North Carolina Constitutional Carry Bill
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, GRNC:
With GRNC feedback and support, Representative LARRY PITTMAN (R-Cabarrus) today introduced House Bill 69 for what will be GRNC’s main legislative thrust for 2017: constitutional (permitless) carry. In addition to Rep. Pittman, primary sponsors for the bill include Reps. MICHAEL SPECIALE (R-Beaufort, Craven, Pamlico), BEVERLY BOSWELL (R-Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Washington), and JAY ADAMS (R-Catawba).
HB 69 (“Constitutional Carry Act”):
- Establishes a new Article 54C, under which handguns may be carried concealed without permits;
- Removes the need to have a concealed handgun permit to carry a concealed handgun in restaurants, public assemblies, parades and funerals, and (with the same limitations as currently in law) onto educational properties; and
- Retains the current CHP system for purposes of reciprocity with other states.
HB 69 is designed to be a “clean” reciprocity bill (i.e. without other measures) in order to draw fewer objections from potential supporters. GRNC will shepherd the introduction of additional legislative initiatives in other bills.
GRNC has a number of actions you can help with at the link. I will. But I remain skeptical about this. Oh to be sure, there are a lot of actions we North Carolinians need, including repeal of the idiotic Jim Crow era requirement for CLEO approval of gun purchase permits.
But we have this stupid governor named Roy Cooper, who is a full on Social Justice Warrior. He’s all bathroomed up, and he’s anti-gun. I hate with every fiber of my body that Pat McCrory was defeated by this asshole, but honestly, I’m not convinced that HB2 (the infamous bathroom bill) is what did it. I think it had as much or more to do with the toll lane on I-77, which cost him a huge number of votes North of Charlotte. We Southerners don’t like toll roads. Don’t even float the idea of a toll road in the South. Nothing will get you hanged any quicker than the notion of being nickeled and dimed for driving from here to there.
Unless we have the votes to override Cooper’s veto, we won’t win this one. But what it may be useful for is forcing a vote on the floor to see just who we need to target for replacement.
You know what I mean, right? Floor votes are good. Committees are for cowards.
On February 10, 2017 at 10:58 am, Jack said:
Having just moved from the peoples republik of kalifornia to the free state of North Carolina, I’m watching this with great interest. I just wish they’d make the effort to repeal the pistol purchase permit requirement first. Stupidest tax measure ever enacted.
On February 10, 2017 at 8:20 pm, SunwolfNC said:
Yeah that Jim Crow era “separate but equal” law needs to go. You notice there’s zero national attention on laws like that; that were put in to prevent blacks from doing something, because what the law pertains to is against their narrative.. sad.
On February 10, 2017 at 1:41 pm, Archer said:
Toll roads must be a Midwest and Northeast thing. We Westerners don’t like them, either; they don’t exist in Oregon, or as far as I know, Washington or California. I remember it being an alien concept when visiting Denver and having to use E-470 (a big loop around the metro area, and the only toll road in town).
We in Oregon already pay out the nose in fuel taxes which are already used to keep up the roads, and that works pretty well (seriously, you can tell when you’ve crossed from California into Oregon without a border sign; the road is suddenly MUCH nicer). Proposing a toll on top of that would be career suicide for any state legislator.
On February 10, 2017 at 8:25 pm, SunwolfNC said:
Toll roads are all over N.E.. Mass (turn)Pike, Bluestar, Everret, Spalding Pikes in NH, Jersey turnpike, and the list keeps going.
But as for the I77 toll fiasco down here; anyone who was even for it publicly, without ever voting, is tainted, and they know it, so I think they’re trying to throw red meat to the base of people who are itching to vote them out…