The Senate Has Rolled Back A Ban On Gun Purchases By Social Security Beneficiaries, And How Does Daily Kos Spin This?
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 11 months ago
We’ve discussed the ridiculous ban on social security beneficiaries that Obama unilaterally declared before leaving office. We’ve discussed how the ban applied to those who were deemed, according to various MSM reports, “mentally ill, not only that, severely mentally ill, and moreover, disabled and disordered.”
The reality of the matter is much more pedestrian. These are folks who no longer work and either choose to or have to have someone do their finances for them. Absent the issue about no longer working, this includes about half of America.
Furthermore, we’ve seen that the issue doesn’t really pertain to mental illness or severe mental illness or disabilities or disorderly anything. Mental health professionals have weighed in telling us that they cannot bear the burden America wants to place on them (they have no predictive capabilities for propensity to violence), that mental illness has no correspondence to violence, and that even when mentally ill people commit suicide, they don’t usually use a gun. Read the reports. I wouldn’t send you to the links if they weren’t so convincing and absolute. They are uncompromising. Mental health professionals absolutely do not want this burden and have no capabilities to fulfill that obligation. Like pagan tribes worshipping witch doctors, we continue to want to know the future, but alas, doctors cannot do that. Science doesn’t do that.
I thought I had seen just about everything from Daily Kos. It has been degrading over the past several years, with run-on sentences, misspellings, poor grammar, poor editing and stale ideas. But this is a new low, even for them. The House and Senate have rolled back this Obama ban on social security recipients purchasing guns, and how does Kos spin it?
As part of their ongoing efforts to make America less safe, the Republican Party is doing away with one of the few reforms to America’s lunatic gun policies that followed the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Because it’s important, says the Republican Party, that Americans with mental disorders be able to purchase enough guns and ammunition to murder a few classrooms full of our children if they feel like doing that.
The Republican-led Senate voted Wednesday to block an Obama-era regulation that would prevent an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm. The measure now goes to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.
Social security beneficiaries are going to buy guns and go all rogue on us, shooting up people and places and things. The fact that they haven’t so far is no excuse for lack of regulation, dammit.
Only later do they state the real sweep of the regulation, which was “to collect a list of the 75,000ish people in America who both have a mental disorder and whose Social Security benefits are managed by someone other than themselves because of that impairment, and forwards that list on to the federal background check system. The goal was to screen out those whose condition is so severe that it renders them unable to make their own financial decisions, under the presumption that those people probably should be among those also least capable of making decisions about when or when not to murder people.”
“Condition so severe that it renders them unable to make their own financial decisions.” “Murder.” Tough language for the elderly who want means of self defense and yet need a child to assist them with online finances. I observed at the time that
I seriously doubt the authors of any of these commentaries know anything about the computer they use as a dumb terminal anyway.
Most of them couldn’t code their way through a hand held calculator and are likely only barely able to operate the calculator on their iPhones to multiply two numbers together. I’d like to see them solve a differential equation, and upon failure perhaps I could cast doubt on their mental readiness to operate a vehicle.
Say, that’s not a bad idea. How about the author of this article, who conveniently gives us only one name (only cowards do that), meet up and let me give him a math test to see just how mentally competent he is? I welcome the opportunity, and I’ll even wager a little on the idea that I can give him simple mathematical problems that stump him.
How about it, Hunter? Care to take the test? Or perhaps Hunter knows that the real issue has nothing to do with social security beneficiaries, but rather, a trial balloon to see just how far gun grabbing regulations can go with the American people and just what it will take to roll them back.
I love it when people self-identify as statists. It keeps me from having to do the hard work.
On February 16, 2017 at 5:54 am, Francis W. Porretto said:
This is of a piece with the Left’s relentless efforts to recharacterize the perpetrators of mass violence as mentally ill. In their world, evil is a concept associated only with how one votes.
On February 16, 2017 at 9:23 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:
They spun it as you’d guess. Just like AP…..
On February 16, 2017 at 10:51 am, Fred said:
“Like pagan tribes worshipping witch doctors, we continue to want to know the future, but alas, doctors cannot do that. Science doesn’t do that.”
ooga booga – let’s all go on the hill top, into the grove, and bow down before the gold cast totem that tells the signs and the seasons and the observances of futures and pasts and happenings – ooga booga.
This just in; science can be bogus – “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”
Science is not God. Oh but there’s more. Who, or perhaps more accurately, what would want to leave the least of us helpless and defenseless? Would science want that? Would God want that? Would His Natural Law demand it? No, you know what wants that. Evil has a name.