Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office: No More ‘Courtesy Holds’ For Federal Immigration Agents

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

AZ Central:

Maricopa County jails will no longer detain people flagged by federal authorities as a courtesy for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Sheriff Paul Penzone said Friday evening.

Penzone told reporters that earlier Friday his office had been advised by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office that he faced a “threat of litigation” because of the procedure, which forced the Sheriff’s Office to change its policy.

Individuals no longer will be detained beyond the time that they otherwise should be released for an offense.

“There’s no further authority to detain an individual …” Penzone said. “We are following our legal obligation, to process that individual for release.”

Penzone said he alerted ICE officials to the change Friday, and the new policy would be effective immediately.

So for all you Sheriff Joe haters out there, it looks like you got your way.  Hey, no worries.  I’m sure it won’t affect the wealth you had set aside to buy that next home, or send your children to college.  Or your gun rights.  I’m sure they’ll vote conservative on those issues.

Welcome to immigrant-land.  I hope you like it.  It’s what you voted for if you’re in his county.  Unfortunately, the rest of us may end up paying your bills.  I’m getting damn tired of paying everyone’s bills.

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  1. On February 20, 2017 at 12:32 am, Blake said:

    I believe the Sheriff is the top law enforcement officer in Maricopa county and as such, he is responsible to uphold the Constitution. The sheriff is most definitely not subordinate to the DA. If anything, if this was an actual threat veiled as “advice” I suspect the good sheriff could have just as easily ordered the arrest of the DA. (sort of sounds like blackmail to me, but what do I know?)

  2. On February 20, 2017 at 2:49 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    Stipulated: Sheriff Penzone is bad on immigration. And he may be bad on other issues as well.

    That doesn’t change the fact that Sheriff Joke was bad in his own right, in a great many ways (discussed in these pages last November:

    We moved out 8 years ago, so I have no knowledge of Penzone. But we lived under Arpaio since he was first elected. Heck, we VOTED for the guy the first time, due to his tough-on-crime populism. But after he was elected, then we got to know him. Slowly but surely.

    Bottom line: Pointing out Penzone’s faults in no way justifies dismissing Sheriff Joke’s.

    Looks like the voters of Maricopa County need to pull their heads out, get better educated, and put forth better candidates for sheriff.

  3. On February 21, 2017 at 9:55 am, Jim S. said:

    Good comment.

    Arpaio was a thug with a gun and a badge. Just because he was “tough on immigrants” doesn’t mean he wasn’t a thug and a criminal.

  4. On February 21, 2017 at 11:22 am, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    Shared this story with my wife. She reminded me of the deaths of several inmates at the hands of MCSO deputies, that resulted in lawsuit settlements in the millions of dollars.

    But that’s not what I came here to talk about.

    When I went online to investigate how many such cases occurred, I stumbled across this story which should be of special interest to you, Herschel ( ):

    Controversial use of SWAT forces

    On July 23, 2004, a SWAT team served a search warrant looking for “a stockpile of illegal automatic weapons and armor-piercing pistol ammunition” that they believed was hidden at an upscale home. In the course of serving the warrant, multiple tear gas cartridges were launched into the home, the result of which was the home catching fire. During the fire, SWAT forced the homeowner’s 10-month-old pit bull puppy back into the home with a fire extinguisher, resulting in the dog’s death. It was reported that the officers laughed over the incident. The armored personnel carrier used during the assault also ran over and damaged a neighbor’s vehicle when its brakes failed. Police recovered two weapons: one antique shotgun; and one 9mm pistol. Both weapons are legal to own in Arizona. After failing to find illicit weapons the police served an arrest warrant for the owner who was also wanted on a misdemeanor warrant for failing to appear in Tempe Municipal Court on several traffic citations.

    Property burned. Pet killed and mocked. Neighbor’s car damaged. All in service of a search warrant for illegal Class III pieces and “armor piercing pistol ammunition” (???) that was never found.

    Well, at least they finally got those traffic tickets resolved.

    What was that about Arpaio v. Penzone on gun rights?

  5. On February 21, 2017 at 11:42 am, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    Forgive me for beating a dead horse, Herschel, but when I first listed some of Joe’s faults for you in November, you replied, “Whatever. Politics makes strange bedfellows, yes? A Christian and a globalist.”

    What kind of “Christian” sheriff violates the Ninth Commandment, framing an innocent man and imprisoning for four years, strictly to improve his chances of winning an election?

    Staged assassination plot

    In 1999, undercover MCSO deputies arrested James Saville, then 18 years old, and charged him with plotting to kill Arpaio with a pipe bomb. A local television station had been tipped off to the arrest by the MCSO, and broadcast footage of the arrest that evening. The MCSO held a news conference shortly after the arrest, and Arpaio appeared in interviews on local television stations, saying “If they think they are going to scare me away with bombs and everything else, it’s not going to bother me.”

    After spending four years in jail awaiting trial, Saville was about to sign a plea deal that would have sent him to prison for 20 years. Although he maintained his innocence, he was initially unwilling to take a chance on being sentenced to even longer than that had he been convicted. However, the former head of undercover investigations for the MCSO called Saville’s legal team with a bombshell—based on his review of the case, he felt that Saville had been entrapped. Although entrapment is all but impossible to prove in most jurisdictions, Saville’s attorneys eventually discovered that MCSO detectives had bought the bomb parts themselves, then convinced Saville to build it even though he was not predisposed to commit such a crime. On July 9, 2003, a Maricopa County Superior Court jury acquitted Saville, finding that the bomb plot was an elaborate publicity stunt to boost Arpaio’s reelection bid.

