Your Tax Dollars At Work: Producing Anti-Gun Myths And Propaganda
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 10 months ago
There’s nothing quite like having to fund your enemies, is there? Listen to U.S. District Court Judge Walter H. Rice.
I think open carry (and concealed-carry) laws, with all due deference to the Second Amendment, which I support…are dangerous to any community because of the epidemic of mental health issues throughout this country,” he said. “Putting guns in the hands of mentally incompetent people is a recipe for disaster.”
Lies. And the only mentally incompetent person around here is you, judge Rice. You moron.
Next up is a local politician – the top cop in Pelham – and I do refer to him as a politician, speaking out against constitutional carry in Alabama.
Palmer said the passage of the bill would require him to sit down and reevaluate the way Pelham Police Department conducts traffic stops.
“It puts the public and police officers at risk,” Palmer said. “I believe in the second amendment for law abiding citizens. I’m not trying to take away anybody’s rights. I’m just trying to keep handguns out of the possession of criminals.”
Oh horse shit. You know better than that. The current system does absolutely nothing to ensure what you said, and I just think you’re whining about the loss of revenue.
So go ahead and sit down (or stand up) and have that conversation with your cops. You shouldn’t be worrying over whether someone has a concealed handgun permit during stops or not. That’s a false indication of your safety.
I’m tired of spending my hard-earned dollars so that government employees can concoct lies.
On March 19, 2017 at 10:55 pm, DAN III said:
How is it these public ass clowns attack one’s Freedom to own/carry one’s private property on their person then, justify their tyrannous beliefs by asserting their alleged belief in 2A ? When actually, 2A doesn’t “give” us the right to “keep & bear arms”. My Creator gave me that right, that Freedom. Not the fedgov or stategov or anygov.
After decades on this earth, I am saddened by the depths of corruption and tyranny this nation has sunk to in the last 9 years.
On March 20, 2017 at 7:41 am, Josh said:
Oh this decline into statism hasn’t just been for the last decade. It started 100 years ago at the least.
On March 20, 2017 at 9:55 am, Herschel Smith said:
Ever since Calvin Coolidge left office. It’s been downhill ever since. at least politically.