South Dakota Lawmakers Send Gun Bills to Unfriendly Governor
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 10 months ago
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Senate lawmakers approved bills Monday that would allow guns in the state Capitol and let people carry concealed handguns without a permit despite Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s threat to veto both proposals.
Daugaard’s opposition is a steep obstacle for lawmakers pushing the bills, neither of which received the two-thirds support required for a potential veto override.
The Senate voted 19-15 to send the Capitol carry bill to the governor’s desk. It would allow people who have an enhanced permit to bring concealed handguns into the Capitol if they register beforehand with security.
In 2016, 1,460 new enhanced permits were issued. Republican Sen. Jim Stalzer, the bill’s main Senate sponsor, said most active shooter situations occur in gun-free zones such as the state Capitol.
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The chamber also voted 23-11 to allow people who can legally carry a concealed handgun in South Dakota to do so without a permit. Right now, it’s a misdemeanor for someone to carry a concealed pistol or to have one concealed in a vehicle without a permit.
I like the proliferation of constitutional carry bills across the nation. These are good things regardless of whether they end up as laws.
The upshot is that it causes all parties, from senators and members of the house to the governor and law enforcement, to go public with their views.
Then gun rights activists know who to target in the next election. Here’s a note to politicians. We’re watching you. No, I’m not talking about the NRA, although they should be scoring each and every vote in cases like this. The “we” is us, the gun-owning voters. And we never forget.
On March 7, 2017 at 2:10 pm, Archer said:
The upshot is that it causes all parties, from senators and members of
the house to the governor and law enforcement, to go public with their
The weebling excuses from supposed “pro-gun” legislators — that they won’t propose or vote on a pro-gun bill because it’ll just get vetoed, or won’t make it out of committee, or whatever — disappoint and anger me.
To all those spineless “pro-gun” weeblers: Your job isn’t to ONLY propose bills you think will pass; it’s to represent your constituents … y’know, those pro-gun folks who took a chance and gave you that job. The anti-gun opposition NEVER uses the likelihood of success as a measure for deciding whether or not to propose an anti-gun bill (seriously, you should see some of the anti-gun proposals in Oregon this year). They don’t limit themselves, do don’t you limit yourself.
Propose it, vote on it, pass it if you can. Get it as far as it can and will go.
If it fails, we have it on record who opposed it and can work on booting them out of office. If you don’t propose it, all we know is that a supposed “pro-gun” legislator refused to propose a pro-gun bill. That puts YOU on our target list.
On March 8, 2017 at 9:51 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:
I’m quite happy that the amount of permitless carry states has literally doubled over the last 5 or 6 years. It is too bad SD has a RINO governor like we do in Wyoming, but at least ours signed our permitless carry bill here. Now the voters know clearly where their boy stands.
As an NRA member for 5 years, I’ve found that you cannot rely on their voting system for candidates. Hank Coe, RINO Republican from Cody, has consistently voted against every pro-gun bill in the Wyoming Senate for the last 3-4 years, at least. And yet he has an “A” rating from the NRA. When I inquired about this to 2 different NRA reps, I got nothing. Crickets. My best friend is an NRA life member and basic pistol instructor in his later years, and he is livid as are many of their instructors are about their new blended training system. Pretty much everyone I’ve talked to say that it sucks. They promised to fix it, but they haven’t. I think when my NRA membership is due for renewal in June, I’ll just send my money to GOA instead.
I think the NRA simply gives A ratings to those that send them fat checks and they don’t give a squirrel’s nut about the rest of their base members.