    In 2004, Saville sued Arpaio and Maricopa County for wrongful arrest and entrapment, seeking $10 million in damages. In 2008, the suit was settled, with Maricopa County paying Saville $1.6 million.

    Although we lived in Phoenix at the time, I had forgotten about this incident until reading about it this morning. Suffice to say, there are countless other controversies surrounding this man and his lackeys than the ones I’ve shared here and last November.

    Your longing for the days of Joe — just because he was “tough on immigration” — is rather dismaying. (And remember, Joe’s “toughness on immigration” resulted in numerous American citizens being pulled over and detained simply for the “crime” of being brown.)

    I hope you’ll take the time to reconsider Arpaio’s reign in light of his numerous injustices.

  6. On February 21, 2017 at 11:55 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    Forgive me for beating a dead horse, Herschel, but when I first listed some of Joe’s faults for you last November, you replied, “Whatever. Politics makes strange bedfellows, yes? A Christian and a globalist.”

    Assuming the “Christian” comment was in reference to Arapaio, what kind of “Christian” violates the Ninth Commandment, framing and imprisoning for four years an innocent man, strictly to improve his own chances of winning an election?

    Staged assassination plot
    In 1999, undercover MCSO deputies arrested James Saville, then 18 years old, and charged him with plotting to kill Arpaio with a pipe bomb. A local television station had been tipped off to the arrest by the MCSO, and broadcast footage of the arrest that evening. The MCSO held a news conference shortly after the arrest, and Arpaio appeared in interviews on local television stations, saying “If they think they are going to scare me away with bombs and everything else, it’s not going to bother me.”

    After spending four years in jail awaiting trial, Saville was about to sign a plea deal that would have sent him to prison for 20 years. Although he maintained his innocence, he was initially unwilling to take a chance on being sentenced to even longer than that had he been convicted. However, the former head of undercover investigations for the MCSO called Saville’s legal team with a bombshell—based on his review of the case, he felt that Saville had been entrapped. Although entrapment is all but impossible to prove in most jurisdictions, Saville’s attorneys eventually discovered that MCSO detectives had bought the bomb parts themselves, then convinced Saville to build it even though he was not predisposed to commit such a crime. On July 9, 2003, a Maricopa County Superior Court jury acquitted Saville, finding that the bomb plot was an elaborate publicity stunt to boost Arpaio’s reelection bid.

    In 2004, Saville sued Arpaio and Maricopa County for wrongful arrest and entrapment, seeking $10 million in damages. In 2008, the suit was settled, with Maricopa County paying Saville $1.6 million [that’s $400k/year in jail, minus attorney’s fees – FiS].

    Although we lived in Phoenix at the time, I had forgotten about this incident until reading about it this morning. Suffice to say, there are countless other controversies surrounding this man and his lackeys than the ones I’ve shared here and last November.

    Your longing for the days of Joe — just because he was “tough on immigration,” evidently — is rather dismaying. (Don’t forget, Joe’s “toughness on immigration” resulted in numerous American citizens being pulled over and detained simply for being brown.)

    I hope you’ll reconsider the nature of Arpaio’s reign in light of his numerous injustices.

  7. On February 22, 2017 at 10:29 am, Herschel Smith said:

    This is interesting. I had to go into Disqus to “approve” your comment. I’m not sure why, perhaps we’re seeing the beginning of Disqus moderation of comments, which is the reason I intend to ditch Disqus. I couldn’t see the comment until I “approved” it.
    Brother, the Christian I referred to is you. I have absolutely no idea what Joe’s beliefs are. I remarked about your support of another Sheriff (whom I take to be a globalist) for the sole purpose of defeating Joe.
    I don’t know much about Joe’s other issues or history. If you’re correct about all of this, they’ve made a deal with the devil in order to fight the devil. It’s a bad situation all around. I will note, however, that George Soros had it in for Joe, and spent a lot of money to defeat him. Any time I’m on the other side from Soros, I’m comfortable with where I am, even if I have to change it in the future.

  8. On February 22, 2017 at 7:28 pm, Frank_in_Spokane said:

    “I had to go into Disqus to “approve” your comment.”

    Huh, weird. But be advised, my FIRST attempt to post that comment was flagged: “Detected as spam — Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected.” I suspect it was detected as spam b/c I used too much html (block quotes and bolds) and a url — I’ve seen it happen before. So I reposted it, but without the bolds. (And I have no idea what “we’ll work on getting this corrected” is supposed to mean, b/c I never see any evidence of change or correction.)

    “I couldn’t see the comment until I “approved” it.”

    So perhaps Nancy Pelosi has a side gig at Disqus? ;-)

    “the Christian I referred to is you”

    I admit, I also considered that possible meaning, I just was’t sure. But you’re reading something in my remarks that I did not say. (A willingness to get in bed with a globalist.)

    Let me be very clear: I am NOT saying that I would have voted for Penzone OVER Arpaio. But after Joe’s 20+ year reign of scumbaggery and ass-hattery, there is NO WAY I would have voted for him. I would rather write in a 3rd party candidate, or absent one, “NOTA.” Arpaio is that much of a scumbag — being opposed by Soros could not possibly redeem him.

    There comes a time when we Christians need to realize that, given the choice between Scumbag Candidate A and Scumbag Candidate B, we need to simply repent and take our licks (exile in Babylon, anyone?) rather than trying to “game the system,” justified with nonsense like “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

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