Former “Red Team Planner” On Considerations For You To Ponder
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 11 months ago
David Codrea gives us the background, and then embeds a video. I won’t bother to embed the same video since you can go to Oath Keepers or WRSA to get it.
For the record, I don’t know if the voice you hear is the legitimate author of this discussion or not. It might be someone reading the entry at Reddit.
If you want to see the full transcript, here it is. I have a lot of thoughts on this, but for this time, I think it’s better to leave this open for commenters to hash out what this means and fill in the blanks.
On February 21, 2017 at 11:42 am, Blake said:
I was with the narrator right up until the part where he said government is too afraid of the people to start a civil war.
I don’t think fear is enough to restrain government indefinitely. I think as soon as the wrong person gets into the wrong position, all bets are off. Nothing like a combination of stupidity, fanaticism and power for things to go badly in a hurry.
Overall, I think the video is pretty good. There is some good food for thought in the video.
On February 21, 2017 at 12:04 pm, Fred said:
That is also what caught my attention when I listened over the weekend. The fear of the people is apparent in all the laws we have to restrain us but you make a good point. I would say that a leader without fear of us would certainly cause things to go “badly in a hurry”. That is why many theorists surmise that the importation of 7th century barbarians and the recent allowing of riots to burn themselves out is on purpose to cause fear among the populace of our neighbors and make government our further ‘savior’. If we are fighting each other government can swoop in and crush all opposition. It’s always, ALWAYS, about power and money, always has been, always.
On February 21, 2017 at 4:38 pm, Ed Jewett said:
I too found it fascinating and re-posted it to that others would get the chance to mull it over and consider what it means for them. Add to it the news and implications with regard to McMaster (see links below), the theories of George Webb, and the fact that WayneMadsenReport has been re-directed after he published notice off his new book detailing Israeli and Saudi involvement in 9/11.
What gave me pause in the “red team” audio was the idea that other nations would rush to participate, specifically Russia, but who else? With a Soros-funded chaos and immigration flood on top of that.
[Warning: You may need asbestos mitts and frequent breaks for oxygen.]
On February 23, 2017 at 6:11 pm, Joseph P. Martino said:
My book, RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY, is a primer on how to conduct an armed revolt. You might find it worth reading. Available from Amazon.