The Mythical Argument Supporting The Florida Open Carry Ban

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

Eugene Volokh responds to the recent Florida Supreme Court decision on open carry.  He first cites part of the ruling.

Before the Fourth District, the State argued that by restricting how firearms are carried in public so that they may only be carried in a concealed manner under a shall-issue licensing scheme, deranged persons and criminals would be less likely to gain control of firearms in public because concealed firearms — as opposed to openly carried firearms — could not be viewed by ordinary sight.

Norman contends that the State has not produced evidence that Florida’s Open Carry Law reasonably fits the State’s important government interest. However, under intermediate scrutiny review, the State is not required to produce evidence in a manner akin to strict scrutiny review….

[W]hen reviewing under intermediate scrutiny Second Amendment challenges to laws regulating the manner of how firearms are borne, “courts have traditionally been more deferential to the legislature in this area.” This is especially so when considering that “[r]eliable scientific proof regarding the efficacy of prohibiting open carry is difficult to obtain.”

Therefore, we agree with the Fourth District and are satisfied that the State’s prohibition on openly carrying firearms in public with specified exceptions — such as authorizing the open carrying of guns to and from and during lawful recreational activities — while still permitting those guns to be carried, albeit in a concealed manner, reasonably fits the State’s important government interests of public safety and reducing gun-related violence.

He then responds with this.

Really? Open carry is being banned because, by being visibly lethally armed, open carriers are putting themselves at more risk of crime? Would a reasonable person, deciding whether to openly carry a gun, think, “I probably shouldn’t do that, since people will be more likely to target me because they see I have a gun”?

This strikes me as quite implausible. To be sure, we can imagine some situations in which open carry could make a person more vulnerable. Indeed, as the court points out, in some situations, an attacker “might be more likely to target an open carrier” because the “visibly armed citizen poses a more obvious danger to the attacker.” In others, open-carrying by a gang member onto another gang’s turf might be seen as especially provocative and might therefore lead to a shoot-out.

But those would be relatively rare instances, no? On balance, wouldn’t there be many more situations where a would-be attacker would try to steer clear of a visibly armed person than where the attacker would deliberately target that person first? And given that the government interest is in preventing crime generally, the question is whether the law would on balance reduce crime, not whether it could in some rare circumstances reduce crime but in more common circumstances increase crime.

True, I know of no empirical studies one way or another. But even under “intermediate scrutiny” (as opposed to the highly deferential “rational basis” scrutiny), one should have either empirical studies or at least an inherently plausible theory, rather than mere hypothetical and unlikely speculation. And here the theory that, on balance, being visibly lethal will draw attackers rather than deterring them doesn’t strike me as plausible.

Now perhaps open carry bans might be justifiable on other grounds, such as that open carry (even holstered, rather than brandished) causes law-abiding passersby to feel uneasy. The two dissenting justices discussed that theory, and here’s what they had to say:

[The majority’s] reasons may not be totally irrational, but they do not provide any substantial justification for the ban on open carrying. Such “speculative claims of harm to public health and safety” are “not nearly enough to survive the heightened scrutiny that applies to burdens on Second Amendment rights.” There is no substantial link between the ban and public safety, and the State’s speculation is no substitute for such a link.

The suggestion that someone committing a crime “might be more likely to target an open carrier than a concealed carrier” is subject to the rejoinder that a criminal confronted with the presence of an open carrier may be more likely to leave the scene rather than face the uncertain outcome of exchanging gunfire with an armed citizen. In hostile encounters between armed individuals, the outcome is seldom certain, and even criminals can understand that fact.

Many — admittedly not all — armed criminals will give a wide berth to someone they know to be armed. Likewise, speculating about the disarming of individuals who are openly carrying firearms by “deranged persons and criminals,” is a grasping-at-straws justification.

The reality is that it is highly unlikely that these feeble proffered justifications had anything to do with the adoption of the statute banning open carrying…. The ban on open carrying is best understood as the Legislature’s response to the public concerns swirling around adoption of the concealed-carry law…. [T]he Legislature decided that the sacrifice of open carrying was a necessary and appropriate response to the public opposition generated by the passage of the concealed-carry law. But the legal landscape has now dramatically shifted. Heller has settled that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to keep and bear arms. And Heller‘s historical analysis points strongly to the conclusion that the individual right includes the right to carry arms openly in public.

This truth should be acknowledged: opposition to open carrying stems not from concrete public safety concerns but from the fact that many people “are (sensibly or not) made uncomfortable by the visible presence of a deadly weapon.”

Of course, many people are made uncomfortable by the fact that others are permitted to keep and bear arms at all. But contemporary sensibilities cannot be the test. Such sensibilities are no more a basis for defeating the historic right to open carrying than for defeating the understanding that the Second Amendment recognizes the right of individuals to keep and bear arms.

This is a tangled web, yes?  So let’s break it down.  The Supreme Court deferred to the legislature on what keeps folks safe, having relegated this question to intermediate scrutiny.  They found plausible (or said they did) the notion that someone could snatch a gun from an open carrier and thus make the public less safe.

But here they leave unaddressed the question why the legislature doesn’t prohibit LEOs from openly carrying weapons as it merely provides opportunity for gun theft.  And if the answer to that is the function they expect LEOs to perform, the obvious answer must be that according to Tennessee v. Garner, LEOs cannot do any more with weapons than you or I, to wit, self defense.  If the open carry of guns is unsafe, then prohibit LEOs from doing it.

