The Shooting Of Robert Godwin
BY Herschel Smith
Some evil thug shot a poor old man named Robert Godwin in Cleveland who was innocently walking along the sidewalk. I won’t link or embed the video. It’s a shame this happened, and I’m very sorry for him and his family.
I watched the video so you don’t have to. I consider the thug who did this to have been a threat long before he pulled a gun and shot the elderly man. He was a threat when be first got out of the automobile because of his irrational behavior.
In another world, elderly men have guns, they are trained to use them, there are no-retreat laws, and men can act to ameliorate threats like this. We need to press for that world. It’s a shame that Mr. Godwin didn’t have a weapon on him, unholster it when the thug got out of the car, and shoot the thug before he raised his weapon.
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