasing attacks against traditional American values, I do fear that the only solution will be the taking up of arms.

    Truly, the belief that voting will offer the corrective action to the infringements of the left, is wrought with historical examples, that voting will NOT work. Ex: Witness the recent re-election of Democrat Schumer into the U.S. Senate. Almost every day we have to endure his Marxist attacks as Senate Minority Leader, courtesy of “voting”. Six more years of this traitor courtesy of the leftists of New York State.

    The creation of the United States of America was decided by force of arms. To believe, at this point in our national history and our declining identification as Free people, that voting and begging our betters, the politicians, to comply with our desires and wishes, is simply ludicrous.

    Governments, i.e., people we call “government”, react to only two things:

    1. Money
    2. Violence

    #1 being the denial of such to them. #2 being the application of such upon them.

    “Pretty Please’ ceased to work about 1791.

  4. On February 6, 2017 at 10:03 am, Fred said:

    You said it much more eloquently than I could. I simply say; we ain’t voting our way out of this.

  5. On February 6, 2017 at 12:50 pm, DAN III said:


    I “talk” too much. Thanks for your kind words.

  6. On February 6, 2017 at 7:45 am, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    BIDS v. NICS
    “If we must have gun-buyer background checks to stop criminals,
    at least do it without compiling massive records on the innocent.”


  7. On February 6, 2017 at 8:00 am, Frank Clarke said:

    CT’s assault weapon law rendered moot by non-compliance;
    NYSAFE act rendered moot by non-compliance;
    WA universal background check law rendered moot by non-compliance;
    and didn’t I just read about another state’s UBC rendered unenforceable when the feds refused to allow the proletariat to use NICS?

    How many times must we get our collective panties in a wad before we understand that that game is over? Yes, of course, resist such nonsense, but not because it threatens us; resist because it’s a waste of tax money.

    If necessary, let them file lawsuits they can’t win, and we’ll let SCOTUS decide the issue.

  8. On February 6, 2017 at 10:34 am, Herschel Smith said:

    “How many times must we get our collective panties in a wad before we understand that that game is over?”

    No one here is getting their panties in a wad Frank except you. In fact, I see exactly the opposite. Everyone has given up. Bloomberg has essentially won New Mexico without anyone here so much as sending a note, praying a prayer, giving money to gun rights causes or anything else for New Mexico as far as I can tell.

    “Yes, of course, resist such nonsense.”

    How, Frank? Tell us how you do it. Tell us what you do except sit on the couch and throw spit balls at those whom you think are getting their “panties in a wad?”

    Otherwise, we might think you’re some sort of curmudgeon or something, you know, someone who is a naysayer about everything and let’s other people do the work. Or perhaps some CTR or Bloomberg shill. One of their tactics is demoralizing the gun rights people.

    And tell us what you’re going to do if your efforts don’t succeed? You know, since you advocate absolutely nothing, tell us what you’re doing to plan for active resistance on behalf of those whose rights have been stripped?

    And since no one is commenting on the idea that politics and warfare are different manifestations of the same conflict, tell me why your view of whatever (you haven’t outlined your comprehensive strategy yet) is better than unrestricted warfare?


    In fact, since you haven’t outlined a comprehensive strategy other than don’t get your panties in a wad, then take it away Frank. Tell us how you intend to win. Do not include the black robed tyrants in your calculus.

    Otherwise, we might conclude you’re a gun controller troll trying to demoralize gun rights advocates.

  9. On February 6, 2017 at 10:07 am, Fred said:

    NM has been blue for several cycles now. It’s only a matter of time until it becomes like Washington, and then like California, unless the people fight back.

  10. On February 6, 2017 at 10:23 am, Herschel Smith said:

    ” … unless the people fight back.”
    That’s what I am advocating. The depression and recalcitrance on this discussion thread convinces me that the gun rights folks have given up. Bloomberg is celebrating.

  11. On February 6, 2017 at 4:09 pm, Fred said:

    That’s why I don’t like defense. American conservatism has conserved exactly zero things. Find new shooters, write/call reps, donate, did I mention finding new shooters? Stay on offense, always.

  12. On February 6, 2017 at 1:58 pm, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:

    “We must balance public safety with convenience”

    Ugh…. nauseating…

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

    Currently we have 3 guns bills in the Wyoming Legislature. 2 pro, and 1 anti, in that it is a “campus carry” law that requires a published list of CCW permit holders given to the school and sheriff’s dept., no thanks…….

    The “local” media certainly doesn’t help. The “local” paper isn’t even a locally owned company. It is owned by APG Media out of Minnesota…..They aren’t interested in facts anyway, only feel good hyperbole from the left…..

  13. On February 6, 2017 at 11:42 pm, Randolph Scott said:

    Put the effin newspaper out of business. People can vote with their
    pocket books. As Starbucks and Amazon. Ever since their tirades to open
    borders and free immigration people have boycotted both. There are no
    lines at starbucks at all.

    Do the same in your town.
    Really, if you talk to your neighbors and ranchers and the cowboys you
    will find out what they are really made of. They either support gun
    rights or they don’t. There is NO middle ground on this issue. Put that
    paper out of business by removing its advertisers.

    No apologies for my rant.

  14. On February 7, 2017 at 6:53 pm, Mark Dietzler said:

    Initiative 594 in Washington State did the same thing. Similarly pushed with over a million of Bloomberg cash (hmmmm, I smell enemy action). First it mandates all transfers must go through a licensed dealer, with a background check, then goes into a list of seven scenarios where a transfer is exempted from the requirement to go through a dealer.

    There was a huge protest on the steps of the state capital (one of the last things Mike Vanderboegh did before he passed on), where protesters passed a firearm from one protester to another in full view of state police, and dared them to do something about it.

    I haven’t heard anything else about it since. I know I sure as hell will not comply with it.

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