Furthermore, why must we conclude that the public is less safe with open carriers just because the possibility exists that open carriers might be targeted first in any confrontation or mass shooting?  Wouldn’t that make the public safer?  That’s been my argument all along.  That an open carrier is the first target is an awful, terrible, cowardly reason not to open carry.

There might be good reasons, but that you don’t want to be the first target is not among those reasons.  I would rather I face an attacker than any women and children who might be around me.  Otherwise, what use am I?  Why am I here on earth if I cannot honor God in this way (John 15:13)?  If openly carrying a gun makes you the first target, and if there are people willing to be that target, then it stands to reason that this is advantageous to public safety and health.

Finally, the dissent make clear the real issue, and it was legal concealed carry is a compromise for squeamish and childlike people who think that the lack of visible presence of a gun on your hip means that you’re not armed.  Truth telling by the justices is a good thing. In other words, it’s an appeal to myth and fairy tale.  Few criminals are going to advertise their intentions in this manner, which is the reason that concealed carry at one time in history was considered ungentlemanly and boorish.


  1. On March 6, 2017 at 6:20 am, Nosmo King said:

    It should also be remembered that one of the drivers of open carry in Florida is government itself.

    Florida Statutes, Chapter 790, paragraph .053:

    It is not a violation of this section for a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm as provided in s. 790.06(1), and who is lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.
    (Italics added)

    The original intrepretation of this paragraph was that while Florida required firearms carried under a valid Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm Permit to be carried concealed, there were situations under which brief, unintentional and/or accidental exposure of a concealed firearm occurred, such as when one bent over and a shirt rode up, or the wind blew a cover garment sufficiently to expose a firearm. Under Florida law, these inadvertent exposures contituted “carrying a firearm openly” which is a violation of Florida statutes:

    790.053 Open carrying of weapons.—(1) Except
    as otherwise provided by law and in subsection (2), it is unlawful for
    any person to openly carry on or about his or her person any firearm or
    electric weapon or device

    (italics added)

    Police routinely executed arrests for open carry violations when otherwise legally carried concealed firearms were inadvertently and/or briefly exposed. Sufficient pressure was brought to bear on the legislature to include the statutory provision for legal inadvertent and brief exposure to eliminate the rabid enforcement of open carry violations by police against properly licensed carriers.

    Police across the state have routinely and repeatedly continued to execute arrests for open carry despite the provision in 790.053 allowing for legal inadvertent and/or brief exposure of a firearm by an individual legally carrying a firearm under the licensing provisions of FS Chapter 790.

    The response from many (and it should be remembered that as of December 2016 Florida has nearly 1.6 million concealed permit holders) has been to push for full open carry; the attitude is “up yours, you won’t accept the provisions of 790.053, then we’ll make all licensed carry legally open carry.”

    Had police – armed government agents – not persisted inflicting themselves upon legally armed residents I suspect the open carry movement in Florida would not be as strong as it is.

  2. On March 6, 2017 at 2:37 pm, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:

    Driving while CCW in Floriduh…..

  3. On March 6, 2017 at 8:03 am, Haywood Jablome said:

    It is pretty amazing how robed thugs with forked tongues can twist logic into a knot.

  4. On March 6, 2017 at 11:47 am, Toejam said:

    I was in law enforcement 50 years ago and I conceal carry now. I and others believe a person who “open carries” becomes a target. And an easy target for some nut case who will target the open carry individual. I believe a lot of the ” mental process” behind open carry is plain and simple bravado. Compensation for a lack of self esteem by “posing” either with a huge SUV, “look at bad-ass me” military clothes or a visible sidearm. I’ll keep my trump-card hidden up my sleeve or in the case of my XDS40 under my jacket, thank you.

  5. On March 6, 2017 at 11:56 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Do what you want. I don’t really care, and you shouldn’t care about what I or others care to do either. The fact that you do makes you a meddler and controller.

    And I don’t care either that you were in law enforcement or what you happen to think about open carry. It’s none of your damn business what others do.

  6. On March 7, 2017 at 11:02 am, Toejam said:

    Hershel my friend, calm down. Sit. Take deep breaths. I wasn’t trying to “control” anything or anyone. I was just offering my humble opinion. Are you afraid of my comment? Then I guess the 1st amendment scares you as well. Grow up. I did years ago and now at 74 I believe every one has a right to be heard.

  7. On March 7, 2017 at 11:21 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Blow it our your ass. You weren’t conveying a “humble opinion.” You disparaged open carriers as compensating for a lack of self esteem, and “posing,” and trying to look “bad ass.” You were snooty and judgmental concerning things that are none of your business. You’re a meddler. A nanny, a mother hen.

    You’re only changing your tone now that you’ve been called out. As to your “right to be heard,” go to your local street corner. You have no such rights on this web site. It’s a privilege I grant, along with my right to ridicule your view if you’re insulting.

  8. On March 7, 2017 at 1:30 pm, Fred said:

    Come on Mr. Smith, he’s just trying to help you find comfort in your servitude. I mean, you do want to be a happy servant of the state don’t you?

  9. On March 6, 2017 at 12:18 pm, Haywood Jablome said:

    Nice try, troll. Move along to Huffpo where your BS will go unnoticed by the libtard masses.

  10. On March 7, 2017 at 7:11 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    Your final point is an excellent one. Alas we are no longer that society. But maybe, just maybe, that’s just starting to change.

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